

Tim Blake is an orphan who is lower an than average teenager. He barely remembers his mother and lost his father a year ago. Tim always get bullied and looked down on in school as he wasn’t able to keep up with his academic work and wasn’t really good looking either. While he was preparing for school in the morning he hears a news about a meteorite shower but ignores it and goes about his day, he walked away from something that was going to change his life forever….. no it was going to change the world……

pkD28 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"If you are foolish I wonder what these ones are." I said shifting my gaze to the crowd, and all they did was turn their faces away.

"Young man do you mind telling me where you and that woman came from and how you were able to kill those monsters with ease?" he asked with a gentle smile.

To be honest, I didn't really handle the monsters with ease as my excessive mana usage took a toll on me but I didn't show it.

"Sorry old man, I can't quite give you any personal info as I don't know who to trust."

"Bahahaha!!!" the old man burst into laughter.

"You're not just strong but smart also, it's mostly advisable that you keep your identity, strength and weakness a secret" the man said grinning.

He was right but I had already thought of all these. There was no way I was going to be careless and stupid. I looked at Isabel and waved, she was clearly getting bored and tired of waiting.

"It seems your girlfriend is getting tired of waiting, how about you follow us back to our camp, you two could settle down and maybe get some rest without worrying about monsters attack" he offered.

I looked at Isabel who just shrugged at the offer and I nodded.

"Yh that'll be great, we'll take you up on the offer" I said. I could hear our little soldier friend grit his teeth, I guess he wasn't all that trilled about having us coming on board.

Some moment later, an extraction team arrived to get the wounded soldiers and survivors. Some medics jumped out of the truck and rushed to attend to the injured and help the civilians.

Isabel walked past me and got into the jeep that was waiting with other soldiers in it. Was it just my imagination or Isabel was mad at me?

I followed Isabel into the truck which started moving shortly after I got on. Isabel looked amazed as she looked round the truck. It was like carts in her world which were pulled by an ankylosaurus.

{Hey honey, what kind of sorcery is this?} Isabel asked.

I looked at her in shock.

{Isabel is that you?} I thought while looking at Isabel who was smiling like a child who just won her mother's praise.

{Yes honey, we are connected through our mind and soul, so we can feel each other's emotion and hear our thoughts} she explained

Honestly this was really convenient, who could have thought that it would be possible to communicate without using any device of any sort.

{Well to answer your question, it's not sorcery, but a mechanism build for transportation purposes and is powered by an engine} I explained.

{So it's just like battleship?}

{Yh something like that} I replied.

After a while, we got to the base, it was filled with people; soldiers and other survivors. Apparently the government had ordered the military to rescue any survivors of the present crisis.

The vehicle came to a stop and some people dressed in white and some others in camouflage came running towards the vehicle to assist the injured soldiers and survivors.

I got out of the vehicle and helped Isabel out as I looked around. I could see the other survivors staring at us and as soon as some of them saw Isabella, they were dumbfounded by her beauty.

They all stared at her with their mouths agape, some stared in admiration, some envy and other gave out perverted gazes.

"Come with me I'll get you settled in" the old man said as he walked towards a huge tent which was shaped like a hanger. Isabel and I followed the old man quietly.

We made the necessary preparations needed to join the camp we had found. The camp had several buildings and tents, but some of the buildings in the camp where off limits to the civilians present at the camp.


The sun was already setting and the gates were shut to prevent monsters from getting in, although monsters above C rank could easily get in fortunately, the monsters that emerged around the camp were below C rank so we had nothing to worry about.

I lay down on the bed which was inside the room I given as I stared at the ceiling thinking about all the events that has been happening recently, it had just been a week since the apocalypse begun. Things had been tough within that short period of time.

"What are thinking about Darling" Isabel asked jolting me back to reality.

"Oh it's nothing really, just thinking about the journey ahead of us" I said as smiled at her.

I closed my eyes trying to get some rest but was awakened by the commotion I could hear from outside my tent.

Isabel and I rushed out of the tent to see what the noise was all about and found a man covered in a black robe surrounded by some soldiers who were pointing their guns at him.

For some reasons I could sense some weird and dangerous energy emitting from his body, and if I was to face him there was no way I could possibly defeat him.

What was more surprising was how Isabel was trembling; it was like she had just seen a ghost. This was the first time I ever saw her show any sign of fear, which made me more cautious around the intruder.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" one of the soldiers questioned the man who was now standing with his hands in the air.

The man didn't answer but instead he turned to face Isabel who was standing beside me. I turned to face Isabel who was glaring at the man like she had just met her mortal enemy.

"Do you know this man?" I asked her as she turned to face me with a worried look on her face.

"Yes his name is malvix and he is bad news, it seems like he is here for me" she said with a pint of sorrow and anger in her voice.

"Princess don't you think it's time you came home? Your husband is waiting for you" the man in black suddenly spoke.