
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 186 Disaster Relief Food Destroyed

Ever since Jiang Tangtang set up a large pot to serve porridge on the pier, more and more refugees have poured into the pier.

  The refugees finally had something to eat, and they were full of praise for Lu Shiyan and Jiang Tangtang. Lu Shiyan's voice among the people was getting louder and louder.

  The refugees praised Lu Shiyan, which made a group of officials who had no dealings with Lu Shiyan unhappy.

  So Xiang Wanlin arranged for someone to infiltrate the refugees that day. After finding out that Jiang Tangtang planned to take the refugees on board and resettle them elsewhere, he suddenly had an idea and asked the people pretending to be refugees to cause trouble.

  It is said that Jiang Tangtang has evil intentions and wants to deceive everyone into selling them.

  Because Jiang Tangtang did not intend to reveal the location of the treasure island, he did not say the specific location.

  Xiang Wanlin's people took advantage of Jiang Tangtang's failure to announce the specific location of the treasure island to sow discord among the refugees, causing many refugees to doubt where they would be resettled.

  At this moment, a group of people surrounded Yuan Si and asked Yuan Si to explain his specific location.

  The Lu family now live in Baodao. The location of Baodao is a secret and Yuan Si will not reveal it.

  Just say whether you are willing to go with them for resettlement. It is voluntary and not forced. Then he took out the brochure and told everyone a series of resettlement conditions, rules to be followed, etc.

  In Jiang Tangtang's view, taking in refugees is a win-win situation for both of them.

  The refugees do not have enough food to eat and are displaced. The construction of the treasure island is exactly when people are needed.

  But what she wants is someone who is useful to Treasure Island.

  Even if you don't have any special skills, you should at least be honest and loyal, with flawless moral character. You won't want to be like those lazy people who like to eat and work hard.

  The placement rules created by Jiang Tangtang are naturally very generous to those who are diligent and motivated. But for lazy people, it is very harsh.

  At this moment, those lazy guys who were cheating and sneaking around were all making trouble with Xiang Wanlin's people. In addition, there are some people who follow suit, and the refugees who are easily influenced also start making noises.

  Yuan Si led his people to appease the refugees and maintain order, but Xiang Wanlin's men hiding in the dark sneaked onto the ship and set fire to the large ship containing grain, which burned into a sea of ​​flames.

  Seeing that the life-saving food was destroyed, the dock instantly became a mess.

  At this time, Xiang Wanlin's people stood up again and said that this was all a drama directed and acted by Jiang Tangtang. She had no food to save everyone's lives, and it was all a conspiracy. It's all about earning a good reputation, deceiving everyone into selling it, and making a fortune by the way.

  Not all the refugees believed these words to sow discord, but they all felt desperate as they watched the life-saving food burn into a sea of ​​fire in front of them, cutting off their last way of survival.

  The scene became increasingly chaotic.

  Yuan Si early realized that someone was deliberately causing trouble, but he only had so many people at hand. He wanted to save the ship as much as possible, but also wanted to catch the troublemaker.

  There was a flurry of activity, and in the end neither the ship nor the person could be rescued.

  When the news came back to the Xiang Mansion, Xiang Wanlin was overjoyed. He waved his hand and said boldly: "Reward, all of them will be rewarded!"

  The servants below flattered him repeatedly and said: "The master is wise!"

  Xiang Wanlin followed his beard and looked proud. He said: "The boy named Lu, whose hair has not even grown, wants to dominate Lingnan. He really doesn't know what to say."

  The servant agreed: "No! Doesn't he want to bribe the refugees to gain a good reputation? Take his food away Come on, let's see what he can do to win over the people."

  Xiang Wanlin was happy thinking that his men burned the Lu family's relief food and caused chaos at the dock.

  I just thought about the news from my subordinates yesterday, saying that the South Vietnamese did not fight Lu Shiyan's army and allowed food to be successfully delivered to the military camp. He was very dissatisfied and said: "That idiot Zhao Chengde, the meat is even delivered to his mouth, he is actually afraid Don't dare to eat it if it's too hot!"

  "The two of them look like they're putting on a show!"

  "That's right!" Xiang Wanlin slapped his hands violently, "Why didn't I think of it? Ah Wu's plan has now been successful. Now that the Jiang family has a bad reputation outside, why not strike while the iron is hot and confirm Lu Shiyan's crime?"     If it is rumored that Lu Shiyan intends to rebel and colludes with the South Vietnamese, and the two parties have been fighting at Sandaoguan for a while, it is just an act. Lu Shiyan wants to take this opportunity to gain fame and facilitate the rebellion, will everyone still say good things about him?

  Moreover, the Lu family is already suspicious of the emperor. In this case, does the emperor have time to care about other things?

  When the time comes, I'm afraid that nothing big will happen, but it won't be as big as Lu Shiyan's rebellion.

  The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he immediately summoned people to the secret room to discuss it.

  Jiang Tangtang didn't know what happened at the dock at this time, nor did he know that Xiang Wanlin and others were planning a more vicious plan.

  Lu Shiyan's words made her nervous mind relax. After eating, I fell asleep soon after lying on the bed.

  Lu Shiyan had something to discuss with the men in Qiongzhou, but he received a message from the secret guard.

  However, after seeing it, he did not wake up Jiang Tangtang and tell her the news. Instead, he directly sent a team of men to Yuan Si.

  Although he had already copied the book Jiang Tangtang gave him and distributed it to the craftsmen. But the shipyard in his hands has not yet been able to build a ship.

  The ships they use now are mainly captured from pirates. The loss of a ship of cassava was nothing; the important ship was burned.

  The person behind it must be caught and made to pay the price.

  Even after leaving the military camp, Lu Shiyan still had many things to deal with. I was busy until the afternoon.

  When Jiang Tangtang woke up, she saw that his eyes were covered with red bloodshot eyes. She felt distressed and angry at the same time: "Why don't you sleep again? You didn't sleep yesterday and you won't sleep today. You want to become an immortal!"

  Lu Shiyan laughed. He said, "I can regain my energy by meditating and taking a rest."

  Jiang Tangtang rolled his eyes, it would be strange to believe him.

  "Then you meditate, and I'll go to the kitchen to get something to eat."

  There were a lot of fresh vegetables in the kitchen, presumably prepared in advance by the old couple who guarded the house.

  However, Jiang Tangtang didn't use it, but replaced it with vegetables from the space.

  Vegetables from space not only taste good, but are also good for the body. Lu Shiyan has been working hard recently, and she has to make up for him.

  Jiang Tangtang cooked a large table of dishes.

  In addition to vegetables, there are also seafood raised in the space.

  Even though Lu Shiyan already knew that his wife was extraordinary, he was still shocked when he saw the food on the table.

  However, his face was very calm, with no expression of surprise, as if these dishes should have existed.

  He peeled off a shrimp and fed it to Jiang Tangtang, "Thank you for your hard work, ma'am!"

  Jiang Tangtang happily enjoyed his feeding, but still said, "I'll do it myself, and you eat it quickly. After we eat it, we'll leave as soon as possible."

  She thought this was good . .

  At least she no longer has to be secretive in front of him and can do whatever she wants.

  She felt more relaxed than ever.