
My vimpire husband (he's a devil, she's a seductress)

I don't believe in love neither do I do love Lena, Lucas said, you would only be my girlfriend for three months and once the three months is over we would go our separate ways meet Elena Gomez,a young lady in her twenties with a twist of fate, she has a sick grandma who was diagnose with a heart disease that needs to be treated, but she doesn't have a dime luck came to her and she sold papers worth her grandma's bill but she needs more money. meet Lucas Wilson a wealthy tycoon in country A in England but he has a sickly problem about love, Elena happen to come across him for help and in return she has to be his sex toy. they have different similarities Elena known for her bright smile ; Lucas known for his hard rock face, someone that lost his smile long ago Lena known for her kind behavior; Lucas known for his ruthless character. Lena known for her warmth ; Lucas known for his cold aurora. Lena was stigma as an angel in distress ; Lucas as a Cold devil. Lena from a very poor background ; Lucas a multi trillioner. join me with this enticing Novel I hope we all love it.... NOTE: mature content included

Astra_knight_ · Fantasy
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The drive to the city was a long ride before one could get to the city it an hour and if they happens to be traffic it would be two hours,we can't sell our papers in the village cause people hardly buy them so grandma Zita decided we sell at the city a year ago.

Getting to the city,I went to my shade to display my paperwork, when I was done just sat down with the small umbrella to keep myself away from the sun,I waited for a long time and I just have two customers this is three already what do I do, still in my thoughts a man came and waved at me pulling me back to reality.

Good day what do you want how may I help you,I said to the man.

I need twenty four dozens of this paper the man said.

what!!!W_ what did..Y_ you just say I said stermering like jeez good lord hope this isn't some kind of one of my imagination or am I dreaming I thought pinching myself hard to be sure I'm in reality,ouch it hurts I cried seeing that I pinched myself so hard that my skin turned pink, and my face flush red in embarrassment cause the man looked at me with a weird expression.

ma'am don't you have it or you won't se..

I don't have everything with me if you ain't in a hurry so I could go home to get more

before the man could complete his statement I caught him off.

Oh okay make it quick, this is the place you are to deliver it, the man said handing me a card.

Okay I promise to be quick give me an hour I said, and then the man left.

I quickly parked my items back into my shade and covered them properly,I can't take this back with me to the village I thought before deciding to drop them back.

I board a cab to the village, their was a bit traffic,I got to the village forty five minutes later and that was all thanks to the cab Man who tried taking the bush part.

Lena what re you doing home by this time did you finish..

grandma give me eighteen more dozens I said before grandma could finish hers

eighteen more dozens do you know what you are saying what do you want to use it for

grandma Zita am in a hurry they could leave they gave me an hour and it remaining ten minutes grandma just gimme I said.

grandma and I hurriedly left to get the papers,thank goodness I asked the cab Man to wait for me, after putting the dozens of paper in the cab I went to the front passenger seat and did my seatbelt and we left the village with that.

I showed the cab Man the address of the place the man asked me to come, and before I knew it the cab stopped in a massive building it looks like a company much more an industry, seems they informed their security immediately they saw me they hurriedly took the papers one after another two after another also, when they were done with everything they asked me to see their manager and directed me.

getting to the elevator it took me to the thirtieth floor,I meet with the receptionist of that floor and she gave me a sit to wait cause they are in the conference room.

after what seems like forever,a man in a black suit approached me he was the same person that asked for the papers, the moment I saw him I bowed my head as a greeting gesture to him, and then he asked me if it was cash or transfer I need and I collected transfer, and I got three hundred dollars, goodness you can't tell how happy I'm this one with the one I have saved is up to grandma bill, for the once we haven't paid for and the upcoming surgery, the money is ready,I just need more money to get a kidney replacement.

thank you sir I really appreciate, looking forward to see this day once again I said, with that I left after bowing down.

before getting to the elevator I heard voices at a corridor,I don't know why but I decided to listen,fuck I don't like preying into peoples privacy until I heard what got my attention;it says Phoebe the contract has been tarminated cause you fell in

love with me and that the reason why I'm terminating the contract.

Huh what kind of thing is that aren't they supposed to be in love in a relationship I thought until I heard again.

but Lucas you can't do this the six months isn't over this is just half of it I heard a lady said and she looks like she was crying cause her voice was cracking.

what did the contract say Phoebe no love once their happens to be love the contract would be terminated, before the contract relationship I told you I don't do love, you can ask me for anything at all as long as it material things I would give to you be it money, houses,cars, jewelries and so on but the only thing I won't or can't give you is love.and out of all the only thing I would ask for is sex from you, but not love so why did you fall for me when I basically told you everything and the contract is even a proff huh.now get lost we are done, the man said.

no please Lucas just this once I need a last chance please, the lady said but the man didn't throw her a glance again and just turned his back at her before he tried walking off after the lady was pulled out by some men.