
My Wife Morgan can hear my thoughts! (FATE SI)

I am King Lott. Yes, that guy whose wife (Morgan) is quite famous, and whose children (Gawain, Gareth...) are even more renowned. Unfortunately, none of my family meets a happy end. To avoid being toyed with by fate, I’ve decided to live a simple life—just eat, wait, and survive. After all, if you don’t look for trouble, trouble won’t come your way. My name is Morgan, and all I want is power and status. I always thought my marriage was just a political deal, but I never expected to hear such things from my husband. “Morgan, she still doesn’t know that the future throne doesn’t belong to her, but to her sister.” “King Arthur, in the end, is just a guy who knows only about war, not governance.” “Progress is everything. Productivity is the foundation.” Lott: So, my wife Morgan... Why has she changed so much? I'm using ChatGpt for translation and some things might be different from the MTL version. This is not a perfect translation so don't complain later. You have been warned! Thank you

Lethq · Anime & Comics
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220 Chs

Chapter 208: Shadows of Betrayal

When Kao entered, Lott immediately asked, "Come on, tell me, what's going on with your side? Isn't it clear to your Earth Clan?"

Kao's expression darkened further at Lott's words. He nodded vigorously, responding, "Yes, that's right! Our entire Earth Clan has been concealed by others."

He continued, "We fairies need humans as a vital source of spiritual nutrition. We also rely on human creativity for our creations. We've always been connected to humans. But now, the Wind Clan wants to redefine our relationship. In other words, they're starting to think of raising humans in captivity."

Lott listened intently as Kao shared his concerns. "The patriarch of the Wind Clan wants to exploit us fully. I can't let them do this," he insisted.

Lott remained calm, trying to reason with him. "It's hard to say how this matter will unfold. You don't have to be so hasty."

But Kao could hardly contain his frustration. He stood up and declared, "I won't stay here any longer. I'm leaving now to find the patriarch of our clan!" With that, he hurried out.

Watching him leave, Morgan turned to Lott. "What do you think we should do next?"

"Of course, we need to ensure that the fairies of the Earth Clan arrive safely. If this guy isn't protected by us, he'll likely be pushed back before he even walks ten miles out of the village," Lott replied with a smile.

Morgan nodded, "Indeed."

They both knew it was time to take action. Rest was not an option, especially as they prepared for the impending battle with the fairies.

Outside, Kao was filled with anger and a sense of betrayal. He ignored the other fairies and focused on reaching his clan's patriarch. However, as he stepped outside, he was spotted by the Wind Clan fairies, who quickly informed their village chief.

The village chief recognized the urgency. "Is this the work of those two new fairies?" she wondered, recalling their arrival. She believed they were the only ones capable of causing such turmoil. "I knew that their presence would complicate things."

Determined to stop Kao, the village chief prepared to pursue him. But she hesitated, considering the best approach. "It's better not to draw too much attention to this," she thought, knowing she could catch Kao herself given his combat skills.

After confirming through her magic that Kao had already left the village, she took off quickly, eager to catch up to him. However, just as she flew several hundred meters, she suddenly slammed into an invisible barrier.

"Boom!" She fell hard, landing ungracefully on the ground. As she collected herself, she noticed two figures approaching slowly from the darkness, their demeanour arrogant.

With the moonlight illuminating the scene, she recognized them as the two fairies who had arrived earlier. "It's you two fairies!?" she gasped, disbelief washing over her.

Lott and Morgan exchanged knowing glances and smiled. "Yes, it's us," Lott confirmed. Before the village chief could react, he charged forward and struck her with a powerful punch.

"What are you going to do?" the village chief stammered, her voice trembling.

Lott and Morgan crouched beside her, grinning menacingly. They were unrepentant in their approach. As the village chief tried to discreetly reach for a weapon behind her back, Morgan began chanting a spell, immobilizing her.

"We won't let anyone interfere with the Earth Clan's patriarch seeking help," Lott stated firmly.

Realization dawned on the village chief. "You… you're not fairies?" she asked, horrified.

"Correct. Too bad there's no reward for you," Lott replied, his smile unsettling.

"What are you planning?" she asked, her hands shaking uncontrollably.

Lott answered, "You fairies want to feed humans. I'll never allow that. I will defeat all of you." His resolve was clear; he had no intention of letting their plans succeed.

"Who are you!?" the village chief demanded, desperation creeping into her voice.

"That's a secret," Lott replied cryptically, denying her any chance of understanding.

Later, after dealing with the village chief, Morgan turned to Lott and asked, "What should we do next?"

Lott thought for a moment and answered, "What do you mean? Of course, we get a good night's sleep!"

"Really?" Morgan raised an eyebrow, surprised at his nonchalance.

Lott wrapped his arms around her waist, smiling. "The village chief ran out on her own and met her end. What does it have to do with us? Let's rest and leave in the morning."

Morgan nodded in agreement, appreciating Lott's perspective.

Without a hint of guilt, the couple retired to the newly built house, ready to rest undisturbed by the events of the night.

Meanwhile, Kao continued to flee outside, gradually realizing that leaving so openly might have dire consequences. "Wait! Did I leave like this? The village chief must have noticed!" Panic surged within him. "What if she blocks me? I can't defeat her…"

Despite his fears, he resolved to reach his patriarch. "I can't give up!" he thought, quickening his pace, determined to convey the urgent news of the Wind Clan's betrayal.