
My Wife Morgan can hear my thoughts! (FATE SI)

I am King Lott. Yes, that guy whose wife (Morgan) is quite famous, and whose children (Gawain, Gareth...) are even more renowned. Unfortunately, none of my family meets a happy end. To avoid being toyed with by fate, I’ve decided to live a simple life—just eat, wait, and survive. After all, if you don’t look for trouble, trouble won’t come your way. My name is Morgan, and all I want is power and status. I always thought my marriage was just a political deal, but I never expected to hear such things from my husband. “Morgan, she still doesn’t know that the future throne doesn’t belong to her, but to her sister.” “King Arthur, in the end, is just a guy who knows only about war, not governance.” “Progress is everything. Productivity is the foundation.” Lott: So, my wife Morgan... Why has she changed so much? I'm using ChatGpt for translation and some things might be different from the MTL version. This is not a perfect translation so don't complain later. You have been warned! Thank you

Lethq · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Chapter 211: Deceptions in the Shadows

As Tristan released a few more arrows, he turned to Bedivere and asked, "By the way, we've been stationed here for about seven or eight days. If my calculations are correct, the main army should be on its way."

"I just received word from the army. They should arrive by tomorrow at the earliest, or the day after at the latest. Her Majesty Morgan will be leading them."

"Huh? What about His Majesty Lott?" Tristan inquired, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Who knows? Maybe he's off doing something in secret again," Bedivere shrugged.

"That's probably true," Tristan chuckled.

As they continued their onslaught against the fairies below, their camaraderie grew stronger, each move they made becoming more synchronized. Tristan led the archers in firing arrows, while Bedivere directed the other soldiers to prepare boiling water and rolling stones, even opting to use the infamous gold juice.

Lott would have scoffed at using such methods too soon, but for Bedivere, there was no hesitation.

The warriors of the Tooth Clan were mere mortals, and the pain inflicted upon them was real, especially from the oncoming rolling stones.

Bedivere's commands ensured that the Tooth Clan could not breach the defenses of Orkney Castle.

"This assault can't continue like this," the acting patriarch of the Tooth Clan pondered grimly.

Having orchestrated countless attacks on the castle over the last few days, he realized that the Tooth Clan was suffering significant losses. If they continued down this path, their numbers would dwindle dangerously.

As one of the six major clans, the Tooth Clan relied on their strength; too many losses could spell disaster.

Turning to the patriarch of the Earth Clan, who mirrored his own indignation, he said, "The next battle may require your clan's assistance. We can't keep this up. We'll need your civil engineering expertise."

"Alright, I can promise that," the Earth Clan patriarch replied, confident after observing the situation at Orkney Castle.

Patting his chest, he boasted, "You can count on us. This castle will fall easily."

"That couldn't be better," the acting patriarch of the Tooth Clan smiled internally, though outwardly, he maintained a serious demeanor, expressing his gratitude.

The Earth Clan patriarch took his gratitude to heart, reminding him, "Let's not push our luck too far. Our numbers aren't infinite. If something goes wrong, we might lose everything."

The acting patriarch certainly wished to minimize losses among his men, and the Earth Clan patriarch's caution only reinforced his concerns.

Thus, the day's attack ended in yet another failure.

Above the castle, Tristan and Bedivere shared a relieved glance, knowing they had held firm against the relentless waves below.

Now they could await the arrival of Morgan's army.

Beneath the surface of the ongoing siege, other clan patriarchs gathered, observing the unfolding drama. Although their fairies lacked combat prowess, they had no qualms about letting the Tooth and Earth Clans do the heavy lifting.

One, from the Mirror Clan, noted, "It seems the Tooth and Earth Clans are gearing up for a move. Should we not lend our support to ensure things go smoothly?"

"As comrades, we must trust them," replied the patriarch of the Wind Clan, though her expression hinted at hidden motives.

The other patriarchs silently questioned her intentions.

The Winged Clan and Rain Clan patriarchs looked on, their thoughts diverging. The former remained innocent of ulterior motives, while the latter recalled Lott's advice to support the Wind Clan and let her strategy unfold.

After the Earth Clan patriarch completed his preparations, he returned to camp for some rest. Despite the acting patriarch of the Tooth Clan's attempts to invite him to dinner, he declined, citing the differences in their eating habits.

"Hmph, even as we cooperate, I find these others hard to trust," he remarked coolly.

Just then, a familiar voice rang out, "You're right. Brother, what you say holds true; those other fairies are utterly untrustworthy."

The patriarch turned to see Kao, a younger fairy who had once accompanied Lott, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Brother, what do you mean by 'deceived'? Who has deceived us?" The Earth Clan patriarch demanded, noting the urgency in Kao's tone.

Kao's demeanor was serious. "I need to tell you everything that's happened," he said, preparing to disclose vital information.

With a sweep of his hand, the patriarch shielded them from prying eyes, knowing every fairy clan possessed abilities to guard against eavesdropping. Secrets were essential among the clans.

Once assured of their privacy, Kao explained the events that had unfolded. As the patriarch listened, his eyes widened in disbelief. Such a betrayal was unimaginable.

He realized, painfully, that his trust had been misplaced.

"I must confront her now!" he declared, fists clenched in anger.

"Wait!" Kao urged, stepping in front of him. "Don't act rashly."

"Why shouldn't I? I have the strength to defeat her!" the Earth Clan patriarch insisted, his pride refusing to back down.

However, Kao's next words stopped him cold. "Melusine is on her way here."

The Earth Clan patriarch's bravado evaporated. "Perhaps we need to reconsider our approach," he conceded.

Facing Melusine was not a matter to take lightly. He understood all too well the peril she represented, and with her presence, any confrontation with the Wind Clan would become infinitely more complicated.