
My Wife is Wolf

Kilan, a wolf girl, pursues a powerful man named Gian. Her aim is revenge, but things don't go as planned. "No, I can't love him," she tells herself. "He killed my adopted parents. I must avenge them!"

Kim_Aromy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Get this woman out of here!

"I'm sorry for what happened. I lost control" he said, gazing into Gian's eyes with an unwavering expression. Then, with a solemn nod, she mounted her motorcycle and departed. Gian found himself spellbound by Kilan's presence. Her eyes exuded a purity and brightness that captivated him, unlike the covetous gazes of other women who often seemed intent on claiming him. Everything about Kilan momentarily halted Gian's world .

Behind Gian, the driver stood agape, incredulous that his boss was so captivated by a woman's beauty for the first time.

'Ah, this is the news of the year!' the driver thought, pondering whether to remind his boss that the girl had already departed and they needed to reach the office promptly.

"Um, boss, I think we should leave" the driver stammered, a thin sheen of sweat forming on his brow. Gian turned and walked towards the car without a word.


"I'm back," Kilan announced as she entered the kitchen, laden with bags. She began unpacking her purchases and stowing them in the fridge. Leila, who was tidying up the house, approached the kitchen and joined Kilan in organizing the groceries.

"Mom, I can handle this," Kilan insisted as she took a plastic bag from Leila and resumed stocking the fridge.

"But you have an exam tomorrow. I don't want you to tire yourself," Leila insisted, reclaiming the plastic bag and gently push Kilan out of the kitchen. "Hurry up and go study."

Kilan reluctantly left the kitchen and made her way to her room, stealing glances back at the kitchen several times.

After ensuring that Kilan had retreated to her room, Leila continued arranging items with a smile. "This child," she murmured with a sigh.

After concluding crucial meetings with the company's managers, Gian returned to his office and encountered an unexpected visitor. He stood at the doorway, observing the individual seated in his office before turning to his assistant with a steely gaze.

"You didn't inform me that I would have a guest 'especially' in my office," Gian admonished his assistant with a cold stare.

"Um, I apologize boss, but Miss Irine insisted on waiting in your office," Pati stammered, visibly trembling. It was evident that Gian disapproved of unannounced visitors in his office; even his family had to schedule their visits in advance. Yet this girl had entered as if it were her play ground.

Gian took a deep breath and entered the office, striding past Irine, who was seated on the sofa as though he hadn't noticed her.

"Gian, how are you?" Irine inquired as she rose from the sofa and approached him. That day, Irine was resolute in making Gian hers, even if it meant offering him her body. She was dressed provocatively and doused in perfume. But as she drew nearer, Gian's frown deepened and he covered his nose with his palm. His gesture caused Irine to halt her approach and stand at a distance.

'He just covered his nose! Do I smell bad? But this perfume is so good, and most men like it,' Irine mused while sniffing herself.

Gian grew increasingly irritated. He picked up the phone and summoned Pati.

"Get this woman out of here immediately!" After giving instructions , he hung up and retreated to the restroom in his office, leaving Irine seething with humiliation and fury.

'No man has ever treated me like this!' she seethed as she glared at the door of Gian's private room.

'Or perhaps he left because he couldn't bear his overwhelming desire for me!' A smug expression flitted across Irine's face as she tentatively approached Gian's office door. However, before she could reach it, Pati entered the office..

"Boss instructed me to escort you out. This way, please," Pati stated politely, gesturing for Irine to depart. Irine shot Pati a venomous look before turning on her heel and exiting the room.

"I see you don't respect me at all. Just wait for me to be Gian's wife. I will remove you from that position you have!" said Irine as she stormed out of the office, her voice dripping with angry.

Pati let out a silent sigh of relief as he watched Irine leave, grateful for the departure of the unwelcome visitor. He then turned his attention back to his work, eager to put the encounter behind him.


Later, at the dinner table in Mr. Fred's home, the family was gathered for a meal.

"Kilan, tomorrow you're going to take your final exam, right?" Mr. Fred asked, his eyes filled with pride as he looked at Kilan.

"Yes, Dad," Kilan replied, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Have you decided where you want to work?"

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