
My wife is the Vampire Queen.

[Mature content +18] Leon Crimson, a 19 year old freshman, who was tasked with the mundane job of delivering food to people around the city. Unlike the people he was surrounded with, he knew he wasn't normal. Not only was he able to sense the supernatural, he also had an aura that these creatures seem to crave. One day, on his way completing one of his deliveries, he got caught an insane battle between unexplained beings that surpassed the logic of the world. Running desperately for his life, he found himself lost in the middle of nowhere. But he wasn't alone. “Help me.” The beautiful female pleaded. To his surprise, he was standing right in front of a vampire, one who was known to be the strongest and first progenitor. Little did he know, that encounter was the start of a new life for him, one had no control over.

Kirito_K5 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Malison larch

『Leon, you have a private order at Milison larch, building Wr24, two double burgers and three extra packs of chips 』

The voice called out to me from the speaker, one that I recognized so well it was often scary.

My name is Leon Crimson, a 19 year old teenager currently working as a delivery boy for a restaurant in New York.

I didn't always do this though, I recently started to think about it 7 months ago, back when I was planning to save up for college.

My dad was a police officer and died on duty. I've been living with my mom, although she barely makes enough to take care of both of us.

So I took it upon myself to find a job, and I've been working here ever since, I guess you could say I grew accustomed to the change.

Setting that aside, there's the problem about this order.

Malison larch.

For some reason the people staying in this area seem to ask the manager that I specifically be the one to deliver their food to them.

And this is something that happens at least five times a day.

"I honestly just need a break from that place." I blurted out in an attempt to hide my tiredness.

"Got it rough, uhn, kid?"

The chef standing beside me asked with a smile on his face,

Ever since I've been working here he has always been the one taking care of me, more like a father figure if anything, so he tends to know what I'm up to most of the time.

I sighed.

"Ever wondered why those people keep asking for me specifically?" The question just rolled out of my mouth.

"Wish I knew kid, all I can say is, just be careful, there are a lot of things happening in the shadows that people like us can't even begin to comprehend."

His response felt like he was trying to tell me something that falls deeper than I was comprehending, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"That's that I guess, I should get the order ready."

And with that, I turned and began to walk away, but before I could get anywhere, he called out to me again.



"Aren't you going to drop that sword? You can't carry that around the neighborhood, people will definitely complain." My father figure spoke, pointing at the sword that I wore behind my back.

"Hmm… I'll figure something out."

That was the best I could come up with, logically, I couldn't think of any way to tell him the sword was like family to me, I can't help but take it everywhere I go.

That was about it, once I was done packing out the order, I set out towards my designated location, and I never planned on staying even a second longer in that place.

Malison larch isn't your typical neighborhood, even though it is considered a street, there are barely people living there.

There's also the fact that half the street was occupied by one house, rather, a mansion, I can't even wrap my head on how big it is.

But even though this mansion has been the talk of the people for years, that wasn't the problem people were facing.

A X tuber once tried doing a live truth or dare in Malison larch where she was supposed to rent a house and stay there for a week.

People believed the place was the devil's hangout, while some believed it was just a haunted spot for ghosts, either way, people avoided it.

Thus when the X tuber tried it, she blew up in less then a day, too bad she wasn't able to even last two days.

People said she was screaming for her life, saying a demon was trying to drag her into the abyss.

This only made the rumors worse as you can imagine.

Then there's me, I've been here an average of 32 times, and I can't say I've encountered anything of such.

And that's saying something considering ever since I was a child, I had the ability to sense the supernatural, my sword being one of the things.

But here, despite how my reading goes off the charts, I haven't once spotted a ghost or anything of such, and I tend to keep it that way until I gather enough money to leave the city.

Standing in front of the mansion, I gulped down my saliva, ready to click on the door bell, this is the horrifying part.

The mansion itself is creepy and the fact that it's surrounded by trees looking at least 100 years old doesn't make it any better.

'Okay, just click the button, that's all, come on… just do it…'

I tried to find my resolve.

And once I did, I stuck out my finger and pulled it closer to the button.

And with that, I pushed it,

Ting ting ting!

But what happened next caught me off guard.

It didn't take less than a second after the ringing of the door bell echoed for the destruction to take place.

It felt like I was watching something straight out of a sci-fi movie, the mansion blew up into smirtterns , rocks flying everywhere and fire falling from the sky like rain.

The force from the explosion was so powerful, it sent me flying and slamming into a tree, just enough for me to groan as my body touched the ground.

"What the hell?" I muttered, slowly rising from the ground, my eyes turned towards the mansion and that was when I saw them.

The figures covered in complete darkness, just looking at them made it hard for me to breathe, and in front of them were two other women.

One had short hair and was dressed as a maid, the other had black hair and was wearing a black suit.

And they were completely duking it out.

This wasn't your usual street fights, it didn't take much look for me to know it was magic.

Fire blew everywhere, lightning struck from the sky, and these individuals were flying, both of the women having devil-like wings.

After a while, my instinct took over,

"Shit!!!" I blurted out before I dashed out of the scene, running as fast as I could without looking back.



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