
My Word's Thoughts

Poems that I have written over the years. Step into a world of mystery, adventure, imagination, reality, and my thoughts of what it may be like through other's eyes. There will be a peek into my light compasionate side, my dark and creepy side, and like most, my most sexual desireable side that we all habor in our inner most sanctuary of deepest thoughts. I'm not a professional writer. I just write and if anyone gets offended, just turn the page. Some of you may relate to what I write, feel what I feel, see what I see, and hear what I hear, so enjoy my words and have fun.

Seth_Trollking · Realistic
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7 Chs



Sweating, trembling with fear,

Darkness falls all around,

Door hinges whine,

Heart rate pumping rapidly,

Who will be next to go,

Grabbed from our happy homes,

Why must this happen,

What drives the demons,

Lust for the young,

Why must we be their feed,

Ripped from the container,

To beg for the devil's mercy,

Where will he put us,

What must we bleed,

Make it quick is what we plead,

Send us home,

They promise it shall be,

But a price must be paid to be freed,

Why must it be me,

Tears run down my cheek,

Why me why me,

What have I done,

For he to punish me,

Years have gone by,

The tears have bled dry,

My hope is to obey,

Have them use me to the end,

Throw me out,

Let me be,

Live my life,

Help others in and out of the streets,

Fight for them when no others can,

Free them from the grip of evil's hand.