
Chapter 438 Designed It Herself

At that time, when Tech Connex Pavilion Technology Center was first built, she and Robert had participated in the creation of a lot of maps for the virtual world. She had designed the house herself.

Lucille raised an eyebrow.

As one of the main designers, even if she did not step into the house, she knew what was inside. There was delicious food, wine, and a hot spring.

Even if she didn't step into the house, she knew what would happen when night fell. For example, countless wolves would surround the house and attack everyone!

In other words, this house was like a huge trap. Once all the prey were lured in, the predators would come to enjoy the delicious food.

Wasn't it sadistic?

Indeed, it was.

Lucille straightened her back and stepped into the house first.

At a glance, there were no decorations in the empty yet luxurious living room. There was only a long table and a comfortable sofa.