" And then she told me that her husband has been coming late from the office for the past two months," Xiao An Na rolled her eyes as she finished telling the gossip to her neighbours. She was out to get some vegetables since her refrigerator was almost empty when she met with the two elderly women who lived in the same neighbourhood as her.
A few days ago she has heard a rumour about the woman living down the street being cheated on by her husband that was circulating the neighbourhood and she with her gossiping soul did not waste even a second in telling the others about this interesting news.
" What a fool," muttered another woman with a heavy sigh as she took the bag of lettuce and tomatoes that the vegetable vendor was handing her and cupped her cheek. " The signs were all there but she stupidly chose to ignore them, if a woman like her doesn't get cheated on then who will?"