
French fries

York hurriedly got up and limped his way out there. Valerie tried to stop him but he was gone.

Valerie pouted her face, sobbing her sorrows away. She should just go back and watch her dramas. No one is really in this cruel world.


Oliver sighed, his eyes fixated on the two people fighting before him. Azrael finally got a grip on the back of the soul's neck.

"Go back to your book when I am being merciful," Azrael warned the soul, kicking the open book towards it.

The soul struggled to break free from her grip but Azrael was in no mood for fooling around. She snapped her fingers, causing the shadow wolf to rise up from the ground. It stood before the soul, growling with its furious teeth.

Having no other choice, the soul entered back into its book. Azrael closed it off and tossed it to Oliver. She pulled back her wolf.

"Miss, I think it's enough." Oliver tried to stop her.