
Let's Sleep Together

Thankfully, Alexander didn't try to force her to change too.

After saying his piece and seeing Yan Xiaoran exploding with a flushed face, he left to change in the closet.

However, before he left, Yan Xiaoran could swear she had a glimpse of a smirk gracing his lips and those dark eyes staring at her with deeper meanings before he turned around.

As much as she wanted to refuse the truth, Alexander's story and behavior towards her seemed to match. If they were really childhood friends and were so close to each other back then, it would explain his actions towards her.

It was a mystery to her how Alexander just happened to shout her name in a familiar way when they met on the street but after hearing his story, she could more or less understand why he did so.

Seeing that his figure disappeared inside the closet, Yan Xiaoran was interested to look around his room.

Alexander's room suited the kind of image one would think of him -- cold and ruthless. His room was all in black and white color schemes and his room itself was minimalistic, lacking any furniture or thing that was unnecessary to him.

She walked to the bookshelves that were on mounted on the wall and touched the spine of every book that her hand could touch before she picked up a random book with a title -- 'How to impress a girl.'

Yan Xiaoran raised her eyebrows and casually opened the book, she read the few lines and almost laughed out loud.

Instead of finding some step-by-step guidance on how to impress a girl, the contents of the book were completely different and had more explicit words written on it.

Putting the book back, Yan Xiaoran returned to the sofa and sat there to wait for Alexander to come out of the closet.

Because she was mentally and emotionally drained, she didn't know how and when her eyes started to close and before she knew it, she fell asleep on the couch.

By the time, Alexander came out of the closet, the first thing he saw was Yan Xiaoran with her eyes closed and stepped closer to her.

He was wearing a long sleeve sweater that sticks close to his masculine body and long black pants, making him look like he just came out of a men's magazine but gentler.

Alexander stopped before the sleeping figure of the young woman and slightly bent down. With his wide arms, he gingerly scooped her within his arms and carried her to the bed like she was an artifact that needed to be carried gently and carefully.

He then put her on the bed and covered the lower half of her body with the silk sheets.

Just as he was about to walk away, Yan Xiaoran opened her eyes, her line of sight fell on his tall figure.

Alexander immediately crouched down once he saw her awake and with his face so close to her own, he said, "Go back to sleep. I'll wake you up once you get some rest."

A subtle scent of mint and perfumed musk entered her nose, smelling astonishingly good and seductive.

Yan Xiaoran raised her eyes to look at him, her gentle gaze created a fluffy feeling deep inside him

"What is it?" Asked Alexander, who kept his eyes in contact with hers.

As he spoke, his hot breath hit her face, and somehow, it also ended up in her ears that it felt like he was whispering through her ears.

Yan Xiaoran suddenly tugged his arm and pulled it but he remained unmoved. Slightly frustrated after her failed attempt to pull him, she said, "Let's sleep together."

As if time stopped, the room's temperature dropped dramatically as Alexander blinked his eyes at her.

He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her with his deep gaze that was darker than the night and with their close proximity, Yan Xiaoran was able to see his long and black eyelashes clearly.

Mesmerized by it, she unconsciously reached her hand to touch it but Alexander's big hand stopped her.

His warm hands enclosed her white porcelain wrist and said, "What did you say?"

His tone was freezing but it didn't seem to reach his eyes as he looked stunned at her.

"Let's sleep together." Yan Xiaoran casually repeated and didn't know why he looked like he had run out of breath after hearing it again from her mouth.

Belatedly realizing what her words could mean to other people, Yan Xiaoran became flustered and the sleep in her head flew out of the window as she corrected herself to him, "I mean… You look tired and I could see there's a lot of things happening around you so, I wanted to--"

Before she could finish her words, Alexander was already on top of her. His legs were spread on both sides of her thighs while his hands were beside her head.

Inside the bedroom, the afternoon sun was starting to darken as clouds started to cover the skies. With this change of lighting, the ambiguous atmosphere inside the room intensified.

With their faces so close, Yan Xiaoran didn't know where to look. She blamed herself for saying the wrong words and provoking this man's hidden nature.

After being trapped underneath his body, she really couldn't move anymore.

Forcing her eyes to look at him so she could break away from his grasp without physically hurting him, Yan Xiaoran calmly said, "Look, I said the wrong words and didn't mean anything like that at all so, can you get off of me?"

While she was talking, Alexander's eyes suddenly became sharper and deeper as he traced every inch of her face with his eyes.

Seeing that he wasn't entirely listening to her, Yan Xiaoran tapped his forearm, "Please?"

With her huge hazel eyes looking straight at him and with her last word, Alexander felt like he was hit by Cupid with an arrow in his heart.

His hands that were supporting his body weight were already shaking and before long, his deep laughter resounded throughout the bedroom.

Alexander got off her but didn't get out of the bed, he instead laid on his back beside her on the bed and when he stopped laughing, he used his dark eyes to seriously look at her.

"Wha… What is it?" Yan Xiaoran asked him after releasing a relieved sigh when he got off her.

"Xiaoran, don't ever say that word in front of anyone and not in this kind of situation ever again." Answered Alexander, his tone grew colder and filled with warnings before turning gentle when he continued, "If it wasn't me, other people might have already done something to you.