
My World:My Dail Life in Marvel Comics

Just because he went to the toilet when he went out, Yang Bo crossed into the Marvel Comics world. At the moment when vampires used him as food, he found his goal of crossing Marvel Comics. "SHIELD? Isn't that the snake shield bureau? " "When I fall into the abyss, I must take my parachute!" Yang Bo's eyes turned red. "I want them to blood out today!"

lichter_Christenen · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: Hunters Also Need to Eat

  Yang Bo was sitting in a fancy car. He didn't know much about the brand of the car. To him, a good car was one that didn't get rained on, because he didn't even have a car before he crossed over. So he didn't recognize the brand of this car at all.

This car belongs to Leo, the Mexican-American, and the leader of the three.

"He's starting to show symptoms. Is there any rope in the car? Let's tie him up first to avoid hurting anyone!"

Yang Bo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked at Carey, who was half lying on the back seat. At this moment, he was closing his eyes tightly, and his forehead was covered with big beads of sweat. His gray sweatshirt had also been completely soaked.

Hearing this, Leo hurriedly nodded and said, "There's a tow rope in the trunk. I'll go get it!"

He opened the door and stumbled out, quickly returning with a two-finger-thick rope. Without waiting for Yang Bo to tell him, he immediately tied Carey tightly.

After a lot of work, Leo finally let out a sigh of relief. At this time, Gore, who was told to buy things, ran back, holding two bags filled with garlic, milk, bread, and two ordinary iron buckets, panting and saying, "I bought them back, sir. See if it's enough!"

"Enough, enough!"

Yang Bo reached out and picked up a head of garlic, and a thought moved in his heart. The garlic quickly turned into the appearance of garlic in the Vampire module.

Seeing Yang Bo pick up the garlic, Leo on the side hesitated and asked, "Sir, I know garlic can drive away vampires, but can bread and milk also do it?"

He didn't ask naively about the 500 dollars.

Yang Bo had already picked up the milk and was pouring it into the iron bucket. When he heard Leo's question, he didn't even lift his head and said, "The bread is my dinner!"

Leo: "..."

For a moment, no one spoke, just watching Yang Bo pour the milk into the water bucket. It didn't take long for the iron bucket to be filled with milk. Yang Bo picked up the milk bucket and, in the astonished eyes of the other two, the tin bucket magically changed. The original tin bucket, which was more than 30 centimeters long, became about 20 centimeters, and the wall of the bucket seemed much thicker.

What's even more miraculous was that when Yang Bo held the milk bucket and opened the back door of the car, the pure white milk in the iron bucket didn't shake at all, as if it were solid.

The two looked at each other, and no one said anything. Since there were vampires, a magical bucket of milk was not unacceptable.

He took the milk and opened the black guy's mouth. Already, two of his teeth had become very long.

"Fortunately, it's still in time!"

He poured the milk in the bucket into the other party's mouth. With a target to use, the motionless milk immediately turned back into a liquid and flowed directly into the other party's mouth. The moment the other party finished drinking a bucket of milk, the originally shaking body also stopped.

The moment the vampire virus was removed, Carey opened his eyes and was frightened by the three people staring at him closely. He suddenly remembered the painful feeling just now and reached out to touch himself up and down.

"I'm fine??"

Then he immediately said gratefully to Yang Bo, "Thank you, thank you!"

Seeing that the other party was fine, Yang Bo smiled on his face, turned around and took out the bread in the bag, transformed it into bread in My World, and started to eat it. While eating, he said, "You're welcome. I also charge for it!"

Thinking of the 500 dollars in his backpack, Yang Bo's smile became even brighter. He paused for a moment and continued, "Are you interested in doing something with me?"


Sitting in the car, Yang Bo kept looking at the pedestrians around him through the open window. There were significantly fewer pedestrians on the road, and it was simply too late.

The familiar smell reached his nose, and Yang Bo's expression became serious. He sat up straight and said, "The guy in the black shirt ahead!"

Hearing his words, the few people in the car perked up immediately and looked in the direction Yang Bo pointed. A man in his thirties, wearing black slacks and a black shirt, with a shiny gold watch on his wrist, looked like a successful person. If it weren't for Yang Bo's words, the three of them would never have believed that this person was a vampire, a monster that fed on human blood.

Leo was a little nervous, but seeing Yang Bo's calm expression, his heart also calmed down a lot. He opened the door and got out of the car with Carey, walking directly towards the vampire as Yang Bo had instructed earlier.

Yang Bo and Gore, on the other hand, headed towards a dark corner, waiting for the other party to arrive.

Leo pulled out a folding knife from his pocket and walked up to the vampire, pressing it against his waist and saying, "If you don't want to die, come with me..."


The vampire was really taken aback. He never expected to be robbed by his own food on the street. This sense of humiliation made him angry in an instant. However, there were still some sporadic passers-by around, so it wasn't convenient to attack directly. He frowned and said, "Okay, don't do anything, I'll follow you!"

'Stupid asshole, I will definitely make you my blood slave and torture you well...'

He had already started imagining how to torture Leo in his mind to get rid of the sense of humiliation in his heart.

Vampires also have different classes. Among vampires, he could be considered a 'uccessful person.' Usually, he didn't even need to go out to look for food. Today, it was only because there was something wrong with his car that he ended up roaming the streets.

But unexpectedly, such a problem occurred.

As soon as he walked into the dark shadows, he couldn't hold back his anger and immediately started to transform. His eyes turned red, and he opened his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth.

"Stupid asshole, I will make you wish you were never born..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a stone axe quickly enlarged in his eyes, and with a bang, he was knocked down. Seeing Yang Bo make a move, the other three didn't hesitate either. They took out the specially prepared silver table knives and stabbed them into the vampire's body. The silver weapons obviously caused more damage to the vampire than Yang Bo's stone axe. The area around the stab wounds immediately turned black, as if it had died.

Yang Bo watched as the vampire's health points, which were as high as 100, decreased by half in the blink of an eye. He raised his stone axe again and chopped it on the other party's mouth, and the other party's screams came to an abrupt end.

He took out the wooden stake and stabbed the vampire hard, using the attack and repulsion characteristics of My World to prevent the other party from hit back at all.

"Hurry up and do it!"

The three of them heard Yang Bo's words and looked at the vampire who had been pinned to the wall by Yang Bo. They hurriedly went over to search for the spoils.

Two minutes later, the four of them watched the vampire silently burn and turn to ashes before disappearing into thin air.

"Okay, I hope we have a pleasant cooperation in the future!"

Yang Bo looked at the vampire who had turned to ashes, a smile appearing on his face.