
My Wife Is A Miracle Doctor In The 80s

The newly published "Rebirth of the Noble Lady: The Wife in Marquess House" tells the story of her past life where her mother remarried, and she became a common cabbage. While her sister got meat, she was left with soup; her sister got noodles, she had to make do with water; her sister was the princess, and she was labeled as trash. She was trapped in a life fully planned by that mother-daughter pair for her; her family, her husband, all reduced to a miserable joke. Then a car accident turned her into a bloody mess. She told him, 'my money all goes to my father, my kidney to you, because you are a good man.' At the age of thirty-three, she died in a car accident, leaving her kidney to a good man. At three, she was reborn. In this life, faced with manipulation, she fought back. What sister? She didn’t even have a biological mother, where would she get a sister from? And in this life, she didn't know if she would once again encounter that good man...

Summer Dye Snow · Urban
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678 Chs

Chapter 257: Really Can Eat!

Translator: 549690339

Alas, as parents, how could they not understand this longing for their daughter?

If her own Miaomiao were apart from her for two months, she would be missing her to death.

Mrs. Lin had no choice but to sit down, and Mr. Lin felt pained by her anxiety. But there was nothing they could do; they both missed their daughter.

Xu Miaomiao opened the door, intending to go to the bathroom, only to spot the Lin couple sitting in the living room. They had been studying with the door shut, completely focused on their books, so they had no idea someone had come.

She turned her head and called inside.

"Lele, your mom and dad are back. Come out quickly!"

Lin Yile dropped the pen in her hand on the table and dashed out.

"Mom, Dad..." The moment she saw the two people sitting on the sofa, she leaped into their arms.

Before Mr. and Mrs. Lin could react, they were hugged by a young girl.

"Well..." Mr. Lin awkwardly pushed the girl away. "You must have mistaken us. I'm not your dad?"