
episode 3

Instantly Jesse's smile had vanished looking at Dezze.

Jesse- ohhh! ! Dezze! ! (With a little bit of nervous tone).

Dezze- just came to the market to buy some stuff. Therefore.... Therefore... I... I... Was thought before go away saying hi to you and Andi.

Jesse- ohhhhh! But how did you know we are here?

Dezze- Andi and I met on the same bus. Are andi (gazing at andi) didn't tell you?

Jesse- n...ooo (shuddering tone).

Andi- (pretence smile) I forgot to tell you. We had just met a few hours before that's why maybe not remember.

(Dezze speaks in the middle changing the topic)

Dezze- by the way, congratulation for your married life.

(Forward dezze's hand in front of Jesse for the handshake).

Jesse- oh thanks.

Dezze- okay now I should leave.

(dezze takes leave from there after saying "goodbye").

Andi tries to read Jesse's facial expressions. she was looking nervous also anxious too.

Jesse- Andi let's go.

Andi - mmmm (nodded head) okay.

Apart from the noise of the car, the conversation of the seeds of Jesse and Andi was over which started as soon as they left the film hall. Jesse was walking forward and Andi behind Jesse like shadows. Andi would have wanted to ask Jesse what happened to her but he was silent. he knew the answer.

At the morning into Jesse's office -

Jesse was xeroxing some pages of her compiled book, only then Jesse feels someone standing behind her so she turns back.

After finding Dezze standing in front the copy of all Xerox holding in her hand slips from the hand and falls on the floor.

Jesse - D...e.zz..e (Shivering).

Dezze - Do you work here? (curious face).

Jesse- (Being solemn while cleaning the throat) yes.

Dezze- woooowww great. (Being Curious).

Jesse - Why are you so happy? (with odd face).

Dezze - I wanted to be happy that's why. (adorable gaze at Jesse).

only then Jesse's boss Danish comes in the middle.

Danish- ohhh Dezze? When did you come?

Dezze- Just now.

Danish - Jesse, meet her she's my college friend Dezze.

Jesse- hello.(formally).

Dezze - hello. (formally).

Danish- So Mrs Dezze, what is this that has brought you to my office? (friendly).

Dezze - Yes, I needed help from you something important.

Danish - Ok, let's go to my office.

Dezze - okay.

Dezze takes a gaze at Jesse and from there goes to the office with Danish.

" year 2010, past"

Andi did not come to school due to some work, also Erick and Cristen's class was finished. Both wanted to stay until Jesse's class is over but Jesse tells them to go home.

After a few minutes, Jesse's last class ends and at the same time the rain starts falling.

Outside the school gate,

Jesse- aaaahaaaaahhh, this rain also had to come now. (Jesse starts running while holding her bag over her head).

After running for a few seconds Jesse realizes that someone is behind her and she turns behind.

Jesse - ohhh dezze.!!!

(dezze was behind Jesse holding an umbrella in her hand).

Dezze- Let's go together.

Jesse- Will we be able to accommodate both on the same umbrella?

Dezze- Why won't it happen? Sure will.(Dezze pulls Jesse's hand inside the umbrella).

both start walking with step by step.

"Present, 2020"

After the office work is over,

With a tired, distress face, Jesse was waiting for the bus at the bus stop. It was evening. The noise of the car, the lights all around, the scene of people getting busy are common in the cities.Because of the work Jesse did not have enough strength in her body to talk sincerely in front of anyone, smile and spend some time with them. Jesse speaks by taking out her mobile and looking at the face on the screen - (sigh) haaaahhh, May God never grant such a life to anyone. (Puffed mouth).

Instantly a black car stops in front of Jesse.

(Down the glass of the car door) - Jesse, come in.

Jesse- Dazze, you?

Dezze- Yes I'm, let's quickly sit inside the car.

Jesse- You go, I will wait till the bus comes.

Dezze- You really are not coming?

Jesse- (Nodded head) umhumm, no.

Dezze- really?

Jesse- (With a severe face) No.

Dezze- okay. (Dezze starts playing Horan of the car).

Jesse- (Screaming) Have you gone nuts?

Dezze- (screaming) Will you come in or not?

Jesse- aaahhh haaaahhh, (screaming) okay okay, I'm coming in but first stop this nonsense.

Dezze- (Smiling) Okay.

Into the car,

Dezze- (pretending cough) ugh, ugh, You have made your hair long.

Jesse - (bizarre face) yes, so?

Dezze- I still remember you used to keep your hair like boys in school so I asked.

Jesse- (with Serious) A lot of things change over time even we don't get realise but everything changes in one stroke.

Dezze- (Sudden) Are you really happy with Andi?

Jesse- (Without answering) There is a Street an ahead, put the car in front of it.

Dezze- ohh... (Down the voice) okay.

After a few minutes, Jesse reaches her street. Jesse says to bye to Dezze as soon as she gets off the car.

Andi standing inside a grocery in front and sees it all. Looking Jesse's smile for Dezze starts to ache in Andi's chest for a moment.

As soon as Andi gets inside the house he sees Jesse was cooking while humming a song in the kitchen.

Seeing Andi in front,

Jesse- Ohhh Andi, you have arrived. Go get fresh, today I will cook.

(Andi glances at Jesse's smile. Jesse's smile was shining as if the sunlight enveloped her smile).

Jesse- (seeing Andi still standing in front) What are you seeing? Go get fresh.

Andi- ohhh, (down the voice) okay.

In the morning Andi and Jesse leave for the office. The work of both of them increases so much in the office that both of them do not get an opportunity to ask each other news on the phone.

It was 7:00 in the evening,

Andi falls asleep on top of the keyboard while working.

Erick whispering in Andi's ear - Baby, what are you doing tonight? Let's have dinner. (seductively).

Andi - (Eyes opens) Don't make such a mockery with me.

Erick- ha ha ha ha, (in a funny way) Filling gay, right? Right? Right? Right?

Andi- yeaaaa (screaming), I am not gay and don't have to do this kind of act with me again.

Erick - Why are you getting angry? I was just joking.

Andi- ohhhh sooo (down the voice) rry.

Erick- ahhh it's ok. (Puffed mouth) Man, I am upset, Cristen is angry with me again, what to do?

Andi- This is not any new news which I am listening to and for which I need to be very surprised.

Erick - ( Sitting in front of Andi) Dude, are you my friend or enemy?

Andi- Gift her a bouquet of roses, maybe she will accept.

Erick - (Puffed mouth) Did the same thing before. she cut the rose flower with a knife and threw it in the dustbin.

Andi- (Patting Erick's shoulder) I can understand your pain.After listening to all this, I can give you only one advice. you should use the same idea again. If Cristen satisfies then it is okay if she doesn't satisfy then you should cut your throat and present it in front of her.

Erick- I have got an enemy in the name of a friend.

(Andi laughs non-stop).

After the work is over, Erick and Andi come out of the office together. Erick goes to the shopping mall to buy something even though he knows his wife is not going to accept but still he goes there.

Drunk, holding a bottle of liquor in one hand, Andi walking on the roadside whispering inside the mouth - i wish I was like Dezze... i wish I was like Dezze...i wish I was like Dezze....i wish I was like Dezze...i wish I was like Dezze.....i wish I was like Dezze.....i wish I was like Dezze................