
My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chance is suffering from Foniasophobia, a fear of murderers and murders. As luck would have it, when he is holidaying in Hawaii, he meets a beautiful woman, Samantha and falls in love with her. Samantha is a delicate, lady like, gentle woman who runs a florist shop in San Diego but that is what everyone believes. The truth is Samantha is a secret assassin who doesn't even blink an eye before killing someone. She meets Chance while on a mission in Hawaii and no matter how hard she tries to avoid him, she just couldn't and ends up falling head over heels in love with him irrespective of knowing his phobia of murderers. What happens when a man who fears murderers falls deeply in love with one? Is Chance really as innocent as he seems to be? Or is he hiding something big which is even more shocking? ... Disclaimer: This cover does not belong to me, if the creator has a problem I will get it removed.

Reyram · Urban
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200 Chs

Ruining Our Holiday


"He insisted he needs that hard drive"

"I'll find a way to get it"

Then she again went downstairs where a woman who looked like a tourist just flashed her ID to the hotel staff and informed them, she is a cop and wants to know what happened.

The staff directed to her the Hawaiian police and she went to talk to the cops.

Samantha saw a man helplessly shook his head looking at this female cop and she understood they are a couple on vacation, the woman is a cop and after knowing about Mario's death she couldn't enjoy her vacation and her police duties called her.

Samantha wondered how can she get more information when she saw Chance talk to the woman cop's boyfriend and it seemed like he was teasing his friend.

Samantha understood this female cop too is Chance's friend as David earlier mentioned their friends are waiting for him.

Chance glanced over the room and saw Samantha looking at him, he was surprised but then he waved his hand at her, she got out of her stupor and she lightly smiled at him, waving back her hand.

Chance got very happy and he called her over.

Samantha would never let go off a chance like this and she approached them.

"Hey" She formally greeted him and gently smiled.

"Wow, it seems you are in a good mood now"

"Yeah, I am better than before"

"What is happening here?" Jack questioned Chance.

"Oh right, Jack, she is the beautiful woman I met at the bar and…" Chance looked at Samantha to know her name.

"I am Samantha"

"Nice name"


"Samantha, this is Jack, a very close friend of mine"

Just then the lady cop who was discussing something with the Hawaiian cops joined them, so Chance introduced her to, "And she is Abigail, works with the criminal intelligence department of NYPD"

"Wow, that is awesome" Samantha looked at her with admiration and thought she guessed right about this woman.

"Believe me it is not as awesome as it sounds" Jack chimed in looking sulking.

"Jacky, a guy died in this resort, I can't ignore it okay? It is my duty, my job" Abigail tried to explain.

"No Abi, it is not your duty, it is Hawaiian police's duty. There are lot of cops here, we came here to vacation and we should focus on that."

"But you know me, I can't turn a blind eye to my job"

"This is not your job this is their job" He said pointing at the Hawaiian police, and added, "And you are not the only cop here" Jack was irritated with the fact that here too Abigail is being busy.

"Jack, you can't tell me what I should do, what I should not"


"Ok enough, you two" Chance interrupted them, he just hoped they will stop arguing but they would not, making him and Samantha uncomfortable.

"No Chance, let him speak" Abigail looked at Jack to continue.

"That guy died of a heart attack, so you don't need to bother yourself"

"Don't be so sure" She countered.

"Guys, you are ruining our holiday" David who joined them with his girlfriend Mia, interrupted the two.

"But…" Abigail was still agitated but Chance interrupted her.

"But nothing, Samantha, would you like to join us for lunch?" He charmingly asked her.

Mia and Abigail looked at each other and were trying to control their smiles, Samantha noticed the two women but pretended she did not.

"Umm no, it seems like you guys came here for a holiday, I don't want to interrupt you friends' time" Samantha was just being polite, she wanted to join them as she understood Abigail won't be calm and, in some way, might help her reach Mario's room but she had to seem like a sensible and considerate person to win these people over.