
My Wife Tsunade - NTR

Yami transmigrated to the world of naruto years before the second ninja war, with little talent he didn't get strength but he got something better, make Tsunade fall in love with him but the second ninja war was coming and he was afraid to die when a system finally he came *show your girlfriend Tsunade's chest to another man in 1 hour and gain kage level chakra* Thus began the story of Yamo the most powerful cuckold

Dragon_Sovietico · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

19- Wives tab released

Yami fucked Mito right there on the ground next to the lake

His cock was huge and matching the sexual abilities of a modern man, Mito quickly gave up everything he had.


who would have believed that lady Uzumaki and one of the strongest people alive would be lying on the floor moaning like a whore while a man fucked her

Yami held her waist while introducing his huge cock into that red pussy

Mito smiled as she moaned, after more than a decade, she felt a cock inside her again, and not only that, but this was the best sex of her life.

Hashirama was powerful but in bed it was common, he just did the basics and his dick didn't even come close to Yami's

"Are you enjoying this Miss Mito? Do you like my dick?" Yami

"Ahhhh yes" Mito

"then speak louder!" Yami


"Ahhhhhh I like your cock!" Mito


"I said it louder, scream bitch" Yami


Yami smiled, feeling that beautiful milf moaning for him, his feeling of pleasure only increased

Mito's screams were loud, soon some high-level Senju noticed that something was happening.

When the senju heard that it was Mito Mito's voice, they decided not to go check it out, because it wasn't cries for help.

Although they didn't want to believe it, it was obvious that Mito was having sex, if the Senju clan was at its peak maybe they would have the courage to complain about her

But after the first ninja war, the elite of the clan died on the battlefields and there are only a few Jonins left, Mito is not only Kage level but also has the fox biju

'20 years of being a widow, until she resisted a lot, I hope the lucky man keeps secrets from it' thought a senju elder

If, on the one hand, the senju clan didn't want to check, on the other hand, the anbu wanted to, after all Mito was the village's jinchuuriki and always needed to be checked

In the shadows, a masked ninja walked towards the lake, his movement technique was so refined that no senju noticed, perhaps only kage level could notice, his white hair was not known yet, but in the future Sakumo Hatake would be remembered


Yami and Mito entered their own world during sex, both were willing and horny

Yami while fucking that pink pussy ended up noticing a chakra approaching, although the chakra was almost hidden he still noticed

in normal situations, Mito would notice too but today she had all her focus on that huge cock inside her

Yami noticed that the visitor had no malice, so I continue to fuck

"Ahhhhhh" Mito groaned

After 15 minutes she couldn't take it anymore, her pussy released the cream

Yami felt her cream smearing his dick, it made him even crazier with lust

He proceeded to stick his dick harder



After some more time, Yami felt his cock tremble

"Miss Mito, do you want cum in your mouth or pussy?" Yami

"Ahhh inside, I want inside me, fill me with cum" Mito

Yami smiled, held her thin waist and released

"Ahhhhhh" Myth, she felt jets of cum entering her uterus

Yami felt an enormous pleasure exploding, then he lay down on top of Mito and they stayed there hugging on the floor

Sakumo in the shadows couldn't believe what he was seeing, he had been hiding for almost half an hour and watched as the powerful Mito acted like a bitch to a young man

*ding, hidden quest accomplished, you fucked another woman and unlocked the wife tab, rewards= passive skill for all your women, sexy aura skill= exudes a sexy aura increasing charm by 100%*

*Ding, hidden mission accomplished, you cum on Uzumaki Mito, rewards= Mito's affection increased to maximum, reaching mortal love level, do whatever the Host wants*

Yami heard it all and loved the rewards

Mito on the other hand looked at Yami with eyes full of love at an unhealthy level.

Suddenly Mito noticed Sakumo

"Who dares to spy...." Mito was about to speak when Yami interrupted her by kissing

Then he walked away

"Let him look, I like it and I'm sure you will start to like it too" Yami

"Well... if you like it...." Mito smiled

Mito grabbed Yami's dick, since he likes it so why not show it more?

The two started to fuck again giving a great show to Sakumo