
Chapter 6

Kira and Todoroki shifted in their seats as they heard Izuku yell out in pain. They couldn't do anything to ease them. They would try to get close to comfort him and he would spaz out and push them away. After a couple of attempts, they decided to keep their distance. They were forced to sit in silence while he suffered.

Kira shifted her gaze from the ground to Todoroki. "You guys did it again, didn't you?"

Todoroki fidgeted with his hands in silence.

"Why do you both keep doing this. Despite everything I said, you never listened. Izuku kept going out. He promised didn't he?"

"No. This wasn't on Izuku's orders this time. I was the one to get caught. They found me and I couldn't get out. This was my fault. If I had covered my tracks they wouldn't have found out my true intentions. Although I'm glad to finally see my father gone it has resulted in this. I'm the one making him suffer. I'm sorry."

Kira looked back down to the floor and then to Izuku. The ground shook and bright orange light could be seen from outside the dark room. Explosions hit the building like rain. A loud screaming could be heard along with spiky blond hair. He came to a stop. The ground crumbled from under them and chairs flew. Kira slammed against the walls until they collapsed along with the rest of the building. An explosive blond and a certain black-haired, orange masked man faced them.

The students sat at Endeavour's old headquarters. Nezu and the other teachers were talking in the room next to them and the students could faintly hear their words. They were too distraught to talk so the seeming endless silence was filled with their teachers' voices. 

The tv's sound seemed to have increased as they focused some of their attention on it. 

"UA High School has been destroyed by anonymous villain attacks. Along with the destruction came yet another missing student, Todoroki Shouto. Otherwards, the newly deceased pro hero Endeavour's son. Here is some footage on the attack."

Midoriya stood with Todoroki in his arms. They saw themselves and some of the pro heroes standing on high alert. On closer inspection, they could see Midoriya's hand extended toward the camera. His middle finger was extended upward. He was flipping them off, and they didn't even notice when they were there themselves, let alone the cameraman in the helicopter above their heads.

Bakugou stood up and turned the tv off. "Headphones, see what they're talking about. I can't hear well enough." Jiro pointed to her own chest.


"Yes, you. Is there any other Headphones around here, dipshit?" Jiro rolled her eyes. She stuck her headphone jacks into the wall.

Present mike spoke up. "Are we going to do something? We can't just let them escape."

The door swung open. A man with bandages wrapped around his face trudged into the room. He grabbed onto the edge of the bandages and unraveled them from his face. A large scar stretched onto half of his face.

"Aizawa? You shouldn't be here, you should be resting. " Thirteen asked. Aizawa nodded.

"No, I refuse. I can't just sit back as all of my students are suffering. How do you think they feel having two of their classmates resort to villainy. It's easy to see both Midoriya and Todoroki are suffering considerably."

"How do you know this?" Midnight asked.

"Kira Midoriya." He said simply.

"Who in the world...?"

Nezu cut them off. "Please continue, Aizawa."

"Kira Midoriya, She went missing around 13 or so years ago. Taken by All For One. She is also Izuku Midoriya's sister. She went to the hospital to visit me."

"Was she suspicious?"

"Not really. She reminded me of Inko and Midoriya years ago. Like they were mixed together. Her green hair and big green eyes, small stature, and very emotional and somehow troubled personality. Overprotective almost."

"What did she say to you?"

Aizawa sat on the hospital bed when he heard a knock on the door. "EraserHead sir, you have a visitor. She claims to be a sibling of someone you know."

"Let them in."

A girl that looked to be 13 or older came into the room. His eyes automatically widened as a wave of recognition washed over him. "Who are you?" He demanded.

"Kira Midoriya." 

"Midoriya?!" She nodded.

"I would like to apologize for my brother's actions. He doesn't like to show it, but he's suffering. Sometimes he even...." She shook her head side to side frantically and continued. "I don't think he really wants to do these things. I think he puts on a fake front to make himself feel better. I just don't want him to hurt you and himself. He cares about you all, he really does. I think he's afraid. Almost like he is terrified of having other people figure out who he really is. The Izuku you know is still there, I assure you. But soon enough he'll be gone, and I don't want that to happen." Her eyes filled with tears and she dropped to her knees. "Please. I know neither me or you are not exactly in the situation for me to ask you for this but... Please save him. He doesn't deserve a life like this."

"I promise we will use all of our power to get him where he rightfully belongs."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She continued to cry. Aizawa slowly got out of the bed and embraced her.

"I see. Thank you, Aizawa, for the information. It's surely reassuring to know Midoriya has someone looking after him. I agree we shall take immediate action and keep your promise to the girl." He opened up his laptop screen and turned it toward the teachers. A bright red light fluctuated on a red dot on the map. "After all, we've already got a lead."

Bakugou stormed out of the room and into the streets. He ran down the streets he had remembered from the map Nezu had shown the teachers. He stopped at an abandoned building. He knew they were here. He could sense it. He sent explosions towards the building. He saw the floor collapse under the building and he saw the little girl fly out of it as it crumbled. She hit her head on the cement and her forehead trickled with blood.  A man stepped out of the shadows. If he remembered correctly, he was the villain, Overhaul. 

"We have a common goal, Bakugou Katsuki. The destruction of Deku. He doesn't belong in this world. We shall take him out of it. Put him where he belongs."

"Where he belongs is with me and UA. We will call a truce for now despite how pissed I am right now. Just know he isn't yours." Overhaul nodded in acception. 

The little girl reluctantly got up though and threw her hands to the side.

"Don't touch them. You're going to have to get through me first, Overhaul."

"How long are you gonna hide behind your little sister, Deku?!" Bakugou shouted. Bakugou looked hard at the ruins and saw half and half looking through the rubble. He lifted up rock after rock and threw them to the side. From there he grabbed a pale, scarred arm and pulled the rest of the body out. His green hair was covered in white dust and his eyes were closed shut.

He watched Todoroki carry Izuku down the hill of rocks and lay him on the ground. Izuku's peaceful sleeping face twisted into a face of agony and back. Kira followed his gaze to Izuku when a fist flew to her face. She barely dodged his fist and stumbled backward.

"I'd be my pleasure, Kira."

Overhaul sent more punches and kicks and each one she barely dodged. All Bakugou could do was watch the small girl skillfully dodge all of Overhaul's punches. Bakugou turned his attention to Todoroki. Bakugou was ready to charge but his body wouldn't move. His body creaked and he collapsed. The same happened to Todoroki as he fell all the same.

"When did he-?" Todoroki said.

"Did you really think I would join forces with the likes of you? Bakugou Katsuki."

"Of course not. I was planning on doing the same."

"Did I say you could talk, you sick piece of trash."

Bakugou tried to talk back but he couldn't. The words wouldn't leave his mouth.

"Bakugou!" Todoroki yelled.

"You two stay out of this!" Kira yelled. Overhaul sent rock spikes at her. The spikes pierced her stomach and blood seeped through her shirt. 

"This is your end, Kira."

She brought her hands together. "R-Release." The spikes flaked away.

"I see you've finally gotten serious. "

"I think it's about time you get serious as well, Kai Chisaki."