
My Wolf and I

Aiden Smith is happy just the way his life is. He has a loving boyfriend, Cato, and is doing great in school. He is on the fast track to following his dreams at the young age of 20. Only two short years and he would be able to buy a bakery and start selling sweets. But things he thought were already in perfect place started falling when Jayvee Haddox came into the picture. Jayvee Haddox is the soon-to-be Alpha of the Green Moon Pack. He has yet to meet his mate even at the age of 20, almost three years late. He decided to wait to look for his mate until after he got an education. He is doing great in school and staying focused on his goal. That is until his nose catches the scent of a sweet baker. —- “You can wait all you like, I don't mind. Stay with that boyfriend of yours, really. But it won't change the fact that sooner or later, you are going to be begging me to take you.” Jayvee said smugly, his body holding me against the wall, the back of his hand touching my cheek lightly. The smell of his cologne was making my head fuzzy. I had to get away from him before I did something I would regret. I couldn’t hurt Cato. “What’s wrong? You seem a little shook,” He paused to bring his head next to mine, he spoke right into my ear making me shiver. “Little mate.” He bit my ear and all hope was thrown out the window.

BluePhoenixWrites · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter Seventeen


"Ok so now that we've been over all of that. It's time for you to meet Forest." I said looking at Aiden. We had changed into more comfortable clothes; he was wearing a pale green long-sleeved shirt and dark green shorts. I was shirtless with basketball shorts on. "You can see us in wolf form first then we'll shift back, and he will take over control to talk to you."

Once he nodded excitedly, I got up and took off my shorts. He got a shine in his eyes and licked his lips. I shifted causing him to cringe at the noise of my bones breaking and shifting under my skin.

I was fully shifted I bumped his knee with my nose. He gasped as he looked at my brown fur. I let my lick hang out of my mouth as he grinned and ran his fingers through my fur. "Why are you so big?" He asked scratching my chin causing my back leg to shake.

I backed up so I could shift back and gave forest control to talk about the rest.


"Hello, Gorgeous~" I purred sitting down next to my mate. His shorts slightly rode up his thighs with the movement, I licked my lips at the sight. My voice was a lot deeper and raspier than Jays.

"H-hi?" He blushed trying to hide his mouth with his hand.

"Awe~ Gorgeous, don't be shy. This is all yours." I gestured to my still naked body.

"I-I" He paused to clear his throat, "I'm not shy, I've seen this body plenty of times. I just wasn't expecting your voice to be so sexy."

I grinned at him before diving into his neck to nuzzle and kiss. 'You're to be talking to him not seducing him!' Jay shouted in my head.

"Jayvee won't leave me alone until I talk to you about some things," I said pulling back, he pouted but nodded. "Do you have any questions before I start?"

"Are all werewolves as big as you were?" he asked

I smirked as I said "No one's as big as me" he giggled "But I'm an alpha our wolf form is going to be on the bigger side. Regular werewolves are only about two-thirds my size." He nodded and bit his lip, I groaned at the sight "Gorgeous, if I'm gonna get through this without jumping you, I'm gonna need you to stop trying to seduce me."

"I'm not trying to seduce you. I'm not even doing anything." He protested with a stern look that just made him look sexy.

"Sure. I shouldn't have said anything. It's not like you can turn off your sexiness." I shrugged. "So! Let's teach you everything else that needs to be taught so we can have a little fun." I winked running my hand up his thigh.

He pushed my hand away with a pout and said, "Talk first. Fun later."

"Alright, alright. As I said, Jay and I are Alphas, so we lead the pack. Alphas lead with their mates, Lunas. So, since you are my mate, we will be running and leading the pack together. Normally Alphas are male, and Lunas are female, but there are cases where that is different. Jay's parents, for example, Mom is the Alpha and Dad is the Luna. Questions?"

Aiden shook his head, so I continued. "On to wolf facts! When a baby is born, they have their wolf but the two aren't able to communicate until the age of 13. Once they are able to communicate, the wolf is given a name and that name becomes the child's middle name. So, Jayvee's middle name is my name."

He made an 'o' shape with his mouth and nodded. "So you were non-existent until Jay was 13?" he asked

"Well, yes and no. I was there and could hear some things. Jay and I just couldn't talk to each other. I couldn't talk to anyone. Think of it as extra development."

"Alright is there anything else I need to know?" he asked biting his lip putting his hand on my arm.

"You better stop distracting me if you don't want to get punished," I growled lowly, he shivered at the sound. "Let's continue we have a few more points. Then. We can have some fun." I said squeezing his thigh.

"You can't tell anyone about the pack or werewolves. It is the easiest way to put us in danger; could get us killed. We aren't supposed to tell anyone- human mates are the only exemption. Ever."

"But my dad. I have to tell my parents. Please." He said frowning

"Explain the situation to me,"

"When my dad was in his coma, he dreamt about being mated to an Alpha, Papa. When he woke up and realized that werewolves weren't real, he threw himself into research. He's not as into it now because it's been so long but it's still something he looks into. We have to tell him."

"If you're parents can keep this from everyone they can know. But if they tell people I can't protect them, it would be signing a death warrant. So, if you can ensure that they will tell no one. We can tell them."

"Yes! Thank you so much!" He grinned, "So that's the last thing?" He asked and when I nodded, he continued, "There's nothing else I should know?"

"There is one more thing you should know." I started pulling him into my lap. I slid down the couch and sat him on my crotch. "Some things tend to grow when I take over" I held his hips tightly and ground him against me. "Think you can handle that?"

He gasped and his eyes grew dark with lust. He leaned down closer to me, his hot breath on my ear caused me to shiver. "Bring it on baby."