
my way to the crown

with the process of trying to live her life before her eighteen birthday, an accident happens that send her far far away from home and she has to struggle to find her way back before its to late.

_Melody232 · Fantasy
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15 Chs


****toby pov********

I was deep in sleep enjoy it but was interrupt by a loud banging on my door I turned to look at my watch on my night stand to see it was one thirty five am "who could be here at this time" I said out loud then got out of my bed to go open the door and when I did it was no one other than Clove her hair was down and she was wearing a white night gown "kiwi I can't sleep" she said lazily as she entered my room "what are you doing here"i asked her as I closed my door and turne to see her lying on my bed

"I can't sleep and I dont wont to be awake alone"

"so you came to disturbing my sleep" I said and she just nodded with her head with a big smile on her face and then she came and hugged me "and I also missed you kiwi" she said hugging me tightly and I could smell the heavy stench of alchohol coming from her "clove are you drunk "

"just a little "she said using her hand to indicate a little " ok let's get you to your room"i said gently pushing her to the door but she quickly turned to face me and was pointing her index finger at me "no, i am not going anywhere until we play a game and you tell me a bed time story " she said then crossed her hands together and did a facial expression saying she means so I did not want to argue "fine what ever you wont".

we bothe lay down on the bed looking at the roof "so where going to play a question and answer game I would ask you a question you answer honestly you ask me a question I would answer honestly ok" she said and I nod in agreement

"ok I would go first, single or taken"

" single"

"your kidding right how can a hot guy like you be single" she said and I could fell the hard blush on my face thank God for the darkness so she can't see it

" what about you single or taken"

"I dont know I have a feeling I am taken but at the same time very single" I wont lie that sounded wired

"so question if somebody those something very bad like really really bad what would you do"

"well I won't lie I would forgive them"

"well me I will find there entire family and get there heads off" she said with an evil smile and the next minute she let out a yawn and I won't lie it was actually very cute"ok enough of with the games tell me the bed time story" she said placing her head on my pillow "your going to sleep here" I asked with a confused look but she looked to tired to even respond so I just cover her with the blanket and started "once upon at time there lived a princess who like to go on daring adventures on the sea but 9be day her ship crashed on an unknown land and was calling for help for somebody to save her but nobody came she almost gave up until a young gentleman found her and got her back to her kingdom safe and sound" I said and I could see her smiling while her eye where closed listening to the story "that's funny she sounds exactly like me I hope they find me " she said with a big smile "clove what do you mean by that" I said looking and feeling confused but the only response I got was a little snor indicating that she is sleeping "never mind I would just ask her tomorrow" I said then I was slowly getting out of bed to not wake her up and find a new place to sleep but she then hardened her grip on my hand

" I dont think she wants me to go that" I said to myself as I enter back into the bed "well it would be hard to explain this situation tomorrow but good night clove" I said then brush few strands of her from her face.