
Chapter 762: Take Care of the Drunken CEO (part two)

"I see. Sit still." Belinda concentrated more as she drove. She only slowed down after ten minutes since the car before hers was slow.

"Why is there a traffic jam late at night?" Duke scrunched his eyebrows impatiently. He didn't like such slow phase but couldn't do anything about it because there were just too many cars ahead.

There may be an accident." Belinda didn't like to wait either. It wasn't long though before they heard an ambulance siren resonated the place.

"Yeah, or there wouldn't be a traffic jam in the middle of the night." Duke showed no interest in the accident. He leaned back on his chair and closed his eyes. The cool breeze kissed his face.

The ambulance had passed but the traffic jam hadn't eased. Belinda was annoyed. Fortunately, the wide road wasn't blocked completely. Ten minutes later she finally saw what happened. It was the same Rolls-Royce that overtook hers earlier that had an accident and crashed.

"Oh, my God! I cursed the driver out of anger. I never expected him to really have an accident." Duke also saw the car which hit the tree at the roadside. It was fortunate though that no others were hurt. That could have made his guilt eat him if ever.

"It's a coincidence. Hope the driver is fine." Belinda shook her head. She called Duke and picked him up because she was afraid that he might drive while drunk.

"Anyway, I don't have much sympathy for people who don't even cherish their own lives." Duke disapproved. The Rolls-Royce was severely deformed and he wondered who the driver was.

"Do you know why I didn't allow you to drive back personally? That's why." Belinda slowly drove past the accident. Some people parked their cars and watched what caused the road-block. Belinda wasn't interested in it.

Some people parked their cars and watched what caused the road-block. Belinda wasn't interested in it.

"Do you care about me?" Duke stared at Belinda. She was very beautiful but acted like a man. That was the reason why others easily ignored her despite her charm. He was enchanted with how attentive she drove.

"You're my husband. I do care about you." Belinda pursed her lips. She wasn't accustomed to voicing out her thoughts.

"Well, just because I am your husband." Duke heaved a sigh. In his opinion, Belinda didn't love him and just cared about him because he was her husband. He was glad about Belinda's care but it was her love that he wanted more.

"So? What else can it be?" Stubborn as she was, Belinda didn't realize that she had hurt Duke. She really couldn't find a reason to convince herself that she had fallen in love with Duke. Things were just too complicated between them.

"Forget what I said." Duke closed his eyes sadly. He wasn't sure that he loved Belinda and he didn't know how Belinda felt. Fortunately, Belinda was his legal wife. That was enough for him.

Belinda glanced at Duke and sensed his distress. 'Did what I said hurt him? But I didn't mean that,' she thought.

Duke went straight to the bathroom after they got home. It was chilly in autumn but he took a cold bath to calm himself down. He muttered to himself, 'Whoever falls in love first is doomed to be injured in this love game, right? Why do I even have to care so much about what Belinda said? Why do I feel heartbroken? Is it because I have already fallen for her without me knowing it?"

Belinda silently looked at the closed door of the bathroom. To be honest, she really didn't understand Duke. Sometimes she saw affection in his eyes just to have her hopes shattered the next minute by his unintentional words. She could hardly guess whether he loved her.

She wanted to love freely but didn't dare. She was afraid to be hurt. She had already witnessed a lot of samples, thus, she dared not fall easily. She was very clear about her personality. There would be no letting go once she loved someone. That was what scared her.

Daisy was lucky to be married to the man she loved. Even more, because their relationship was happy. Belinda knew that she didn't have such luck, thus, she didn't have the courage to place a bet on it. Though Duke's charm never failed to attract her, she would not let herself fall for him. The feeling drove her mad, but she could do nothing about it.

She also knew that she couldn't ignore her feelings but her pride and self-esteem wouldn't allow herself to beg for love. She had always been an arrogant princess and she wouldn't stoop down just to tell Duke that she loved him. She felt that she couldn't keep a tight lid on her feelings anymore but she refused to take the initiative unless she had to. She really didn't want to think about the future at that point.

"What are you thinking about?" Duke came out, with only a bath towel around his waist. The water that dripped to his well-toned body had Belinda fascinated.

"Nothing. Have you finished? Would you like a glass of honey water?" Belinda quickly averted her gaze. She had to admit that Duke was such a handsome man, who had the power to make her heart skip a beat.

"No, thanks. Let me help you apply medicine." Belinda couldn't apply medicine to some scars she couldn't reach when Duke wasn't home. Duke moved to pick the medicine bottle.

"I am not in a hurry. Dry your hair and dress first." Belinda looked at his dripping hair with worry. It was chilly in autumn. Duke might catch a cold.

Are you shy?" Duke smiled playfully before he reached for another towel to dry his hair. It was easy to fix his short hair, unlike Belinda who had to use a hair dryer to dry her long hair.

"Not at all. I have seen your naked body before." Belinda rolled her eyes. Her face reddened but she still showed a tough streak.

"Oh? Really? You must know my body well." At his words, Duke untied the bath towel around his waist and smiled evilly. Belinda screamed and quickly covered her eyes with her hands as he expected.

"Bad man!" Belinda turned around and didn't dare to face him.

"Didn't you say that you knew my body well? Well, just to this extent?" Duke went to the wardrobe to look for pajamas. If only Belinda could open her eyes, she would see that he was wearing a pair of briefs. He wasn't as naked as she thought.

"I'm not as cheeky as you are," Belinda whispered,

I'm not a lustful woman! I don't like to stare at your lower body! Only peeping Toms will do such a shameless thing. I don't have that perverted hobby."

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