
My wife is a lesbian

1.both Jesse and Andi are husband-wife. 2.Andi knows his wife not happy from inside. 3.The story goes shifted when Jesse's school girlfriend Dezze enters both of their lives.

Laksmi_Boro_1277 · LGBT+
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62 Chs

Extra Episode (Rain Drop When We Meet.)

"Mother I have won, I have won." In corner of the football playground, Christina's mother was caressing her daughter's forehead and Christian behaves like a 5-year-old kid. Holding the winning prize tightly, she starts shaking her legs.

Jesse picks up the bag from the chair, but her eyes are fixed on Cristian's mother.

Somehow stopping the tears coming out desperately, she runs straight to the roof of the school.

As soon as she reaches the top of the roof, Jesse leaves herself under the open sky and starts crying roughly. But while crying, her hiccups start coming out loud and she starts tapping her chest with her right hand more than crying.

After some time Jesse's tears had stopped but her hiccups were taking her revenge.

Like a gust of wind, someone presses her nose hard on both sides and when Jesse raises her head, she finds Dezze in front. Jesse blinks her eyes repeatedly. her shining brown eyes become more shine.

"Oh, sorry. " In a jiff, Dezze releases her hand from Jesse's nose.

As soon as Dezze lets go of her hand from Jesse's nose, her hiccups also disappear.

Jesse goes surprised but at the same time throws her deep breath out loud.

A cold wind again touches both of their bodies. Dezze raises her head and looks up at the sky.

"The weather is getting worse. Dark clouds of the sky are spreading all around. Let's go or else we will both get wet together." Dezze says while keeping her head up.

After spending so many years in school, Jesse has never looked so closely at someone as she was looking at Dezze.

As a drop of rain falls on Dezze's cheeks, she raises her voice. "Come on, let's go otherwise we'll get wet."

But Jesse stays numb. the same place, rain falls from the sky to the ground. Along with getting their clothes wet, Jesse's falling tears also hide somewhere in the rain.

"hey, why are you staying like this? (Dezze grabs Jesse's wrist intentionally for running.) Let's go."

runs down by stairs from the rooftop. Jesse's body was getting loose. if someone pushed her at this moment then she would probably fall but her feet were running, in sync with Dezze's running footsteps.

Seeing sir outside the class door, Dezze stops as if the brakes of speedily running the vehicle suddenly applied.

Jesse's sir By keeping both hands on the waist. "What did you do this time?"

"(Dezze shows off her full tooth.) Eeee heee heeee, Sir (slowly Leaving the wrist of Jesse.)This time (In the middle of the conversation, Dezze says while running towards her class.)I have done nothing."

In the blink of an eye, Dezze enters her class.

"Ufffff, This girl's mischief will never stop but what has happened to you? Why have you got drenched in the rain? Go, change clothes quickly. The class is about to start."

"Okay, sir. " Like a good student, Jesse goes to the washroom.

From that day onwards Jesse's gaze meets Dezze's gaze every day.

Sometimes in the school canteen, sometimes outside the school gate, sometimes in the playground while playing and sometimes in the book store in the evening.

One day,

Dezze and Jesse were standing at the bus stop.

Dezze was standing in the left corner and Jesse was standing in the right corner of the bus stop.

After 1 minute of silence, Jesse breaks her patience.

"You are that girl who gave me chocolates, also a chit too, right? and in that chit, it was written that you wanna learn maths from me."

After hearing this, Dezze's face blossoms like a rose flower.

"So you do recognize me." with blushing cheeks and glowing Eyes.

"I have been watching you for a few days, you are (grinding teeth) following me. (placing hands on the waist on both sides.) hummmmmm.."

"(Shaking head forcefully.) no no no, I don't do that at all (Like a innocent girl.).I do what I want. (thinking) I think you are following me."

"(fists hand) youuuu!!! stalker. I will complain to the police."

"Aa ha ha ha (dramatic smile.) How will you complain? Have I ever disturbed you? (answers by herself) no. Have I ever disturbed you by calling? No. Have I ever tried to forcefully talk to you whenever I saw you on the way? No. Then how will you give a statement to the police?" cheesy grin.

"(faltering lips.)Do....n't trrr...y to b..e too sm..aart and don't follow me now or else no one will be worse than me."

Jesse exits the bus stop and starts walking. After some distance, suddenly from the sky a rain drops on her cheek.

As soon as she raises her head and looks towards the sky, only then in one stroke, the raindrops start falling with full noise and desperately.

"(outstretched her arms) Was this uninvited guest yet to come? Ahhhhh, oh, God..."

Running quickly and enters the bus stop. Standing there Dezze starts chuckling.

Jesse murmuring -

" ahhhhhh, it's so embarrassing."

(Turns her head to the other side.)

"Why are you always angry? If someone tells you something, why do you respond roughly?" Dazze Without making eye contact with Jesse says keeping her eyes straight.

"(with Glaring eyes at Dezze.)What did you say? I don't talk politely with everyone. That's what you said, didn't you?"

"No, I didn't even say that. I said you talk to people roughly. It doesn't mean that you don't have any kindness. You always remain silent in class. Talking too much seems like a great sin for you. (Jesse's glaring eyes had been slowly getting smaller just like someone tapping her head while she is angry.) I just want to talk to you. I want to read those mysterious eyes. (Turns her head and looked at Jesse's eyes.) can't I? (clears her throat and straightens her head.) Ughhhhh ughhhh ughhhh, Why are you looking at me like this? Or are you surprised that not a boy but a girl has told you this?"

Jesse emerges from her wandering world and shakes her head slightly.

"Ahhh mmmm (Suddenly the rain stops.) The rain has stopped, I go.

Without answering Dezze's questions, Jesse starts running with rocket speed.

"Aaaaaa, did I say too much?" Dezze starts banging her head with her hands.