
Chapter 450 Wafted

In the cave, the burning bonfire crackled.

The girl's eyes were as cold as ice.

She picked up the roasted chicken wings and chicken legs on the fire and ate them slowly. In addition to that, there was also a steak in the pot. After frying it, she sprinkled some seasoning on it. The aroma instantly wafted into the air.

The viewers in the broadcast room swallowed hard.

A viewer commented. "D*mn. My stomach is rumbling already!"

Someone agreed. "It looks so delicious. Why do I see so much good food every time I switch to Lucille's broadcast room? She's so good at cooking!"

Another wrote. "Come on. Is this really the time to be discussing how delicious her food is? Hendric has already encountered a python and a pack of wolves. He's in urgent need of help! How can she be eating in such a relaxed manner?"