
It Goes In Circles, Jayden

“Your relationship is really interesting, really interesting with Jayden, and maybe he feels close to you because your relationships are closer than you expect,” Kanu said as he leaned into Gary.

“Some people might think that it’s not my place to talk about this, to tell you his past when he decided not to tell you, but f*ck them,” Kanu said. “Because this has a lot to do with me as well, so it’s my choice to tell you, and there’s another reason.”

“I want you to listen to this, Gary. I want you to listen to this well,” Kanu said as he stared deep into Gary’s eyes. The sincerity in his voice could be heard.

“The reason I decided to call you and tell you what I’m about to tell you today is because I think you’re the only person who might be able to drag him out of the pit that he put himself into because I sure as hell couldn’t,” Kanu said.