
Shetland Air Pt. 2

"Um, I didn't--"

I opened the door wide and grabbed Luca's collar. I watched as Chase stopped dead in his tracks, narrowed his eyes, and then gave the two of us a dirty look. I pulled Luca inside my room and then closed the door.

"Just hang out here for a minute," I whispered. "Please." Luca appeared uncomfortable.

"I really shouldn't be doin' this."

"I'm sorry to ask. It's just that Captain Barrington has been bothering me for about a year asking me to get a drink, or go out to eat, hang out in his hot tub, come up on the roof to look at the stars, meet him alone in the cockpit, pick up a dropped pencil--"

"I've gotcha, mate. He's a right pr*ck, that one. That's what you're sayin', ain't it?"

I glanced at Luca and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

We both shared a laugh.

"You think we're good?" he asked. I nodded. "Well, I'll be off now."

"Oh, sure. Thanks again."

"Not at all. If you're up for breakfast later, a few of us are going to head down to the hotel restaurant. You don't have to commit to anything, of course."

"Well, I'm saying yes, mostly because you're not a 'right pr*ck'."

"That's true." He pointed at me with a grin. "I am not."

"What time?"

"9 or 10."


I walked Luca back to the door and opened it for him. He left with a half salute wave, and I smiled. As luck would have it, Chase came around the corner just as Luca was leaving.

"What are you doing in there? You know, I could report you," said Chase to Luca.

"Calm yaself, mate. I ain't doin' a thing here." Luca put his hand up to Chase.

"Sure you are. You're harassing the staff."

"I'M also 'the staff'."

"For Shetland Airlines? Since when?"

"While I'd love to whip out my CV for you, it's bloody half 1 am. I'd like to get me some shuteye."

Luca turned and began to walk down the carpeted hallway.

When Chase saw that I was watching he tried walking to my door. I quickly shut it and locked it. Luca made me feel safe. I thought of him while I drifted off to sleep.


I woke up around 8:30 am. I hopped in the shower and got dressed in some jeans and a white t-shirt. After I blow dried my hair, I decided to head down to the first floor. Maybe Luca would be down there and I could join him. He could protect me from Chase.

After riding the elevator to the first floor, I walked past the front desk, and through the wide lobby with a gift shop and al a carte section. I continued on until I saw the large restaurant beyond another hallway. Suddenly, I felt self-conscious.

Normally, I'd eat with my best friend Mara. She was another flight attendant who ended up leaving Shetland Air after Chase slept with her, broke her heart, and then spread filthy rumors about her. It ruined her reputation and there was no way she was ever going to live it down. She decided to go to a competing airline.

As I was being seated, I saw Luca at another table alone drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I told the server I was going to sit somewhere else and walked to Luca.

I waited for him to notice me. Gradually, he glanced over the top of his paper at me. I smiled and waved suddenly feeling shy but he gave me a bright smile.

"Good morning, Janessa. Please have a seat. Nobody else is comin'." He waved to the other three untaken chairs. I sat next to him so he was on my right and we both were facing out toward the main dining room. "I'm so glad you showed!" Luca said enthusiastically.

"I'm glad you were here to join."

The server came over to us. Luca ordered eggs, toast, and pancakes. I got a breakfast sandwich with egg, bacon, lettuce and tomato.

"Both great choices. And anything to drink?" she asked me. I glanced at Luca.

"I'll have coffee. And a Bloody Mary."

"Sure!" the waitress said. "And would you just like some more coffee sir or would you like to add anything else?"

"I'll have one too. Why the h*ll not?"

"Okay!" the waitress said. I noticed that her black and gold nametag said Peg. She bounced off to the computer to put in our order.

"I don't want to question you, but you don't have to work on any planes today do you?" I asked.

"Naw, I've got the day off. Glad for it too. I've been knackered lately."

Peg brought our drinks over to us and it didn't take long for us to get feeling good. Luca was funny and positive. It was nice to be around someone like that.

Mid-way through our second round, Chase came into the restaurant. He didn't look well and when he saw me, he was boiling over with jealousy.

"Oh, god," I said hiding my face.

"Him again, eh?" Luca said. I loved how he playfully tried to conceal me. It made me giggle and then he did the same. When we both looked up, there was Chase.

"Drinking before a flight?" he asked in a harsh tone. I smirked at him.

"Go away, Chase."

"No. I have half a mind to report you."

Luca stood up from the table and slowly walked around the front to face Chase.

"Look, mate. She's here with me. And we're goin' to do wha'ever we'd like because that's what grown ups do. So, have yourself a cuppa or some grub. Do what ya fancy but stay the f*ck away from us. Do you understand?"

Chase was biting down on his lower lip. I could tell he wanted to say something but he was afraid of Luca. I sat back and watched while Chase hurried away. Luca made sure Chase wasn't coming back and before taking his seat.

"What say we finish up and then we can either go our separate ways or relax together and catch a kip. Sound good?"

"I'm not entirely sure what you're saying but yes, it sounds good to relax."


We paid and then went up to Luca's room. As I was sitting on Luca's bed he walked by me and asked, "Did you figure it out yet? I think the color red has to do with something. I reckon that's how you can tell when you're in a simulation. Does that make sense, Janessa?"

"Wh--What?" I asked him.

"Have you forgotten? It's normal that you can't remember. I had a hard time too, but once I see you and then the color red, it all comes back." He sat down beside me. Somehow, I knew what he meant.

"I think I do remember now. Yes. The red color cue makes sense. I think it has been in every sim."

"Yes! I'm glad you see it too."

"F*ck. The time before last when I was with Chase, I told myself to find you but it was you who found me. Why can't I remember right away each time?"

"You will. All in good time. Not to worry."

"You weren't in the last one. I ended up--" I choked on my words. He gave me a half smile, almost in consolation. "I just know that I sometimes I'll need you or he'll be able to get me. Where were you?"

"I'm not sure, mate. I didn't realize I wasn't in a sim with you. That's a terrible thought."

"Yes, terrible." I whispered.

"What else did he say?"

His eyes had green mixed in with the gray today and they glittered in the sunlight. 

"He told me I have to go through one-hundred and fifty simulations to be free. He said there's a real me out there. A robot me."

"I knew it. She's my mother, I think," Luca said. I nodded in agreement.

"That's what I think too."

"Bloody hell. One-fifty, eh? He sure doesn't want this to stop. What a sadistic f*ck."

"He is and I have to remember that. That's why we have to keep finding each other no matter what. When you're in each new sim, you've forgotten too, right?"

"Yes, but the color red triggers it for me. I think it was our drinks."

"Do you remember all the other simulated worlds once you're triggered?"

"You mean, do I remember you tryin' to snack on me? Mm-hmm."

I giggled and he laughed under his breath.

"Sorry about that," I said. "I guess we better find a way out of there. The sooner we get through these scenarios the sooner we can leave."

"I think the way is in the back near the swimming pool. When I was lookin' outside, it was blurry in an unnatural way."

"Okay, show me."


As we were hunched down trying to see in the pool I saw Chase pacing back and forth outside. Luca pointed, the sunlight shining brightly in the deep end of the pool. When Chase noticed us he was distraught and came toward us.

"F*ck, we need to hurry!" I whispered. Luca turned around when he saw Chase.

"Janessa!" the captain shouted. "Don't go yet. Please, I've been rude and chauvinistic but I made a mistake in assuming I conquer you like the others. You're one of a kind!" 

"Go on, mate. I'll make sure he won't touch you." I nodded. "Find me," he whispered. I nodded and then I dove in the pool. It was icy cold and the chlorine was so strong my eyes felt on fire but when I was half-way down, the wavy-lined exit pulled me into its grasp and I was out.