

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 17: Why are you here?

Ifada was shocked because he does not remember buying some of the kitchen utensil he was seeing and he knows that Itoya will never buy such a thing, so where do they come from. Itohan was about to get water for washing of hands when she bumped into Ifada that was standing in the kitchen entrance."Why are you here" Ifada asked, looking at her from head to toe because he was not expecting her in his house. "To take care of you" she said briefly.Ifada was so angry that he felt blood rushing to his head but he tried all he could to suppress his anger, yesterday was Ason and today is Itohan, I will not allow this lady to pass the night here, what happened last night must not repeat itself, he warned himself. But he must not make Itohan angry, knowing Itohan mission was same with Ason mission he had to play along in order to send her away before thinking for a permanent solution to these women that wants to get him."That is so thoughtful of you, thanks" he said smiling at her"It's my pleasure". She said giving Ifada a bright smile. She became relaxed.Your real pleasure is to get me to bed, all women are the same I just lost my daughter weeks ago to me it's still like yesterday my wife is hospitalize and these women will not let me be, he lamented and strolled to the sitting room. They boy eat together, after taking few bites of yam Ifada stopped eating, scene of him feeding little Ose was flooding his mind. When Itohan discovered that he was not eating, she encouraged him to eat more. After eating Itohan cleared the table and took the things to the kitchen."You bought the things you used in serving the meal? I have not seen then before""yes, when I came this morning I discovered that the whole house was messed up so I cleaned up the house and went to the market at Ubiaja to get the things I need to take care of the house" that was when Ifada discovered that even the curtain in the living room had been changed, he felt warm in his heart but was not ready to drop his guard."Thank you very much" he said with a faint smile."you don't need to thank me all the time, we have been friends, what are friends for like forever" she said happily because she could discuss with Ifada without interference unlike the distance that was created between them when Itoya came into their picture. They discuss for a very long time as old times before Ifada remembered that Itohan must not sleep in his house this night."Itohan" he called out panicky"Yes" she answered."You will need to take your leave now" he said looking at her."It's already late I can stay in the living room, don't worry I will not disturb you" she said. In her mind nothing will make her leave there, what is making Ifada to send her away now, not that they have not slept on the same bed before? But they were young them "I don't mean to send you away but you know I just lost my daughter and her body is still in the mortuary yet to be laid to rest, her spirit is still roaming about this compound I don't want to offend her spirit" he said which was half truth, his major aim was to send her off "And don't think I will need your presence for now when I need you I will send for you" he concluded. Although Itohan was sad that she had to leave but she was happy that Ifada is slowly opening up. "What is it with sending for me" she thought in her mind and became angry within but comforted herself."Sleep well then, I will be on my way"."Let me see you off to your house". He said standing up and following her to the door but Itohan stopped him by holding his hands "you don't need to follow me, I will go on my own" she said and walked out of the door.After Itohan left his house, the place became so quiet that it started giving him unnecessary cold. Scanning through the empty house Ifada felt sad staying alone but on a second thought he was happy that he sent Itohan away. The next morning Ifada went to farm because staying at home without doing anything will only make him to always think about his daughter yet going to farm did not help on returning home he went straight to a palm wine joint, at least drinking will help him suppress his sadness, he had just taken a shot when he saw Itohan approaching him. Why this lady again, I can't even hide from her, he said to himself. Itohan was in the palm wine joint to buy palm wine for her mother to prepare herbs for a woman's child that was affected by measles, she walked to Ifada table and put her hands on the table saying."life is not over Ifada until you tell yourself that it is, stop swimming yourself in up wine there is still hope" not knowing how to reply her Ifada kept quiet and continued drinking with his red eyes, Itohan was so sad she could not stand and watch the man she love die of depression."I will go straight to it now or never Ifada I still love you can you give us a chance" she whispered, she had been hoping to tell him one day of how much she love even if he is with another woman, she does not mind being a second wife.Ifada was shocked, not in his dream would he ever think that Itohan would boldly confess her love to him, he was short of words. Since she needed to go home on time for the preparation of the herbs she left the palm wine joint before Ifada could snap back to his sense.