
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 53: Marriage

The woman pursed her lips, took a sip at Jiang Tangtang's back, and muttered: "We are all exiled sinners, why are we dragging them? We really have no education at all."

  "Mother Shuanzi, this is The criminals are different from those who were exiled the year before last. I heard that the family who came today not only has cattle, but also a donkey cart with a cart full of things. They seem to be in good condition." A man with a long face and skin The dark-skinned woman said.

  Ge Shuanniang's eyes suddenly lit up, "Sanniang, are you telling the truth?"

  Ge Sanniang said, "Not only that, when they came, I also saw two very handsome young men sitting on a bullock cart. Come on! Isn't your eldest girl looking for a good husband? I think those two husbands are suitable."

  Ge Shuanniang was a little moved, but she said: "My eldest girl can't say that she can't find a good husband, so why should she find one? Sinners!"

  Ge Sanniang said: "Don't think they are sinners, but they are all nobles in the capital. Look at the Xue family, after they married their daughter to the Gu family, the son-in-law taught his children to study. I will take the first place in the academy, and when I come back as a scholar in the next exam, I will have to change my family!"

  "Not everyone is as knowledgeable as Gu Langjun." Although Ge Shuanniang said this, she was from the court. Walking in the direction of the thatched house.

  Under Jiang Tangtang's influence, Su Shi and Lu Zhixi slowly stopped crying, cheered up, and began to clean the two shabby huts.

  Mrs. Lu's legs were swollen from traveling these past few days. Lu Shiyan did not let her move around and let her sit on the bullock cart to rest while he jumped on the roof to repair the roof.

  The whole family got busy, and soon the originally dirty thatched house became tidy.

  Ge Shuanniang was very satisfied when she saw Lu Shiyan jumping onto the roof easily. Then she saw that the two women cooking next to her actually took out meat to cook. She believed Ge Sanniang's words even more. It seemed that this family The conditions are really good.

  Not only does she have donkeys, carts and oxen, she can also afford meat, and she will definitely have some money left over to build a big house and help with bolts for her family...

  Although she is a criminal with no future, her daughter married into such a family. , I don't know how to endure hardship, and this marriage is not bad.

  Ge Shuanniang was thinking in her mind, and took out a few taros from the basket, walked towards He Qiuniang, and said with a smile: "Sisters, are you the new residents? These are the taros I just dug in the ground. Take them. Go and taste it."

  He Qiuniang did not dare to accept it, but turned to ask Mrs. Lu what she meant, "Old lady, someone sent taro." Mrs.

  Lu glanced at Ge Shuanniang and said kindly: "Since it was given by a neighbor, Just take it!"

  He Qiuniang took the taro and went back to work.

  Ge Shuanniang looked at He Qiuniang, then at Mrs. Lu, and immediately concluded in her heart that this old lady was the person in charge of the family, so she hurried over to get close to Mrs. Lu.

  When I learned that this exiled family not only had cattle and donkeys, but also servants, I felt even more passionate.

  Looking at Mrs. Lu's age, she pointed to Lu Shiyan and said, "That's your eldest grandson, right?"

  Mrs. Lu nodded, then pointed to Jiang Tangtang who was coming back with water in the distance and said, "That's my eldest grandson's wife. He is a blessed and good boy, and he has added two grandsons and one granddaughter to my Lu family as soon as he entered the house."

  When she heard that Lu Shiyan was married and had a child, the enthusiasm on Ge Shuanniang's face suddenly dimmed. But soon, her eyes fell on Lu Shili again.

  "The boy sitting on the ground is also your grandson, right! Just like his brother, he looks just right. Old lady, you are really lucky. I wonder if he is married?"

  Mrs. Lu said: "Yes, this is me. My grandson, we didn't get married, but I injured my leg on the road and have difficulty moving..."

  Mrs. Lu didn't say much more about the rest of the words. But Ge Shuanniang has automatically understood that although she is not married, she is an ineffective paralytic.

  She was immediately disappointed, found an excuse at random, and left with the basket.

  Jiang Tangtang saw that the woman looked very unhappy when she left, and asked curiously: "Grandma, what did she just tell you?"    

  Mrs. Lu smiled and said: "Your second brother has just arrived at the village, and someone has taken a fancy to him. He wants to marry him!"

  Jiang Tangtang's eyes widened in surprise.

  Lu Shili said anxiously: "Grandma! Don't talk nonsense."

  "Don't worry, I have rejected this marriage for you!" Mrs. Lu said: "That woman has a wrong mind, and the daughter she raised will definitely not be much better. Your marriage , Grandma will choose it carefully for you."

  The two of them sat together and chatted. Ge Shuanniang was trying to trick Old Madam Lu, and Old Madam Lu was naturally trying to trick Ge Shuanniang.

  Mrs. Lu used to deal with noble ladies like human beings in the capital, but she didn't need to spend too much time dealing with peasant women like Ge Shuanniang.

  In just a few sentences, the situation of the Ge family, Ge Shuanniang's character and purpose were clarified.

  "I don't want to get married, this is great!" Lu Shili said calmly.

  "Are you still thinking about that girl from the Cui family?" Mrs. Lu suddenly looked serious.

  Lu Shili is eighteen years old this year. He was engaged to Cui Yueling, the granddaughter of Cui Shangshu, two years ago and was supposed to get married in the twelfth lunar month of this year.

  Something happened to the Lu family. Cui Yueling immediately came over with the marriage certificate to break off the engagement. Cui Shangshu was worried about being implicated by the Lu family, so he severely stepped on the Lu family in the court.

  Thinking of the Cui family, Mrs. Lu became very angry.

  Lu Shili said in a low mood: "No, I just think we should settle the matter of residence and wasteland now, and we can talk about my marriage later."

  Jiang Tangtang saw that Mrs. Lu's expression was not good, so she also helped change the subject and said, "Grandma, We will live in this thatched house for now, and tomorrow we will ask Manager Xia for a homestead and someone to build a house.

  I heard that the winter here is usually fine, but it is very cold when there is strong wind. We arrived It's time to find someone to build a big, strong house."

  When it came to building a house, everyone's thoughts were quickly diverted.

  Su worriedly asked: "It costs a lot of money to build a big house, right? We have to buy food, clothing, and everything. Where can we get so much money?"

  There was no news before the Lu family was confiscated and sent to prison. It can be said that I was caught off guard.

  We didn't have much money or jewelry hidden on our bodies, and we were running official errands on the road, buying food and other supplies, so there was not much money left in our hands.

  If they only rely on the money in their hands, let alone repairing the house, the family's food and drink may be a problem.

  Jiang Tangtang said: "Mom, you have forgotten the river mussels I picked up on the road. Although the pearls extracted from the river mussels cost some money, there are still a few left. If these pearls are sold, there is still no problem in building a house. "

  But you were lucky and earned it yourself. How can I use your money to build a house?" Su said without thinking.

  "Mom, we are all a family now. There is no difference between us." Jiang Tangtang found that although her cheap mother-in-law was weak and prone to crying, she had upright views and was capable of dealing with things.