
My Wife Is A Miracle Doctor In The 80s

The newly published "Rebirth of the Noble Lady: The Wife in Marquess House" tells the story of her past life where her mother remarried, and she became a common cabbage. While her sister got meat, she was left with soup; her sister got noodles, she had to make do with water; her sister was the princess, and she was labeled as trash. She was trapped in a life fully planned by that mother-daughter pair for her; her family, her husband, all reduced to a miserable joke. Then a car accident turned her into a bloody mess. She told him, 'my money all goes to my father, my kidney to you, because you are a good man.' At the age of thirty-three, she died in a car accident, leaving her kidney to a good man. At three, she was reborn. In this life, faced with manipulation, she fought back. What sister? She didn’t even have a biological mother, where would she get a sister from? And in this life, she didn't know if she would once again encounter that good man...

Summer Dye Snow · Urban
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687 Chs

Chapter 101 Are they Compatible?

Translator: 549690339

But when did this happen? She not only broke off all relations with Tang Zhinian but had cut off all connections.

Tang Zhinian hugged the child in his arms tighter. His normally honest face looked fierce at the moment, "Sang Zhilan, leave my house immediately. I don't want Xinxin to know about the shameful things you've done. I never want my daughter to know she has such a mother who left her husband and daughter behind, not caring for her own child at all."

Tang Zhinian remembered when his daughter was still a baby, he had to swallow his pride and beg the people in the village who had children to help feed his starving baby.

He and his brother even scrimped and saved to buy a nanny goat, which ended up being stolen by people from the neighboring village. Little Tang Yuxin would cry from hunger, leaving the two grown men, unarmed with how to raise a child, with red eyes.