Lucinda could feel the soft satin cloth tied clumsily over her eyes. A subtle smile played on her lips as she took short, careful steps, guided by small, fragile fingers.
"Are we close yet? Where are we going?" Her voice was light and sunny, like the warm morning breeze on her skin.
"You'll find out when we get there, Mama." A light, voice of a child filled with excitement answered her. She chuckled because despite what she said, she knew very well where the child was taking her. She could hear the small stream of water and the songs of the birds in the air, which were mostly found on one side of the mansion compound. But she let the little child have his moment as he led them to their destination with determined steps.
The smell of flowers told her where she was before the cute, bubbly voice announced their arrival and tugged her to sit on a chair. She waited patiently as the short, stubby fingers uncovered her eyes with a "Tada!"
She took a moment to study her surroundings before turning to the little boy struggling to enter the high chair opposite her.
She held off her giggle at how cute he was. His dark, slightly springy hair, fresh from the bath, framed his face, and a pair of flushed, chubby cheeks puffed out as he struggled to pull himself up. He gave up a moment later and turned to retrieve a paper on the table and rounded to her.
"Today, I'll serve you, Mama," her little boy Theodore announced, his voice sweet as he beamed at her. She clapped once, cooing at him.
"Mama, you have to take me seriously," he pouted, but it only made his cheeks puff out more, and it took everything in her not to squish her son's little cheeks.
"Okay, I apologize," she tried to compose herself. Her child was just the cutest bubble of joy. Every action of his made butterflies flutter in her heart.
She sat up straighter and cleared her throat, playing her role perfectly. This was just one of their mummy and son dates.
He handed over the parchment to her, and she took it and scanned the content humming.
"If you have decided your menu, ma'am, you may order." Theodore said , playing out his role perfectly.
"Okay, kind sir," she pointed to a dish.
"I'll get it right away, ma'am," and her little boy scurried away on short, stubby legs to a corner of the garden.
In the few moments before he returned, she waited patiently, inhaling the fresh air of the beautiful garden filled with different kinds of flowers.
The child appeared from the corner a few moments later, marching happily to his mother with someone in tow. Lucinda raised an eyebrow at the appearance of her personal guard dressed in a butler outfit.
When the duo reached the table filled with appetizers and fresh flowers, she studied the knight with her brow raised still. Lucinda knew they were no stranger to her son's antics, but it never failed to amuse her when he dragged Sir Connor to dress up for some surprise occasions the little boy planned.
Sir Connor in return only pulled out a smile, playing along and serving the food he brought with him. Her son and Connor both watched as she gingerly cut into her food and took a bite.
"Hmm, yummy," she hummed in approval, and it made the little boy grin wide.
He went to sit opposite his mother and was able to after help from Sir Connor. She avoided staring, knowing her son would feel embarrassed. He always called himself a big boy, but whenever he was unable to do tasks bigger kids or adults did, he was often sad. But that didn't stop him from persisting.
She didn't want her son to feel like she wanted him to grow up too soon. But he always talked about how he wanted to grow big to help her out more. The feeling alone of watching him grow up well was more than enough for her, but still she would admit she always found it adorable when he tried to act like an adult.
After the mother and son duo were done with their breakfast, Theodore clumsily jumped down from his chair. "Easy," Lucinda said, not wanting him to fall and hurt himself.
He brought out a folded paper from his shorts pocket as cleared the dishes. Their little dates were always a family thing with no one else around to interfere, but Connor had been a participant in the charades a few times as he was considered family to the little boy.
Her little boy pushed a couple of plates away and set the paper down. Though some plates still blocked the paper, he pointed to a space not blocked by the items on the table and said, "You have to sign here, Mama. It's payment for our services." His chest was puff up in pride and accomplishment.
"Oh, really...? Am I paying for yours too? I thought you were the owner of this establishment, but yet you still ate with me. What about your butler? Isn't he eating too?"
"No. Only I eat with Mama because I'm special. Sir Connor ate his food already." He pouted at her.
"Oh and isn't your friend here special too" she teased her little boy.
"I-its not the way i meant. I mean, I'm special to mama" with embarrassment his cheeks puffed out as his face turned red. With a chuckle, Lucinda pinched his chubby cheeks and signed the paper. Whatever made her son happy.
He quickly took the paper and shoved it into his pocket, looking at his mother with a thousand-watt smile and a twinkle in his big green eyes.
"Mama, I have a surprise for you." His grin was getting a little bigger and more mischievous.
"What is it?" She said attentively.
"Not today, but soon. I want you to wear your prettiest dress then."
Was there another date so soon? This little boy was so full of wonders.
"Okay, son. Dazzle me." And the grin little Theodore displayed showed he would, more than Lucinda would expect.
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