
My Wife Is A Lovely Elf Maiden (SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

(SOmehow.. I wAnt To REmaKE This)

Yurii_sensei · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 - The Other Side of Anri's Heartbeat

After Anri's body calmed down, her heart-shaped pupils slowly faded and left a blank stare at me. Her pupils which were as bright as the ocean blue shone brightly again and left her blank stare.

Anri looked surprised after seeing my slightly messy clothes. An unbuttoned white coat, an unbuttoned shirt button, and a piece of muscle of my stomach make her panic.

"Uuuuuhhh .." Anri growled a little by covering her face which was filled with a bright red blush using her palms.

"I-I saw my husband's body like that? Kuuuhuuu .." continued Anri's growl which made her hair emit a small puff of white smoke.

Anri's changed attitude, aggressive body movements, and a different personality than usual. It was like the Anri I didn't recognize had taken over her body.

Something that fires when its trigger button is pressed by a special action.

Something that only activates when its body is touched by someone's touch.

Something related to a woman's instinct to horny with her partner.

"Aaahh... So that happens .." I muttered a little.

What Anri had just experienced was a side effect of her artifact. The Loyalty Needle has a side effect that requires its users to have an affectionate relationship with sincere feelings of love. Making parts of Anri's body move fulfills a woman's instinct to love her partner unconsciously. Her pupils turn into a symbol of love is a warning sign about the side effects of the active Loyalty Needle.

Realizing the innocence of Anri who was not used to seeing a man's body, my sense of ignorance came out a little after not doing it for so long.

I walked over to Anri who was cornered in the bathroom and caressed her soft hair.

"This is my first time being attacked by a cute girl inside the bathroom but .." I stopped my words and smiled at Anri.

"Wait until we are officially married and recorded as husband and wife," I continued.

"Kuuuu .." Anri replied with a palm that covered my eyes, an action that held my gaze to see her cute face until a soft kiss engraved on my lips.

Anri's palm weakened and revealed her cute face filled with blush had kissed my lips. Our breaths were more normal than the previous kiss and enjoyed this love affair for quite a while.

After our little kiss felt quite satisfied, Anri took off her little kiss and looked into my eyes with a serious look.

"Uhmm .. S-Sorry .." she said softly.

"Th-That wasn't my first kiss," Anri continued.

"No problem," I replied simply.

"Eh?" hearing my short answer, Anri flustered and tilted her head.

"Just like you, it wasn't my first kiss."

"E-Eeehh .."

I don't know why, after hearing my answer like that. Anri's eyes fell on my stomach which displayed perfect muscles.

"D-Don't say .. Y-You .."

"Anri, it's not like that. Whatever's on your mind. That has never happened, my virginity is still pure to this day," with all my might, I shook off the dirty thoughts that possessed Anri.

What's wrong with having a body that couldn't be molded in the previous world?

My hard work, the fight against the Demon King's army, and other side jobs had perfectly shaped the muscles of my body. This is the result of working hard towards the path of peace to relax and enjoy life. At least, that's what I had planned before Anri came to propose to me as her husband.

"S-So .. T-This is the first time your body has been seen by another woman?" Anri asked hesitantly.

"Of course."

"Haaa .. Luckily .." said Anri with a light exhale.

"Eh? But... What Does that mean it wasn't the first kiss?" In contrast to her previous calm demeanor, Anri looked at me with piercing eyes.

"Don't laugh after hearing this," I say to warn Anri.

"Ugh, I became the subject of a bet while actively carrying out quests from the royal side."

"Huum?" hearing my incomplete answer, Anri tilted her head while fixing the messy wedding dress.

"You know... To raise troop morale on the battlefield. The slightest bet will be an effective weapon that increases morale and the goal of survival. Coincidentally, this kingdom's Adventurer's Guild Leader is a bit unique."

"She is a cunning woman who takes advantage of everything. Including my ability to pamper women on the battlefield with just a kiss and ability-enhancing magic—"

Before I finished explaining, a dark aura that felt heavy had pierced a part of my body. Anri's cold and sharp gaze fell on my body. My silky hair stood up indicating approaching danger.

"Guderian .." with a quick movement, Anri twisted my body so I fell on the bathroom floor. Our body position returned to normal. What made a big difference was the cold and even expression on Anri's face as she stared at mine. It was like a predator wanting to eat its prey.

Anri took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

A gentle sentence was spoken in front of my face, "Guderian .. Don't cheating!"

Anri's cold expression and flat smile opened up my old memories of her character information. Anri Okita is a heroine who has a high level of jealousy and an unpredictable dark personality. Some of the bad endings are dominated by Anri's interference. It can be said that Anri Okita is the main key that delivers a bad ending to the main character.

In response to Anri's soft and jealous body slamming, I chuckled and grabbed her long hair that was touching my face.

"Of course, my beloved wife."

Sincere words from the bottom of my heart are evidenced by sweet kisses on Anri's hair. Like a knight's oath that promises to protect the Queen from all kinds of harm. My oath is addressed to my beloved wife who is hard to understand and skilled jealous.

Her demeanor that turned into a yandere girl made me a little surprised by the reality of this world.

"Why should I have an affair if I have a beautiful and sweet wife like this?" continued my words.

Now... I reversed this awkward situation by hugging Anri's body and inhaling her sweet scent.

"That's exactly what I have to say. I have such an amazing wife. Even the hero of mankind has a great interest in possessing you."

"Humph! That useless hero is just playing with women's feelings."

"Perhaps, but my wife is the same. She perfectly played with her husband's feelings," I said, looking cynically at the engagement ring that adorned Anri's ring finger.

Fufufu .. Yandere replied with facts.

How would you respond, Anri?

"Uhm .. W-We hasn't officially married in this kingdom yet," Anri replied.

"That's right, why don't we do it now?"


Without waiting for an answer from Anri, I used personal teleportation magic and teleported us to the altar of the church that had been prepared for the wedding.

Just like a formal wedding ceremony. I had sent a special request to the church with magic and prepared myself for the wedding ceremony procession.

Teleportation magic is private magic that has copyright and legal protection. Not everyone can learn it and teleport to another place freely. Like a license to drive a vehicle, the use of teleportation magic requires special permission and approval from certain parties before being used.

The church altar is one of the public places that are allowed for teleportation magic. Our sudden move made Anri's eyes go blank. A sudden side effect of using teleportation magic is a symptom of motion sickness. It's the same as the eyes are suddenly diverted by something fast-moving but the eyes and brain have difficulty processing that view so the effects of nausea or dizziness occur.

"Huummeekk .." Anri almost vomited her stomach juices but managed to hold them in.

"Anri, do you need this?" I said while bringing up a small bucket in front of her.

"N-No need," Anri replied with a pale facial expression.

*Teeeenggg!! *Teeeeeenggg!!

The church bell rang loudly. The small glint of the city light crystal slowly radiates the beauty of the evening sky that welcomes the curtain of night. Time flies fast enough when lovers mingle peacefully in the bathroom and forget the main purpose of getting married before night.

"G-Guderiiiann .." all of a sudden, Anri gripped my arm tightly.

Noticing someone approaching silently, I took the wand tucked inside my wedding suit just in case.

"Aaaah... It's you, Guderian."

A familiar voice entered my ear. The source of the voice was the figure of a woman who was old enough to enjoy youth and was wearing sheer semi-transparent clothes showing her beautiful curves along with the crest of the church. She was Saintess Avonia, a pure maiden figure who passed her youth to serve the Goddess in this world. A figure that is quite important in the game because of its appearance which invites wild imagination attacks for the Player. Of course, she was an NPC that had the setting to be defeated in a night battle.

"Ara~ What is going on here? You want to get married?" asked Saintess Avonia who scanned my appearance from top to bottom.

"Uh, yeah, Mother .." I answered briefly.

"Ara~ This child has grown up. Why didn't you tell me one day before? Our preparations were a little undercooked because of the rush."

"The circumstances are complicated enough to put into words," I replied.

"Huum? Ah! So that way! Does not matter!" Saintess Avonia replied with a thumbs up. Her gaze fell on Anri's ring finger. Just from that glance, she managed to digest the matter we were in.

"You need the church's help to clean up the hero's corpse to snatch his fiancée?" asked Saintess Avonia.

"Eeeh?!" Anri who tightly hugged my arm couldn't help but panic after hearing that.

If I had to explain in detail, my relationship with the church was just an orphan living under the guidance of the church. Saintess Avonia acted like a Mother in this world and the side job of the church was cleaning things that were hard to describe in words.

With the appropriate payment, the church side business can be ordered and used easily.

That's what makes this relationship complicated because Anri falls into the hidden side of the church.

"Not that, I just want to marry my future wife. I came to ask for your blessing, Mother .." I said to explain our purpose.

"Tch! Even though I was already preparing to skin the hero's body," whispered Saintess Avonia.

"Mother... Please hold your attitude that one," I replied in a small whisper as well.

"Ah, Upppss .. Teehe~"

Yes, somehow this could happen.

Saintess Avonia...

Holy girl figure...

The sacred maid of the Great Goddess had such a unique personality.

Anri who didn't understand the situation was silent and tightly hugged my arm.

"Don't worry, Anri. Even though she's a little strange, she's reliable enough to carry out the church's main function," I whispered.

Well... I hope this marriage can run smoothly...

At least, this holy girl can do her job properly.


Oh shit...

I retract my previous request.


When my sacred wedding vows were about to take place, an intruder coming and called my future wife's name.