
My whole family was in exile, and I relied on my space to buy half of

Jiang Tangtang was tired of 996, so she followed the example of Internet celebrities and returned to her hometown to start a business. sHe sold all her belongings and still owed millions to the bank. Finally, she built a small villa in a mountain valley, rented hundreds of acres of land, and built a rural farmhouse. But she didn't expect that after finally building the house, planting the orchards, and finally opening the farmhouse, she traveled through time and became the legitimate daughter of Anyang uncle of the Zhou Dynasty. The original owner, with a muscular face and a muscular face, looked like a big black bear, but he coveted the most handsome young man in the capital - Lu Shiyan, the young prince of Dingbei Marquis Mansion. sHe used dirty tricks to get pregnant. Married into the Dingbei Hou Mansion and became the concubine that everyone envied. But the good times did not last long. In the third year after the original owner married into the palace, Dingbei Houfu was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and all of them were imprisoned. When Jiang Tangtang came through, he was on the way to be exiled. Facing her husband who had his leg broken, three sick children, his over-capacity stomach, and his obese body that made him gasp for breath after taking only two steps, Jiang Tangtang was unable to look up to the sky. God, if I am guilty, please punish me with the law. Why do you want me to travel through time? Fortunately, the small villa she spent all her money to build also came with her, and the orchard she traveled through turned out to be a space shrouded in fairy mist. There were not only spiritual springs and fairy dew in it, but also hidden surprises that she had not expected.

Line_Huang · Fantasy
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220 Chs

Chapter 106 Recruitment

"No, that's the Song Mansion, the home of General Song. It's such an honor to work as a cook in the Song Mansion!"

  Mother Ge regretted, "If you want to get in touch with General Song, in the future I am no longer afraid of pirates!"

  The Ge family felt sorry for each other, but soon the Ge family recovered from the shock that General Song actually paid a high price to invite Jiang Tangtang to work as a cook in his house, but Jiang Tangtang actually refused. , attention shifted to the Lu family's plan to open a shop in the county town.

  "Sister Jiang, is what you just said true? Are your family really planning to open a shop in the county?" Sister-in-law Ge looked at Jiang Tangtang with burning eyes. She couldn't seize the opportunity to work as a cook in the Song family, so she couldn't let go of the opportunity to work as a helper in the Lu family shop!

  Jiang Tangtang said: "That's the plan!"

  "Then your family needs to hire someone to open a shop?" Sister-in-law Ge said: "What do you think of me?"

  Not to mention Sister-in-law Ge, even Sister-in-law Ge, who has always been calm, also looked expectant. He looked at Jiang Tangtang.

  It's true that you need to invite people, but in the food business, you are most afraid of someone having bad intentions or something.

  She didn't know the Ge family very well. Now she not only had conflicts with Baiweizhai, but also might have offended Song Zongbing. Jiang Tangtang didn't dare to just accept it, but changed the subject and said, "I remember you have winter melon and taro at home. , Do you want to sell it?"

  "It can be sold!" Sister-in-law Ge said enthusiastically.

  Jiang Tangtang said, "I wonder how Mrs. Ge plans to sell it?"

  Baiweizhai learned how to make cat ears and glutinous rice noodles, but never learned how to make winter melon candy and egg yolk cakes.

  Jiang Tangtang plans to continue doing these two things after the shop opens, and add taro slices as well.

  "One penny for taro costs two catties, and one penny for winter melon costs three catties." Sister-in-law Ge was a little nervous when she said it. After all, taro and winter melon are both heavy items.

  Unexpectedly, Jiang Tangtang agreed immediately after hearing this and said: "Okay, this is the price. As long as the quality is good, I will take any amount."

  Hearing what Jiang Tangtang said, Sister-in-law Ge suddenly became interested.

  Winter melon and taro are not precious things in farmers. Most of the time, they don't like to eat these two foods, but they just want to save food, so they often eat them with whole grains.

  But if these two things can be exchanged for money, who would care about eating those things.

  And she remembered that her parents' family also harvested a lot of winter melons and taros this year. She went to collect them and sell them to Jiang Tangtang. Not only could she help her parents' family, but she could also make a fortune from them.

  After Sister Ge repeatedly confirmed that Jiang Tangtang's purchase was huge, she no longer bothered to pester Jiang Tangtang about recruiting workers in the shop.

  Sister-in-law Ge still wanted to ask, but Sister-in-law Ge called her to go back to the cellar to pick up winter melons and taro.

  Jiang Tangtang collected hundreds of kilograms of winter melon and taro in one go. While maintaining the relationship between the two families, he also purchased a large amount of ingredients for the shop.

  She felt happy and decided to make some snacks first to feel happy.

  Making taro slices is easy, just cut it into thin slices, fry it in a pan, and then sprinkle with salt, pepper and other seasonings.

  The job of cutting taro slices was naturally left to Lu Shiyan.

  His hands were clean and slender, big hands that could be used to shoot advertisements in modern times. He was holding a heavy kitchen knife in his left hand and pressing the taro with his right hand. In the blink of an eye, a taro became evenly thick in his hand. of flakes.

  That speed is simply faster than a machine. Quality, even better than slicers. The key is how the person standing in front of the stove looks pleasing to the eye.

  He lost some weight, but his features became more profound and handsome. The eyebrows are sharp, the nose is straight, the figure is tall and straight...

  Jiang Tangtang was fascinated without realizing it.    


  On the other side, Butler Song went to see General Song angrily.

  But when he saw Mr. Song, he was not as arrogant as when he was at the Lu family. Instead, he praised her very sincerely: "Sir, that Jiang is indeed a talent. When I went there, I didn't know what she was doing in the room. Eat, the taste was so delicious that I almost couldn't hold back and swallowed my tongue."

  Mr. Song had a smile on his face, but Butler Song had just finished the compliment and sighed: "It's a pity that her husband can't take care of it. Yan, refused to let her come to the house to be a cook! I have already offered a price of a thousand taels, but he is still unmoved."

  The smile on Song Zongbing's face suddenly disappeared, and Butler Song looked at him , a feeling of pride arose in his heart, but there was regret on his face: "If there was a cook like Jiang in the house, the old lady would definitely have a better appetite."

  "No one is invited, what's the use of talking nonsense?" Song Song The commander-in-chief said with a gloomy expression.

  Butler Song hurriedly knelt on the ground and confessed. After he slapped himself on the face several times, he came up with an idea and said, "Sir, to put it bluntly, the reason why Mr. Jiang refused to come to the house to be a cook is all It's because her man is causing trouble. As long as the man in her family is dealt with, why doesn't she, a weak woman, quickly find a way to find a backer?"

  The confidants nearby saw Mr. Song frowning and said nothing, worried that he would not be able to lose face. Because of a cook who was embarrassing the Lu family, he hurriedly said: "Sir, we have lost a lot of money fighting pirates this time. Is it time to recruit soldiers?"

  "Has the list of casualties been reported?" said General Song.

  Wu Zhouquan said: "This time, thirty-eight people were seriously injured, fifty-four died, and more than two hundred were slightly injured. In addition to the old veterans who should retire, it is time for the camp to recruit troops."

  General Song ordered . He nodded and said to him: "You will handle the recruitment yourself!"

  Soon, the recruitment notice was posted.

  When the people in Zhounanzhuang heard the news, they suddenly wailed, "The pirates were killed today, why are we recruiting troops again!"

  "Is this still a way for people to survive?"


  After wailing and complaining, those who have the conditions, So I started looking for ways to see if there was any way to escape the conscription.

  Manager Xia was naturally the first to find a way out, planning to let his sons avoid military service. But he didn't expect that all the roads that could be taken before would not work this time.

  This time the conscription not only stipulates that every household with a male must send one man to serve in the military, but it also does not allow people to donate money to buy a replacement.

  Wang Wachun looked at Manager Xia worriedly and said, "Dad, what's going on? In the past, you could pay for someone to do the recruiting, why not this time?"

  Manager Xia shook his head and sighed: "I don't know what's going on specifically. When I inquired about it, I only heard that this was a special instruction from the superiors. This time the conscription cannot be done through the private sector."

  "What should we do? Is it really necessary to send the children to serve as soldiers?" Wang Lachun couldn't help but wipe his tears, "Then Aren't you going to die?"

  Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Wang also secretly wiped away their tears.

  Xia Zhirong looked at his wife who was wiping her tears, and then at his parents who were in trouble, and took the initiative to stand up and said, "Dad, I'll go!"

  "Brother, I'll go!" Xia Zhigui said.

  "What are you going to do? You haven't gotten married yet." Xia Zhirong patted his shoulder and said, "You stay at home and marry a wife so that your parents can feel at ease."