
My Wives Are Too Overpowered

With the rising power of humans, who can come close to being a Blessed? Deriving their powers straight from the Gods, the Blessed are the forerunners of humanity, super humans with peak mortal prowess, ruling all over mankind from the shadows. Waking up to find himself reincarnated back as his 21-year-old self, Alexander Gray finds an alternate path to life, one that transcends beyond the way of the Blessed and touches upon the infinite untapped human potential. Follow the mortal Alexander Gray, as he walks a path exclusive to himself, journeying to find immortality and godhood. All the while being surrounded by gods themselves, aka, his wives. ——————————————— This novel is your one stop destination for all the wholesome fantasies. I know you’ve read too much serious plots, cultivation, action, adventure, and now want something to relax and calm yourself. Indulge in the wholesome and slow fluff that this novel offers, with the smut so good, it not only warms you up, but also makes your heart orgasm. No NTR/Rape. If there’s any traumatizing content, appropriate warnings will be put forward. If you don’t prefer the explicit scenes, they can be skipped and the reading experience will still be the same. Have a good read and I’ll see you in the latest chapters! Discord: https://discord.gg/4zqpN8xNBB

SocialHippo · Fantasy
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157 Chs

Junior High Friends


As Carl exclaimed, he got the looks of everyone in the restaurant on him.

Noticing this, Carl got really embarrassed and said under his breath, "sorry…"

Ignoring Carl once again, Alex took his phone and said to Samuel, "I'll contact Hazel and see if something can be done. If it doesn't work out, we'll find some other ways."

Samuel nodded. "I hope this works out. Our little group from junior high would then come together, hahaha!"

Something then clicked Samuel as he said that. 

"Right, speaking of our little group, where do you think Jagan and Volkov are now? Haven't heard from them after our schools were changed."

Alex honestly had no idea himself.

He knew about Hazel because in his past life, a sad news was out from CERN itself stating that one of their researchers had taken their life due to years of degraded mental health.

The institute didn't know about it as Hazel was aloof and never shared anything personal.