
My wife is a Senju

(Don't expect too much.) This story will be outside the canon and before canon will start, many events will happen that will change future. Love interest is OC, and character is OC too. As for future interests, I don't know as I don't plan the story. I did create a plan but I get bored of writing like that. The MC will have too much potential and he will become strongest in the world. Hiruzen and Danzo will be corrupted. This story will show a few dark things of Ninja World . . .. . . . Extra chapters on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Kaoski Support me, If you can.

Kaoski · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

A short break!

Kurosaki's expression changed as he looked at her and he knocked her unconscious.

"Let's take a break." He said while looking at Shizune, who nodded and took Tsunade from him.

Opening his Byakugan, he looked for a suitable space and a few km away, he saw a natural spring.

"There is a natural spring a few km away, let's take a break there," Kurosaki said and he and Shizune disappeared from the place.

Minutes later, they arrived at the place and Kurosaki took out two mattresses and put them on the ground. He put sleeping Natsumi in one and Shizune did the same for Tsunade.

"What happened to her?" Shizune asked as she looked at Tsunade, who seemed to be in a dream and Kurosaki said, "Well, she asked me about my past and I showed. As for what happened to her, I don't know. Maybe she thinks that everything is her fault or she is making a story in her mind."

Hearing this, Shizune looked at Kurosaki and before she could speak, Kurosaki said, "Nope! Don't even think about it. If I knew something like this would happen, I wouldn't have shown her my past and only told her a few details."

Shizune nodded as she heard this and looked at Tsunade. Seeing this, Kurosaki asked, "Want to eat something?"

"Eh? No, I am okay."

Nodding at her, Kurosaki looked at the two sleeping women and then he closed his eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, Tsunade, who had been unconscious, opened her eyes. She didn't speak anything and getting up, she looked around and then her eyes fell on Kurosaki, who looked like he was sleeping.

She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out and a sigh escaped her lips.

"Tsunade Sama, Are you okay now?"

"Yeah, I am," Tsunade said as she again remembered what happened. No one except her knew what was going on in her mind and again, she sighed.

"I need to take a bath to cool myself." Tsunade said while looking at Kurosaki, and hearing this, Kurosaki opened his eyes and said, "I will be back in fifteen minutes."

Saying this, he disappeared from the place and Tsunade looked at the spring with a slight smile on her face.

Leaving the place, Kurosaki went in the direction of the village to get food for them. He didn't see any animals that he could kill for meat or any fruits in the forest, so he went to the village.

Besides, he didn't want to stay in the place, in case he accidentally 'sensed' everything.

While he left, Tsunade dropped her clothes and went inside the water. She looked at Shizune and asked, "What do you think?"


"What do you think about what happened before?"

"You mean your reaction when you started to act different?"


Shizune looked at Tsunade for a moment and then she asked, "Why did you act like that?"

"I don't know," Tsunade said while shaking her head. Even she didn't understand why she acted like it was her fault.

"Huh? You sure?" Shizune asked as she looked at Tsunade, who had no expression on her face and she knew that whenever this happened, she would lie.

"No, I think I know the answer, but I don't want to accept it," Tsunade said while remembering how Kurosaki lived for ten years. Not only that but many others were being experimented on by Orochimaru.

Even though she knew that Orochimary was different, she didn't think he would go on this path and then she thought of Danzo, who had been a source of all the misfortunes she had suffered.

"Shizune, do you want to go back to Konoha?"

"No!" Shizune immediately gave the answer and hearing her, Tsunade smiled and asked, "Why?"

"My place is beside you, not Konoha," Shizune answered, and a chuckle escaped Tsunade's mouth.

"I understand! Then we won't be going back to Konoha, not until we have a good reason." Tsunade said while looking in the sky and then a few minutes later, she came out of the spring and wore her clothes.

As she did, a minute later, Kurosaki appeared in the place and he looked at her and asked, "You okay now?"

"Yeah, and again, I am sorry for the behaviour I showed."

"It's alright, I shouldn't have shown you everything and just have told you a few details."

"No, if you had just told me the details, I wouldn't have accepted your request, but now, I think I can." Tsunade said while looking at Kurosaki and hearing this, his expression changed and he asked, "You sure?"

"Yeah, but the ones we will experiment, they will be death row criminals. With your technique, you can see the past, right? So, it would be easy for you to capture those people, right?"

"Yeah!" Kurosaki nodded and then he took out the meat and said, "Can you wake Tsumi? I will go and prepare food, and then start the journey. By tomorrow morning, we will be in Kusa."

Tsunade looked at Kurosaki for a moment and then she nodded. At the side, Shizune looked at Tsunade and wondered when Tsunade started to listen to others.

Natsumi, who woke up, looked around and asked, "Yawn! Are we there?"

"No, we are taking a short break," Tsunade said and Natsumi nodded.

While rubbing her eyes, she looked around and when her eyes fell on Kurosaki, who was cooking meat, she went behind him and hugged him.

Seeing this, Tsunade and Shizune's expressions changed, but before they could say anything, Kurosaki rubbed her head and put her on his lap.

Natsumi snuggled to him with a sweet smile on her face and Kurosaki also smiled while he kept on cooking his food.

"Is she always like this?" Tsunade asked as she sat in front of them, and Kurosaki nodded.

Minutes later, he was done cooking the meat and after putting the spices, he gave them to Tsunade and Shizune, while he fed himself and Natsumi, who would open her mouth from time to time.

"Did you forget that we are in the presence of others and not alone?" Kurosaki asked and Natsumi's expression changed as she heard this and opening her eyes, she saw Shizune and Tsunade looking at her.


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