
My World Creation System

world creation system A boy who lived with his mom was later assassinated. He was hit on the head with a baseball bat and fell unconscious waking up in an unfamiliar world called Teran. He would up with a beeping sound on his head, [ My World creation system booting up]. Jake was prophesied to have been the chosen, the one to Save Teran. And to fulfill his destiny, he must complete all quests to archive

Mitchelle_Oneil · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: The plan

So here's the plan, first the boss Ray will make sure no beast or anyone is anywhere around the mine, then will do our part get in, take the cloud energy and then deliver it at the hideout then boom we get paid 20 Gold picas! ' Anthony said smiling.

   They waited at the back of a large, and a few minutes, they saw the signal in the sky.

'That's the signal let's go!' Jake said.

 When they got to the mine, they could lots of clouds some floating in the air, while some were inside holes in the cave.

Anytime the cloud energy gets touched it will get hard. So it wasn't too difficult for Jake and his friends to put it inside their bags. After filling all their bags, they started heading back to Arcadia.

    When they got to the gates of arcadia the guards stationed at the gates just told them to pass, which was suspicious.

    They got to the hideout and saw Boss Ray he smiled at them.

  'Good job boys, handover the cloud energy let me inspect it!'

    They threw the bags towards him and after inspecting them and checking if it's complete, he made a flick of his fingers and one of his men went inside a room at the back of his office, after 2 minutes he came out carrying gold picas in his hands, then he gave it to the boss Ray.

  'Take this is the money we agreed on, take it and get out!'

  Jake and his friends took the gold and immediately teleported out of the hideout. They appeared just towards the gate of Arcadia academy.

  'We are rich, really rich!' Anthony said jumping up and down

   'This is going to be the last deal I will ever go with you, you know we just got lucky, it seems the boss Ray has already paid that guard who told us to go in, if not we would have been caught!' Patrick said

  'But we are here now, common guys let's go in, we have money now to fend for our needs at least till we are done with the first year in arcadia! Anthony concluded.

   They went inside the school and to their room. When they got in they started chatting and laughing. A knock was heard on their door, Patrick went to open it.

  'Jake, Patrick, and Antony you three are been summoned to the Principals office this minute!'

   They were all surprised and scared, they followed the teacher to the office of Principal office, the teacher opened the door and Jake, Patrick and Antony stepped in then she closed the door.

   'Come here you three are in so much trouble!' They heard the principal shouting, he was a man who looked to be in his late 40s. They walked forward.

   ' I got a complaint stating you three were involved in a smuggling business, so you three should tell me what was your reason for joining the smuggling of cloud energy!'

   They were all left dumbstruck, first of all, how did he get to know them thought to themselves.

  'If you are thinking of how I got to know then I will gladly tell you, that you three missed some of your classes today, and the teacher got worried and came to me after checking your rooms, and you guys were also not there, then I sent a Searching squad whose personal mage Skills are tracking, they tracked you guys where you where and still followed you to the hideout, and then back here!'

   Jake and his friends just left their mouths open, Jake caused himself for not telling the system to activate the scan and vowed to always activate it wherever he goes.

  'Sir we are so sorry, you see, we were so short of money and thought of ways to make money, but we didn't get any then I heard of the deal and I dragged my friends with me to go on with the plan, so it's technically my fault so if you want to punish anyone, I say punish me!'

  'If you guys were short of money, why didn't you go on beast hunting instead then sell the crystals and get the money?' The principal asked

  ' You see' sir we tried to but you know we are still level 1 fighter and mage, so it would be too hard for us to kill any high-tier beast so that's why we went in with the deal!' It was Jake who replied.

   'Ok, you guys should just thank your stars that it wasn't the royal guards that got hold of you if not bad things could have been done to you guys, am just going to make this a warning, and the next time you get caught doing dirty works you might get expelled, now leave my office!'

     Jake and his friends just got up and left. 'You see Jake this is why I told you Anthony deals were always bad !' Patrick said.

    They went into their room, the next day went on well, and soon it was the end of the first year at arcadia academy. All the students were gathered in the main hall for the announcement.
