
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 184 Departure

Seeing that Lu Shiyan was silent for a long time, Jiang Tangtang slowly opened his eyes, looked at him a little aggrievedly and said, "Can't you?"

  Lu Shiyan felt that her aggrieved look was a bit like the rabbit his sister used to raise, with pure and innocent eyes.

  He raised his hand and stroked her face and said, "It's not impossible, but I don't want you to take risks, and I don't want you to work too hard."

  Jiang Tangtang said, "It's not hard." He just raised his hand and put things in the space. What a hard work.

  As for the danger, she looked at him and said, "How about you come with me then?"

  Although he had known that his wife was unusual, Lu Shiyan could not help but be surprised and said, "Just the two of us?"

  Since Jiang Tangtang mustered up the courage to say After saying that, he was ready to reveal the secret. She nodded, looked at Lu Shiyan and said, "Yes, just the two of us."

  Lu Shiyan did not ask any more questions, but lowered his head to look at the map. After a while, he pointed at the map and said, "How about we go to the Song family first? Here we are. There are relatively few guards and it's close to the camp."

  Jiang Tangtang didn't expect that he didn't ask anything, he just looked at the map and studied where to go.

  She was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head to look at the map.

  After looking at it for a while, she pointed to the place where the flags were most densely packed and said, "Is this the treasure house of Governor Xiang's family? How are his guards?"

  "More guards than General Song's family," Lu Shiyan raised his eyes and looked at She said: "Do you want to go to the Xiang family first?"

  Jiang Tangtang nodded, a little strange, and didn't understand how a prefect could have more soldiers guarding his private treasury than those who held military power.

  Lu Shiyan saw her doubts and told her about Xiang Wanlin's origin.

  It turned out that the Xiang family was a large local family that had been established in Lingnan for many years, and the wife he married was the legitimate daughter of the Central Protector.

  In addition, he has been in official position for many years, but he has not made decisions for the people. Instead, he has done all kinds of unscrupulous things. Every year, several people who have been harmed by him and have no way out come to him to seek revenge.

  Therefore, he had raised private soldiers early on to do some shady things for him secretly.

  However, these were all secret operations and would not have been discovered unless Lu Shiyan's people were careful.

  After hearing this, Jiang Tangtang was very angry, "Let's go to Magistrate Xiang's house!"

  She wanted that corrupt official who loved money as much as his life to lose all his money.

  "Okay, you rest for a while, I'll go out and make arrangements, and we'll set off in the afternoon." Lu Shiyan stood up and put away the dishes and chopsticks.

  After Lu Shiyan left, Jiang Tangtang planned to take a nap, but couldn't fall asleep at all while lying on the bed.

  Her mind was racing with thoughts of what to do next.

  It has to be said that the night visit to Magistrate Xiang's private treasury disrupted her original plan.

  Originally, she was supposed to rush back to the dock today, pick a suitable place, move the sweet potatoes out of the space, and then return to the island to resettle the refugees.

  However, the food in the military camp could not last for a few days, and resettling refugees also required a large amount of food. She had to get the food as soon as possible.

  She closed her eyes and rubbed her brow, thinking about how to arrange the refugees if she could not go back for the time being, when she heard Yuan San's voice outside.

  Jiang Tangtang stood up and ordered the soldiers guarding outside the tent to let the people in.

  Yuan San entered the door, cupped his hands towards Jiang Tangtang, and immediately talked about the results of his secret investigation of the private treasury.

  He found the private treasury of three families in total, namely Song Zongbing, the Fu family, and the magistrate of Raoying County.

  The information he checked was not as comprehensive as Lu Shiyan's, but he found so much information in just one night, which was already pretty good.

  Jiang Tangtang praised him, then took out his seal and said: "I have something to do here and I can't go back to the island for the time being. You take my seal to the workshop to get food, and then go back with the food to help Yuan San resettle the refugees. "

  Yuan San was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he was only asked to check the private treasury, and then nothing happened.

  This is totally unlike this master's style!

  He opened his mouth to ask, but swallowed the words when he reached his throat, "What will happen to your safety after I leave?"

  "The resettlement of refugees is more important. I don't have to worry here. When the time comes, the military will send A team of people will send it to me."     After Jiang Tangtang finished speaking, he added: "This matter was discussed between me and your family. Just go ahead with peace of mind."

  Yuan San took the seal, bowed heavily to Jiang Tangtang, and led the others away.

  After handling the refugee matter, Jiang Tangtang felt much more relaxed all over. This time he fell on the bed and fell asleep within a short time.

  She slept until dusk when she woke up.

  Looking at the fiery red sunset on the horizon, Jiang Tangtang gave Lu Shiyan a strange look, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

  Lu Shiyan said, "It doesn't matter, we can leave later."

  "How can we make it in time?" Jiang Tangtang muttered, "Again Can't fly!"

  Lu Shiyan only smiled, "Eat something before leaving."

  Jiang Tangtang grabbed a steamed bun and said, "Eat and walk."

  Lu Shiyan looked at her with a smile and said, "Are you sure?"

  "Of course!" Jiang Tangtang said it right. Be confident and confident when you see that tall horse! His eyes suddenly widened.

  She swallowed the steamed buns in her mouth with difficulty and said, "

  Shall we go on horseback?" Lu Shiyan smiled and said, "Are you going to eat and walk at the same time?"

  Jiang Tangtang glared at him angrily, "You didn't tell me earlier."

  Lu Shiyan said good-naturedly He handed over the broth on the side and said, "Dry steamed buns, don't choke."

  Jiang Tangtang couldn't ride a horse, and he was not confident that he could eat on a horse. No matter how anxious he was, he could only sit down and eat the steamed buns with the broth.

  She originally thought the soup looked delicious, but she took a sip and was immediately surprised by the soup in the bowl. "What kind of soup is this? It's so delicious!"

  Lu Shiyan said: "turtle dove soup!"

  The military camp was short of food, and the people in the camp were People go to the back mountain every two days to hunt, and now they have hunted down almost all the large prey on the mountain.

  Yesterday, the soldiers from the kitchen went up the mountain and worked hard for a long time before catching a turtle dove and a snake.

  So he stewed the turtle dove and the snake together and sent them over.

  Lu Shiyan was worried that Jiang Tangtang was afraid of snake soup when he heard about it, so he deliberately just said it was turtle dove soup.

  Jiang Tangtang frowned in confusion, but didn't think much about it.

  After a simple dinner, the two set off.

  Lu Shiyan took Jiang Tangtang on horseback to Shimen Tuo and then changed the waterway.

  This is a very famous Death Gorge in the local area. Because of the rapid flow of this river and a large waterfall more than 40 meters high, no one sails here at all.

  Seeing that Lu Shiyan wanted to board the boat and take the waterway from here, Jiang Tangtang was a little surprised.

  But even though he was surprised, Jiang Tangtang didn't ask any more questions.

  She understood Lu Shiyan's temperament and would not take risks with her if she was not sure.

  Sure enough, as she thought, the skills of the boatmen were very good, and they could avoid danger every time and row the boat steadily.

  When they arrived at the waterfall, Jiang Tangtang was sure that Lu Shiyan was already prepared!

  The boatman first found a place to dock, and then several people went down the waterfall in a hanging basket. There was actually a boat prepared under the waterfall.