

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

chapter 8: I can't force you

"Am not you, when something is not good for you it might be good for me our destiny is different" Itoya said nonchalantly "I never planned to have an abortion, mine was an accident" amen said almost crying"Let's just assume this thing growing inside of me is also an accident. After all what is not planned for is called an accident. I can't just see myself having two babies that are not twin, am too educated for that" Itoya said proudly"Well do whatever you want, I can't force you, and all I have to do is to support you" Amen said calmly "Thanks" Itoya said happily "By the way I saw you coming out from a hospital, why didn't you do it there since you are so desperate?" Amen asked coldly "The doctor is my husband's old school friend, he refused to perform the abortion for me, same scolding, keep the pregnancy! Keep the pregnancy!! Keep the pregnancy!!!" Itoya said pouting sadlyAmen was lost in thought, not knowing the right decision to take; either to direct her friend or ignore her. The atmosphere was as quiet as a grave yard. To Amen directing Itoya to where she will abort the pregnancy is same as committing the abortion herself, she was scared she does not want any other blood to be on her hand. Although she was not aware before taking the drugs that terminated her pregnancy but she still felt guilty over loosing of the pregnancy that has also affected her womb "If you need any help call me, but for aborting this pregnancy? Count me out"Itoya left Amen's restaurant angrily and crossover to a bar to seek for help "Don't worry I will direct you to a clinic where I eavesdropped my worker went to abort a pregnancy, all you have to do is to pay and the abortion will be done immediately" the bar woman said.Itoya felt relieved; at last she had found someone that was willing to direct her to a place that she could perform the abortion. She don't care where she will be aborting the pregnancy all she cared about is aborting the pregnancy She directed Itoya to a clinic in the outskirt of Ubiaja. Itoya got to the small clinic in the outskirt of Ubiaja, she saw the sign board ALWAYS READY CLINIC the building looks like an abandoned building as it lacks maintenance, and she felt the place was awkward because of the building, but she tried to oppress her fear because she was determined to terminate the pregnancy. She stood at the entrance of the hospital, thinking if to enter the building or not. Her mind was towing to and fro; "why don't I have the courage to keep this pregnancy, my husband sees this pregnancy as a joyful thing, Amen reluctantly gave her approval while the doctor bluntly refuse to terminate this pregnancy. Am scared what people will label me as" she sigh and slowly walked into the building. There was no patient waiting when she entered, she saw two women discussing some sweet nonsense. When they saw her they stopped and one of the women approached her."Welcome to ALWAYS READY CLINIC I hope you are here for abortion, this is the right place where you can terminate any age of pregnancy. We are her to serve you better, don't mind our environment because our major work here is to abort unwanted babies. Sit don she said directing Itoya to sit downItoya was shocked and look round, the chairs were dusty, and one would imagine if normal people would work in such a place. She was still standing looking at the chairs when the other woman walked up to her and said "your bill is 10000" she opened her purse and brought out the money, after counting it she gave the money to the woman standing closer to her . The woman counted the money when she was satisfied the money was correct she notified the other woman by nodding her head. They lead her into one of the rooms and asked her to pull off her pant; she did as she was told. They also asked her to lie down on the dusty bed; she looked at the bed irritated."Do you want to do this or not" the woman said angrilyItoya reluctantly climbed up the bed and lay down waiting for the next command"Face up, raise your legs and close your eyes" she commandedItoya did as she was commanded to do, she lay down facing up and also raising her legs to expose her virginal. Immediately she closed her eyes the dream she had the previous night flashed back to her, she opened her eyes, while the woman put on her gloves, opened her drawer and brought out a two feet long tiny iron with a curve edge. "Make sure your eyes are closed" she said Itoya obeyed without hesitation , the woman put the curved part inside her virginal , taking it further until it got to its destination .she started turning the iron and drag it , bringing a tissue out from Itoya`s body , she screamed when she saw what was flowing out from her body. Within twenty seconds she was in a pool of blood. She prayed silently to be healthy again. As if they were reading her mind the woman that terminated the pregnancy said "don't carry heavy load, eat enough vegetables, drink a lot of water and take enough rest, in two to three weeks you will be very strong enough to go about your normal daily activities. While the other woman was busy cleaning her up. She flashed a weak smile to them but within her she knew that all is not well with her. She prayed silently in her heart to be ok. After thirty minutes she was ushered to sit on a plastic chair that she will be able to relax her back but her mind was running wild