
My Werewolf Prince

A story about teenage werewolves and the problems they face in building their pack. Kei Lyroso Laros, a sixteen year old teenager who has a Lycan monster inside his body that he can't control. When he turns seventeen, the Lycan monster will take over him and he will become a full-fledged monster. No more Kei, only Lycan. Only one can prevent it, his own mate. Tania Reynolds, a sweet sixteen year old girl who is not a werewolf. She is an ordinary teenager. But since Kei's arrival, her life has changed. She became Kei’s mate, which must be death by Kei's own hands. They are trying to find a way so that Kei is not overpowered by the Lycan monster that is in his body in addition to preventing himself from being killed by his own uncle who works with black witch. Kei tries to prevent himself from turning into a cold-blooded monster by trying to master the monster inside him. Unbeknownst to Kei, he must kill his own mate in order to control the monster. With the help of the strongest mage in the world, Kei will make sure that won’t happen. On the other hand, there is another teenager, Zach, who doesn't know he is a werewolf until his father comes and awakens his wolf soul. What surprised everyone was that Zach was a purebred alpha. A purebred alpha is descended from the ancestor of the first werewolves. Unlike other alphas whose alpha status was passed down by his father, Zach was alpha since he was born. Zach is trying hard to control his wolf powers on the other hand he also knows he has two mates. Even though werewolves are only destined to have one mate. What's the matter? Kei and Zack work together to defeat one alpha from Moon Bykort's pack, an alpha who is notorious even in his pack. They have an army called Orychant, an army of pure breeds.

tadariez28 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter Eight

Tania entered the classroom and there were already two of her friends there, Casey and Ann.

"Ooooo.... Look who didn't come late today." tease Casey. Tania just put on her shy face then sat in her chair.

"it's not really you, who always came late." asked Casey who was now standing next to Tania.

"Because Andy played a joked at me." said Tania. She smiled a little as she remembered what happened this morning.

"Andy? What's wrong with Andy?" Casey asked again.

"He knows when I wake up I always look at the clock in my room. He speeds up my wall clock to 30 minutes faster. Just imagine how I got up in a hurry. Even though it's still seven in the morning." Tania complained.

Casey and Anne laughed. "Wow, Andy is great. It should be like that every day."

Tania pouted again. Soon the class became more and more noisy. Classes next to Tania's class are also noisy. From the noise of all the girls, Ian and Kei emerged. Ian came with as usual, a smiling face and friendly. Different to Kei who is flat and cold.

Kei glanced at Tania for a moment before finally sitting on his chair. Tania didn't even glance at Kei.

"Hi good morning." said Ian friendly.

"Morning." Casey and Tania said at the same time. Only Anne did not answer.

Ian stopped next to Anne's desk and then lowered his body so that his face was level with Anne's who was sitting on her chair. Ian smiled with his killer smile.

"Morning, Anne." said Ian unbelievably gentle. Their faces were very close. Anne, who was surprised, started to feel awkward.

"Eh? Gg-good morning, Ian." said Anne nervously. Her face was red and her head was lowered. Ian who saw Anne embarrased, smiled sweetly and stroked Anne's head gently. Anne's body froze for a moment.

"So cute..." Ian said and went straight to his seat.

Tania and Casey who saw what happened smiled meaningfully. They had never seen Anne so nervous. Anne had never been so interested in men. She was only interested in books and science plus math. This time they saw the other side of Anne.

"Ian, I support you. Cheer up huh..!" said Tania.

"Me too." Casey said.

Ian just put his thumbs up and laughed amusedly.


Tania POV

The recess bell has rung. Finally.... my body was sore and my brain started to curl because all I saw was a dizzying math formula. I stretch my muscles.

"Tania, please help me bring the books to the teacher's office." says math teacher Susan Harper. I immediately stood up.

"Yes ma'am." I said weakly. Mrs. Harper immediately left the classroom. I saw a pile of books on the teacher's desk. Ugh, it must be heavy.

"Cas, I'm going to the teacher's office first. Wait for me in the canteen and don't go anywhere." I said.

"Okay." Casey replied. "Can you bring all those books? Want me to help?"

"No need, I'm sure it's not too heavy. Besides, some say if we do the teacher's orders, it means we want to get the teacher's attention." I said emphasizing the word seek. "So it's better that you don't have to help. Later you will also be said to seek the teacher's attention."

I glanced at Kei out of the corner of my eye. He just stayed silent and didn't react.

"Who said that?" Casey looked confused.

"Polar bears." I said nonchalantly and went to get the books and then headed to the teacher's room.

The teacher's room is not too far from my class but this time I feel the teacher's room is very far away. Maybe because this time i was carrying a tall pile of books. I tried to look straight ahead with difficulty because the books were covering my face. So I can only see the road once in a while. Suddenly the pile of books shook. I felt someone took some of the books I was carrying. I looked to the side and Mark was already there. He took half of the pile of books and smiled and then walked away leaving me still dumbfounded with my mouth wide open without me noticing.

"Do you still want to stand there?" asked Mark who saw me still standing still.

"Oh yes." I said and jogged after him.

I didn't say a word heading into the teacher's room. I feel awkward, very awkward. I rarely spoke to Mark and even before the incident at the cafeteria, I had never spoken to Mark at all. As far as I know, Mark is the most handsome boy in school. All the girls love him, Casey does too. But I don't really care about him. For me, it's enough for the Girls to like him, I don't need to like him either. I entered the teacher's room with Mark and placed the pile of books on Mrs. Harper's desk.

"Mark what are you doing here?" asked Mrs. Harper seeing Mark at her desk and putting down some of the books. "Did you just help Tania deliver the books?"

"Yes ma'am." said Mark.

"You are very nice." prised Mrs.Harper , smiling sweetly. Oh my gosh that teacher. With me it's always cynical but with Mark, Mrs. Harper is sweet as a puppy. But just be aware. Mrs. Harper is a widow. Her husband had died five years ago in an accident. Maybe Mrs. Harper needs a caress. Patience Tania, this is a test for you. Understand your teacher.

"I'm sorry ma'am." I finally said. I don't want to look any further into Mrs Harpers's coquettishness.

"Okay thank you." she said to me in a slightly curt tone.

"Excuse me too, ma'am." said Mark.

"Yes, thank you dear." said Mrs. Harper sweetly. Dear? oh my gosh this one teacher. Tania shook her head.

"Wait a minute." Mrs. Harper said stopping me and Mark too. "You guys not dating are you?" he asked. What?

"N-no ma'am, of course not." I said quickly with an awkward smile. Mrs. Harper was still squinting at me.

"I'm not going out with Tania ma'am, but I like her." Mark's words startled me half to death. What is wrong with this kid? "If Tania wants, I want to date Tania." Mark smiled sweetly at me.

Waaaaat? What is it? What has happened?

"So... how about you Tania? do you want to be Mark's girlfriend?" asked Mrs. Sim had joined.

The three people in front of me looked at me with various expressions. Mrs Harper with an expression of displeasure, with this incident I am very sure, she will hate me. Mrs. Sims looked at me with her eyebrows raised and down to tease me and finally Mark who just looked at me with his charming smile. Ahhh soon I will melt because of that smile.

"Hahaha..." I laughed awkwardly for a moment. "Mark was just playing around, mom, just teasing me." I said.

"I'm not kidding." said Mark instantly and made my awkward laugh disappear. "Do you want it?"

"Ahh Mark! Stop joking. Not funny." I said. Yeah, that's not funny. But part of my heart hopes that what Mark said is true. No Tania, don't be crazy. Mark is the guy Casey likes. I shook my head. Mark wanted to speak again but Mrs. Harper cut him off.

"It's better not Tania. You'd better study because your math scores are apprehensive. Even elementary school kids are better at math than you." Mrs. Harper said irritated me. Why should I be equated with elementary school children?

"I'm sorry ma'am." I said and immediately left the teacher's room. I don't want to linger there.


I turned and saw Mark who was already behind me. He approached me and smiled sweetly at me again. I saw her bright blue eyes and dark brown hair. Oh God.

"You want to think about it?" he asked. Ahhh damn why is he still talking about that.

"I told you--"

"Mark..." someone called. Lani came with a spoiled smile and wrapped her arms around Mark's arms. Mark took a deep breath and turned his face away.

"You're here... I've been looking for you everywhere." said Lani. If there is Mark, the handsome boy in the whole school, there must be Lani, the prettiest girl in the whole school. Lani is famous for her possessiveness towards Mark. Well, I don't know what their relationship is, but clearly, Lani is always there where Mark is and all girls who are close to Mark will be exterminated.

"What are you doing here with him?" asked Lani with a disapproving look at me. Ah yes, why am I still here.

"None of your business Lani." said Mark. I saw Mark trying to get Lani's hand off his arm many times. Ugh, so possessive. I shudder to see it.

"What do you see?!" asked Lani curtly.

"There isn't any." I said casually.

"Go away!" said her. Never mind, I thought.

"With pleasure."

"Wait Tania..." Mark held my hand. I was surprised he did.

"So you're here?" someone behind me said. I turned and saw Kei standing behind me. He looked at me and Mark alternately then looked at my hand that was held by Mark.

"Mr Simon is calling you, hurry up. He's in second grade." he said and turned around. But he hadn't gone far before he turned again. "Do you still want to stay there?"

"Ahh yes..." I said then let go of Mark's hand and ran after Kei. Thank god. Even though I hate him but this time I thank him for releasing me from that awkward situation.


I didn't go straight home after school today. I went to Cliftwood Forest. Sometimes I like to go to this forest. This is the forest behind the school. I walked the path in the forest. Lush tall trees and fresh air. I kept walking until I finally reached the end of the forest. I could see high hills and ravines. I was near the bottom of the abyss. There were some big rocks there and there was a wide and very beautiful meadow next to it. I was standing under a big tree. Next to the tree was a rock that was taller than me and quite large. I approached the rock. There were some writings engraved on the stone. Only one article caught my attention.

Arthur Reynolds love Amanda Kendrick

My parents. If I miss them I'll come over here and look at the writing. I sat and leaned against the rock. My brother said this was mom and dad's favorite place. They often come here to see the natural scenery here. Even when I was in mother's tummy, they were still here. I miss them so much. They died when I was one year old. So I didn't get to know them very well. Only from my brothers's story and photo album.


I am surprised. I heard something fell. I stood up and tried to figure out what it was. I walked through the meadow. Something was moving on the rocks. I tried to get closer. I suddenly gasped in surprise. I covered my mouth with my hand. I saw a pretty big, no, very big dog there. I'm not sure it's a dog or a wolf. What is clear is that he fell from the abyss!

