

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Chapter 1: The pregnancy

"I can't keep this pregnancy, not now!" Itoya cried "My little Ose is just eight months old, what will people say when my tummy starts protruding; what about the promise you made to me that I will return to school after our first child" she was crying to attract attention from her husband. When her husband refuses to pay attention to her she grumbled more pacing to and fro "I don't know what I have done to deserve this kind of life. Getting married because of your self interest, getting pregnant just to please you and now am pregnant again, when I am least prepared, I want to go back to school" Itoya believes in the tales of they lived happily ever after, only narrow minded people will think of marriage as a bed of roses; getting all you want and living a very comfortable life without flaws. "All that can wait for now" Ifada cuts in, he looked straight into his wife eye, if only he could read what is going on in her mind. "I married you even when you were still in secondary school because I love you, I wanted you give me a child before going to become a midwife because I don't want to lose you to any man."Ifada walked closer to her looking straight into her eyes, stressed out his hands to hold her hands "can't you see that I was so insecure, I never planned for a second pregnancy but here we are. Can't you see I love you more than I ever imagine, I want to have you all to myself and myself alone" he looked at his wife helplessly"How will I face the world, what will people say of me? For heaven sake am the one carrying the pregnancy and not you" she said rudely releasing her hands from his grip, knowing that crying to her husband will not help her to achieve the result she wants "What do you want us to do now" he asked helplessly "ABORTION""WHAT? Do you know what you are talking about? You want to kill my child?" he asked angrily "It's still blood the baby is not formed yet! And moreover my hatred for this pregnancy can Suffocate it and flush it out" she said nonchalantly "Can you listen to yourself" Ifada said without a trace of emotion in his tone and face. "You call yourself a mother and an intending mother when you complete your studies, and you want to do this to our child""My mind is made up, you like it or not" she removed her hair scarf from her head, exposing her unkempt hair and tied it on her waist ready for the worse"Am not a party to abortion, please for my sake, my happiness, the love we have shared let this baby live" he begged. Itoya watch her husband as he spoke, she had been expecting such statement from her husband, and all she had done was to please her husband, although her husband hadn't disappointed her one bit but facing people especially Ewosa indigenes that have nothing to do order than gossiping about other people's business."I don't know why you are so selfish, everything we do revolves round you, what about me!!!" she cried in grief The atmosphere was tensed and as quiet as a grave yard, the drop sound of a needle could easily be heard. Ifada stood up slowly and move towards his wife embracing her and said gently "I love you Itoya, I never planned for this pregnancy but we can't let this pregnancy go like that, let's make use of this opportunity, let us keep this baby please am begging, you can't tell if this two children will be our only children for life, ok let make a deal after this pregnancy you will go for a permanent family planning" she forced herself off from his embrace like someone running away from an enemy "Am very fertile, don't worry I will always get pregnant and give birth to princes and princesses when I become a midwife" she said and walked out on her husband Ifada never believed in his wildest dream he would ever be in a situation as this ,he had planned of sending her to a nursing school ;upon her graduation she would be the very first indigene of Ewosa to become a trained nurse. Presently he is between the devil and the deep blue sea. He was confuse beyond measures; this pregnancy is a bundle of joy to him but he was about to lose his peace with his wife. His loving wife had turned into a wolf fighting all obstacles just to get its prey. He was seeing a different person other than the person he thought he married.Four days ago little Ose had climbed up to the bed when Ifada and Itoya were discussing, with a smiling face full of love, she raised her mother's shirt and kissed her tummy .while she was about to do it Itoya was shocked at what her little girl was doing until she kissed her tummy , she raised up her head to look at her mother`s face with a frown ; slowly she moved her glace towards her dad , immediately she got an eye to eye contact with her father smiled and quickly embrace her mother with her eyes closed. Itoya and Ifada never knew that Ose was welcoming her sibling into the world until she became feverish the next day to discover that she was pregnant via pregnancy test strip "I must abort this pregnancy no going back on my decision, after all it's my pain let me deal with it" she marched back ranting . Ifada watch his wife silently , so many thought was running through his mind ; how much he had sacrificed just to be with his wife ,how far he would had gotten to if not for his affection to his wife, how much he will be fulfilled when playing with his children . A sweet smile crept into his face but immediately his mind flashed back to the situation he had in his home, with the current behavior of his wife trying to persuade her to keep the baby is impossible, how she will make the house uninhabitable for him. Presently she is already pushing him to the wall, the sweet smile turned into disdain