
My Wolf and I

Aiden Smith is happy just the way his life is. He has a loving boyfriend, Cato, and is doing great in school. He is on the fast track to following his dreams at the young age of 20. Only two short years and he would be able to buy a bakery and start selling sweets. But things he thought were already in perfect place started falling when Jayvee Haddox came into the picture. Jayvee Haddox is the soon-to-be Alpha of the Green Moon Pack. He has yet to meet his mate even at the age of 20, almost three years late. He decided to wait to look for his mate until after he got an education. He is doing great in school and staying focused on his goal. That is until his nose catches the scent of a sweet baker. —- “You can wait all you like, I don't mind. Stay with that boyfriend of yours, really. But it won't change the fact that sooner or later, you are going to be begging me to take you.” Jayvee said smugly, his body holding me against the wall, the back of his hand touching my cheek lightly. The smell of his cologne was making my head fuzzy. I had to get away from him before I did something I would regret. I couldn’t hurt Cato. “What’s wrong? You seem a little shook,” He paused to bring his head next to mine, he spoke right into my ear making me shiver. “Little mate.” He bit my ear and all hope was thrown out the window.

BluePhoenixWrites · LGBT+
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28 Chs

Chapter Fifteen


I wanted to hunt down that piece of shit Cato and rip him apart. How could someone do that to someone as sweet as Aiden, better yet, someone at all? The only thing holding me back was Aiden, if I did anything he would know I had something to do with it; I was the only one he told. But it took everything in me to hold back Forest.

"We should tell our parents that we are together. Maybe take them out to dinner?" Aiden said suddenly, we were studying on his bed, papers and books were scattered. Aiden had his glasses on, something he did when he was trying to focus. I think what it really was though, was he felt smarter pushing up the glasses when they started to fall down his nose.

"Oh, yea?"

"Yea! It would give a chance for your parents to get to know mine, and you can meet my parents and I can meet yours as your boyfriend." He grinned at me. "Hey, speaking of your parents, I haven't seen them around the house. Is everything okay with them?"

I hadn't thought of a good time to tell Aiden that my parents had moved out because I found my mate; the apartment was now ours. "I have a few things I want to talk to you about, so I'll explain it after dinner. Think your parents will be available tonight?" He nodded before getting out his phone. I set a link to my parents to let them know.

"Dinner is a go!" He grinned


"Should I be nervous? I feel nervous." I whispered to Aiden. We were sitting at the table in the restaurant, waiting for Aiden's parents.

"You have nothing to worry about, Birdy, really. If anything, just don't look Papa right in the eyes" He teased.

"My baby!" An older, but not by much, man said walking up to the table. He had short black hair with white and grey sprinkles and blue eyes.

"Dad!" Aiden cheered getting up from his seat. As he hugged his dad, I noticed Aiden was a few inches taller of the two. "Hi Papa" He greeted the taller man who walked behind Aiden's dad. He looked quite a few years older than his husband. His hair was almost completely grey with black peppered through it, and his green eyes shined with happiness looking at his son and husband hug.

I took a breath before standing up and walking over to them. "Hello, I'm Jayvee," I said holding out my hand to shake. His father, or Papa, looked at me with a serious expression, like it was deciding to shake my hand or eat me.

Now don't get me wrong, I know that I'm a werewolf and could take him in a fight. But the look he gave me at that moment; that fucking look scared the ever-loving shit out of me.

"I'm Kade, this is my husband, Ace." He finally said taking my hand in a firm handshake.

"Please come sit. I'm Jennifer and this is my husband, Joseph." Mom said standing to shake Kade's hand while Dad waved at Ace.

"So, let's get right to the point so we can enjoy the rest of the night!" Aiden began grinning. "We invited you out tonight to officially tell you guys that Jayvee and I are together!"

Dad clapped happily while Mom said, "Finally."

Aiden's parents had a different reaction. While Ace smiled softly, Kade glared at me. "What makes you think that you're good enough for my son?" He asked harshly, his husband smacked his shoulder and scolded him, but it didn't seem to phase him.

"I'm not," I replied, Aiden gave me a worried look, but I continued before he could comment. "I'm not good enough for you son. No one is. He is the most amazing person I have ever laid eyes on, he is kind, compassionate, beautiful, and he is downright a god in the kitchen. I will never be good enough for him. But I will try like hell to give him anything he could ever ask for, for as long as he allows me to." I looked at Aiden and took his hand in mine.

"Good answer," Kade said giving me a smile.

Ace took the opportunity to talk and asked my dad, "Joseph, what do you do?"

"I'm a daycare worker! We have a very big family back home, so I am in charge of taking care of all the little ones while their parents are out." Dad grinned causing Ace to shine.

"I work in the orphanage near our hometown! Kade! Trade me spots so we can talk" He demanded standing up. After switching seats, our Dads excitedly talked about taking care of kids in their own little world.

"So glad this isn't a disaster," Aiden said quietly squeezing my hand. He looked absolutely stunning.

'Hopefully, our conversation after this isn't a disaster either.' Forest said grimly.


I let out a shaky breath as Aiden and I entered the apartment. "Why did your parents not come up here with us?" He asked sitting down on the couch.

"They, um, moved out," I said joining him, but I didn't sit right next to him.

"Moved out? This is their home, they didn't move because of me, right?" He looked worried.

"No, not because of you. I have some things to tell you. About me and my family."

"Oh my god. You are a cult." He gasped

"What? No! We aren't a cult." I took a breath and began the speech I had been brewing.

The speech that I had been planning since the moment I laid eyes on him.

'Try not to fuck this up.' Forest said smugly.