
143, a cat mourning a mouse feigns compassion

"Why on earth..."

"Since the little princess doesn't want to speak up, I will send you one type of flower each day, until I find the one you like." After pausing, he continues, "Little princess, you need to know, you are the first woman in this world that has made me send 999 roses consecutively for two days."

The call ended abruptly.

Mo Weiyi stared at the phone.

Is this guy a Virgo?

Such an obsession with numbers.

Could he possibly keep track of how many girlfriends he's had?

"Young Master Xiao."

Rong An's voice suddenly rang out.

Mo Weiyi immediately became flustered.


Why did Xiaobai return at this moment?

Could he possibly be this unlucky?

Upon seeing the remarkable sight of the room filled with fresh flowers once again, Xiao Yebai's face instantly turned cold.

Quite evidently.

A visibly cold aura was spreading...