
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 88 There is a mole in the family

Zhao Jia stopped crying, put on clothes and went out to check. She was shocked to find her husband grabbing the arm of his third sibling, Gu, with his eyes wide open as if he wanted to eat someone.

  The Xia family members were all awakened by the noise and came out to check.

  When Wang Lachun saw his eldest son grabbing the third daughter-in-law's arm, his eyebrows suddenly jumped. He ran over and pulled his eldest son away and said, "Boss, if you have anything to say, please tell me. Don't shout for beating or killing."

  Although he believed that his eldest son was The son will not do anything stupid, but he is still worried that the third son will misunderstand and there will be a rift between the brothers. He keeps looking at his third son's face when talking.

  Xia Zhifu looked at Gu Yunqin and asked: "Does this mean you have an uncomfortable stomach and need to go to the toilet? Did you go to the wasteland?"

  Gu Yunqin cried: "Ms. sir, believe me, I really mean well. I just want to make up for my previous mistakes. You have caused trouble for the family these days, believe me."

  Gu Zhirong said angrily: "Good intentions? With good intentions, you stayed up in the middle of the night and carried a urine bucket to pour urine on the newly planted wild berry seedlings? Are you not a country boy? Big ones? Didn't you know this would burn the seedlings and kill the crops?"

  The faces of everyone in the yard suddenly turned cold.

  Wang Lachun looked at his third daughter-in-law in confusion and said, "If the wild berry business starts, the whole family will benefit. As a member of the Xia family, you will also benefit from it. Mrs. Gu, why are you doing this?"

  Gu Yunqin cried. She burst into tears and said, "Mom, believe me, I really want to make up for my mistakes and help the family. I miss you and dad, and I want my husband to forgive me! I didn't do any farm work when I was at home. I don't You know that will burn the seedlings."

  "You don't know? All the wild berry seedlings in the field are dead. There is a lot of noise in the village today. Everyone has been talking about it all day. Don't you know?" Gu Zhirong said.

  Gu Yunqin said aggrievedly: "I was sleeping in the room in the afternoon, and I didn't hear anything!"

  Naturally, no one believed her words. Wang Lachun was so angry that he cursed his third son, "I didn't agree with you marrying the daughter of the Gu family at the beginning. You must If you don't believe me, look what did you marry into this house? This head was probably thrown away as a placenta when she was born. She wants to do bad things and doesn't even tell a lie. I've never seen anyone more stupid than her. You're such a fool."

  Xia Zhifu was already very angry, and being scolded like this by my mother, he was so angry that he wanted to write a letter of divorce and divorce Gu Yunqin on the spot.

  Gu Yunqin was in a hurry.

  Why did she go through so much trouble? Isn't it just to let the family see Jiang's face clearly as soon as possible and regain her status in her husband's heart?

  But this...

  She suddenly clutched her stomach and screamed, "My stomach hurts so much! My husband, our child!" "Please

  call the doctor!" Wang Lachun was a sharp-tongued man who scolded his daughter-in-law the hardest. , but when he saw something happened to his daughter-in-law, he immediately made arrangements to call a doctor.

  Only then did Zhao Jia react from his daze, and said with swollen eyes as big as peaches: "I'm going to hitch the ox cart and go to the county town to ask for a doctor." "

  It's so late at night, is there a medical clinic open in the county town? Let's talk about it. , why don't you delay your trip this time?" Wang Lachun said.

  "What should we do?" Zhao Jia said blankly.

  Little Wang timidly said in a low voice: "There is a doctor in the Lu family, why don't

  you go to the Lu family and ask?" Manager Xia said thoughtfully: "Boss, please go to the Lu family and tell the lady of the Lu family what happened today. It depends on her decision whether she wants to borrow a doctor!"

  "Dad, you can't!" Gu Yunqin was anxious, "That Jiang family is the most vicious. If you let her doctor come to see me, we, mother and son, can't do it!" Can I survive? What I carry in my belly is the blood of the Xia family! He is your grandson! You can't be so cruel and hand me over to her?"

  Seeing this, the daughter-in-law is still entangled, Manager Xia Disappointed, Wang Lachun said angrily: "Then Jiang is a good person, how could he be evil?"

  "She hurt her cousin like that, isn't she evil?" Gu Yunqin hissed, sweating profusely in pain.

  "Where did you go to listen to these gossips?" Wang Lachun was so angry that he scolded: "I told you to cultivate yourself when you have nothing to do, do embroidery at home, and sew some clothes for your children, but you refused to listen and insisted on going out to follow those A long-tongued woman talks. Just talk, but you don't have any brains. Our Xia family is really unlucky for eight lifetimes, marrying a sloppy guy like you whose head fell into the cesspit."

  Wang Lachun scolded and scolded Xia Zhifu said: "Why don't you go to the Lu family? Tell people properly and invite the doctor over. Do you really believe in your wife? Do you think people will harm your wife? Or do you plan to let her die in the Xia family?"

  "No... No...I'm going right now!" Xia Zhifu hurriedly ran to the Lu family.    

  Jiang Tangtang did not sleep at this moment.

  I originally wanted to go into the space with the kitchen door closed as usual and make the egg yolk puffs I need for tomorrow. But Lu Shiyan didn't know what was wrong today and insisted on helping.

  He also said that although his legs and feet were inconvenient, his hands were fine, and he could do anything with his hands.

  It was difficult for her to enter the space, so she could only find some things to do for him and work hard in the kitchen together.

  When Xia Zhifu arrived, Jiang Tangtang felt like a savior had arrived. When Xia Zhifu asked to borrow a doctor, she agreed without even thinking about it.

  Not only did he pull Xue Banxian up from the bed, but he also said: "I'll go over with you to take a look."

  Then he turned to Lu Shiyan and said: "You go back to your room and rest first! There is nothing left to do, just wait until I get up tomorrow morning to do it. "

  Lu Shiyan was currently chopping meat according to her request. He raised his eyebrows when he heard this, "You go ahead and don't worry about me. I'll go back to the room by myself in a while." "It

  really doesn't matter if you move around like this. "?" Jiang Tangtang glanced at his legs.

  Lu Shiyan met her eyes and felt insulted. He gritted his teeth and said, "My legs are very strong. Even if I only have one leg, I can still walk smoothly."

  Jiang Tangtang: "..."

  You are the boss, so whatever you say is yours. What.

  Forget it, she still doesn't care about the boss's affairs.

  Jiang Tangtang and Xia Zhifu went to Xia's house together.

  When Xue Banxian was pulled up to see a doctor in the middle of the night, he was grumbling and complaining, but when he arrived at the Xia family, he honestly diagnosed Gu Yunqin.

  Xue Banxian said: "The fetus has moved... If you want to save the child, you can only try acupuncture first." "

  Please ask the miracle doctor to give acupuncture first and save my grandson!" Wang Lachun pleaded.

  Unexpectedly, Gu Yunqin looked at the silver needle that Xue Banxian took out, but refused to let him administer the needle. He kept shouting: "He wants to harm me. It must be Jiang who asked him to do this."

  Xue Banxian snorted, " The emperor wants to invite me to see a doctor, but he still needs to see how he feels! Who do you think you are, you are worthy of my efforts to harm you!"

  After saying that, he packed up the silver needle and walked away.

  Wang Lachun hurriedly came to apologize to Jiang Tangtang, "Ms. Lu, I'm really sorry, my daughter-in-law is ignorant! That old god, please help me and say a few kind words..."

  Jiang Tangtang said: "Auntie, you are too polite. Here I am I couldn't help, so I went back first."

  Wang Lachun has been very strong all his life, but now his old face has been completely shamed by his daughter-in-law. Ben still felt pity for the child in her belly, thinking that no matter what, he would save the child first.

  But since she was so ignorant, she didn't bother to care anymore.

  Even Wang Lachun was so angry that he left, and no one in the Xia family cared about Gu Yunqin. In the end, Xia Zhifu went to the county seat and invited the doctor back.

  But when he finally brought the doctor back, the child in Gu Yunqin's belly had already been aborted.