#Warning: Matured content# Alex lost his wife after childbirth. Now he's faced with the problem that his baby girl doesn't want to feed on dairy milk and goes out in search of a wet nurse. He finds it very difficult to find one because wet nurses aren't popular in this present century, so Suzy who is a single mum with a baby almost the same age as Alex baby, offers to be a wet nurse for his baby girl. He later finds out that the odd feelings he's been having for Suzy, the sudden urge to protect and provide for her was love all along and not only that, his first love who was a girl in a picture he picked years back happened to be the same woman who was a wet nurse to his baby and in as much as he was married before, he now knows that with Suzy, what he feels is the very different, real, genuine love he felt years back when he picked her picture but came on stronger this time as she's grown into something breathtaking and addictive to his wanting soul. Alex wants Suzy to not only be the wet nurse for his baby, but his wife and the mother of his future babies but somethings from his life before she came into It just keep on trying to be a hurdle. What do you think will become of Alex who is trapped in between making choices and Suzy who gets involved into the drama theat she didn't bargain for, all because she became a wet nurse for Alex's baby? PS: book cover is not mine
"Hello, Justin please I've been calling you for the past few days now. I need to see you." I said leaving him a voicemail because it seems he's been avoiding me recently.
Thinking about my present situation I just had to call him again and as usual, it went straight to voicemail again and I spoke out my heart telling him that I was disappointed in him and that I was pregnant with his child. Jeezz, I was sweating profusely, I was red with fury and most of all I was tired. Tired of everything which got worse with me finding out about my pregnancy, like how did it happen not like I don't know one can get pregnant through unprotected sex but I was on pills for fuck sake. The more I thought about this situation the more I got frustrated and annoyed coupled with the fact that Justin was now avoiding me. I can see myself going through this journey alone because it's pretty obvious that Justin would want nothing to do with this kid. But I have to know his say on this it'll be unfair to conclude that. I think I should give him the benefit of doubt and at least leave the door open for him to choose if he wants to be involved with the baby's life because I'm not going for an abortion.
By the way, Justin was my Highschool crush actually, I thought he was the most handsome being I ever saw. They are one of the hottest football players in Gramfield high school and I had a huge crush on him. He was obviously above my league but I vowed that I must at least make him smile at me lovingly then I went into grooming myself, later I joined the cheerleading squad even though it wasn't my thing but I was very determined to make Justin talk to me. I was stupid and a fool in love thinking that I could get him that easily when there were hotter and wealthier girls than me in Granfield. I wasn't even among the lowest level of wealthy people. I lost my dad when I was little as I was told by my mum. I didn't even know him so I had no memories of having a father and my mum was a poor waiter in a restaurant but she made sure she provided for me with the little cash she got from her job. She let me take on a job when I was sixteen because she felt I was now old enough to at least provide some certain things for myself. Back to Highschool, Justin never looked at me twice or I felt he didn't even know I existed. I felt horrible but I decided that it won't weigh me down after all I had a poor mum who became sick and I was literally the person providing for the family. I was worn out even as a teenager, I had responsibilities bigger than people of my age and I needed to focus.
Well, I got out of high school and couldn't fund my college education so I quit and became a cashier at a convenience store. Okay, Newtown is a small town in Connecticut so fortunately, I cross paths with Justin again. I was lost, I thought Justin was handsome in high school but dang! he's really something yummy now. Just drinking in the sight of him could wet one's panties in fact mine was fuckn' wet.
"Suzy...Suzy..snap out of it girl" damn the last thing I heard was 'girl' I had no idea of what he's been yapping all along because I was so lost. Before I stood my high school lover well it was unrequited but oh my I didn't even know he knew my name.
"Sor..sorry. I'm sorry" I stammered lowering my gaze and stealing an eyeful of him. I was shamelessly gawking at him and I know he noticed it. I had to get a grip of myself before I lose my job. I was brought back to reality when the doorbell rang. Opening my door I was faced with a disheveled Amelia.
"Shit! Amelia, what's wrong?" I asked while I ushered her in while holding her. I led her to the sofa and handed her a cup of coffee. Taking it, she sipped a little and held the mug then she looked at me with sad eyes.
"Elvis broke our engagement." Well damn, I wasn't expecting this. I froze for a sec unsure of how to react because I never liked Elvis from the first day I set my eyes on him. I felt Amelia was too good for him. So I just hugged her and tried to console her. Then I just had to blurt out my problem too.
"Lia, I'm pregnant," I said and it felt as if a burden has been lifted off my shoulders, I felt a bit relieved that I could talk to someone but my heart still hurt because Justin didn't even care to at least pick his fuckn' phone calls. My mum was still at the hospital and damn I don't even know how Amelia would react not like I care because it's already spilled milk. I know she warned me against Justin and I didn't even tell her I'd been fucking him. I'm that bad, now I was in deep shit, and here was I, running to her for help even though she just told me of her canceled engagement. I feel bad for her, but I'm in trouble and she's the only family I have apart from my mum. Thinking of my mum, I just have to find a way to break the news to her so it'll seem good. I can't just believe I let myself fall into this. I should have known better. The last thing I'll ever want for my unborn baby is to grow up without a father figure in her life. I grew up without one and all I can say is that I wouldn't want that for my baby not that my mum was a bad mother, but it would have been way better if my Dad was alive and mum could have been happier.