

Curious August was left hanging alone in the driveway. As much as he wanted to know what business they have. He also didn't want to get over his pride and go back in there to eavesdrop on them.

While he was still deciding what to do. The sun was coming close to setting into the orange sky.

Without daunting further into that thought, he got in his car and drove off to Azrael's place. Right now he has other stuff to finish. He could take care of it another time and Albert was a wise man who knew what he was doing.

In the studies of Albert.

Albert sat down on the chair comfortably while Ailynn remained standing in front of him. The atmosphere was silent, no one talked nor any other noises interrupted the stillness in the air.

Albert opened the door of his table and threw a white envelope towards her on the table. Without any hesitation, she took it and opened it to check.