
My wife is a Senju

(Don't expect too much.) This story will be outside the canon and before canon will start, many events will happen that will change future. Love interest is OC, and character is OC too. As for future interests, I don't know as I don't plan the story. I did create a plan but I get bored of writing like that. The MC will have too much potential and he will become strongest in the world. Hiruzen and Danzo will be corrupted. This story will show a few dark things of Ninja World . . .. . . . Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Little Date!

Suddenly, Natsumi's expression changed as she remembered how he could see everything was she doing right now. A part of her wanted her to continue what she was doing, and a part of her wanted to stop and keep lying on his body.

Instead of choosing anything to do, Natsumi stood up and ran away from the place and seeing this, Kurosaki was dumbfounded and he hadn't expected her to run away, and he had to calm himself with chakra.

"When she is ready, I will show her and release all the 'frustrations' that she has been piling up."

Kurosaki muttered as he stood up. He looked in the direction of the house and a thought appeared in his mind.

'Should I Master Wood Release and build another house for us? Nah! The small is comfortable, though I will just create a small pond around the house and then when I can use seals, I will make a hot spring.'

Thinking of this, Kurosaki nodded as he walked in the direction of the house. He sensed Natsumi in the house and then he asked, "Today, do you want to eat something else? Should we go to Tanzaku Quarters and eat something?"

Hearing this, Natsumi thought of something and then nodded.

"Sure! I have never been outside of the village so I would love to go and see the outside world."

"Hmm! Then when you have reached Chuunin Level in everything, I will take you outside and we will start travelling around the world, what do you think?"

Natsumi was excited as she heard this. It has always been her dream to travel and look around, and now, she could because of him. A bright smile appeared on her face and she said, "Yes!"

"Good! Let's go then. Tanzaku Quarters are 25 km away from here. Do you want to walk or should I take you there directly?"

A thoughtful expression appeared on Natsumi's face as she heard this and then she said, "Let's walk."

Kurosaki nodded and leaving a clone in the place, they both walked away from the village in the direction of Tanzaku Quarters.

While walking, they held each other's hand, Natsumi looked around. Thirty minutes later, she was bored as they had been seeing nothing but trees and she said, "Can you take me away directly?"

"Haha! I was wondering when you are going to say." Kurosaki said with a chuckle as he picked her up in Princess carry. Seeing this, Natsumi's expression changed and when Kurosaki started to move, she wrapped her hands around his neck and said, "Slow down! You are moving too fast."

"Nah! It's slow! Just enjoy the ride! We will reach the place in Twenty minutes."

Kurosaki said as he jumped from one tree to another while Natsumi closed her eyes and hugged him tightly. Seeing this, he chuckled and said, "If you are scared now, what will you do later? Open your eyes and overcome your free! Or you won't be able to enjoy when we go wike mountains or go deep sea diving."

Natsumi's expression changed as she heard and slowly, she opened her eyes. She saw him looking at her with a gentle smile on his face and she then turned around and saw the trees moving behind.

"I have slowed down, and slowly, I will increase my speed so that you can get used to the view," Kurosaki said and Natsumi nodded silently. She kept on looking straight and sometimes, she would close her eyes when he would increase the speed but then she would try to open them and see what is happening.

Twenty Minutes later, they reached the end of the forest and now they could see the Tanzaku Quarters and seeing the scene, Natsumi's widened and she said, "So big! I didn't expect the place to be so big. How many people live in this place?"

"Hmm! It is bigger than the village, but Ninjas villages, and Capitals are much bigger. Not only that, there are many new things that you will be excited about." Kurosaki said as he started to move and minutes later they reached the gates of Quarters.

As they reached, he let Natsumi stand and he saw everyone at the place staring at him.

"So Handsome! How could someone be so handsome?"

"Right? And the lady in his hand, she was being princess carried by him!"

"So jealous, I also want to be carried by him."

Hearing their words, Kurosaki looked at the group of ladies and smiled. Their expression changed and their faces became bright red as they saw him smiling, but before they could speak, Natsumi at the side held his hand while looking in their direction.

Seeing this, their expression changed, while Kurosaki chuckled as he looked at Natsumi who had an annoyed expression on her face.

"What happened? Why are you annoyed?" He asked with a smile on his face and hearing this, Natsumi humphed and started to walk while holding his hand.

'Haha! So easy to tease!' Kurosaki thought as he walked with her and everyone in the place looked at them.

Natsumi, who wasn't used to this attention was a little scared and annoyed because she could see that every woman would turn around to look at Kurosaki.

Even though she knew that Kurosaki was handsome, when she compared him with other men, she understood how Handsome he was and why every woman would look at him.

"If you don't like this attention, Do you want me to transform myself?"

"No!" She denied it immediately as she heard as she didn't want him to hide from her.

"I am okay with this as I know that they can just look at you and do anything."

"Hmm! You are right." Kurosaki said and instead of holding her hand, he pulled her and moved his hand around her waist.

"Now it's better." He said and a smile appeared on Natsumi's face as she sensed this. Though she was embarrassed by this, the happiness she felt was much greater.


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