
Explain yourself!

"You better have a good explanation, Vergil Kennedy."

The three pairs of eyes glaring at him were a mix of anger and confusion, and Vergil felt the weight of their irritated stares... even though he knew it wasn't his fault.

He quickly glanced at Sapphire, seeking support from her, but she was utterly uninterested in the situation, casually examining her nails, which looked freshly manicured.

Vergil bit his tongue.

"It's that old lady's fault." He said, pointing his finger directly at Sapphire, who was still focused elsewhere.

"Huh?" She turned, her face a blend of confusion and apathy.

"Yeah, it's her fault. She's the one who enjoys kidnapping her son-in-law," Vergil shrugged, as if the whole thing was the most trivial matter in the world. "Blame her."

The others' eyes shifted to Sapphire, who raised an eyebrow, completely unfazed.