
Chapter 2

"All For One, so it's true." All Might still lay on the floor. He could do nothing to save Endeavor. All Might snapped out of it and realized he had to stop it. If he didn't stop him Endeavor would be in trouble. "Someone stop young Midoriya!"

"Don't try to stop me! If you do I'll kill you myself!" Deku looked at everyone with sheer anger on his face. His teeth had somehow gotten sharper and his eye still twitched. He looked back at Endeavor. Deku's fingers retracted back to normal, Deku's bright lightning dimmed and disappeared, Endeavor's flames went out, leaving them in the darkness. Deku hunched over Endeavor, out of breath. He stumbled a bit and coughed up black blood of his own.

"Idiot, just how many quirks did you get?! How many Innocent lives?!" All Might stared at Deku.

"You don't want to know."

"Deku what are you talking about? What did All Might mean by "how many quirks"? Last time I checked, until a couple years ago you didn't even have a quirk." Bakugou looked at Deku angrily. "What did you do to Endeavor?" Deku looked at Bakugou and stumbled toward him. Deku didn't wipe the black blood off his face and put out his hand. Black flames spiraled around his arm. "What is that?"

"Can't you tell? I thought you were smarter than that. Well, I have to admit it does look different."


Deku placed his hand on Bakugou's forehead. He could feel the heat surging through his forehead. With a finger, Deku caught the tip of Bakugou's hair on fire and then put out the fire as if to prove a point. Those flames were the real deal. Bakugou sent an explosion into Deku's chest but Deku didn't flinch. "Dammit, you heroes are so annoying. I despise them. You most of all are no exception Kacchan." Deku grabbed the collar of Bakugou's shirt. He punched his face into the wall over and over again. "You made my life a living hell for years! And then mom had to..." He released the pressure only to tighten his grip again. "She died because she was a hero. And no hero saved her or even showed up! I never want to be a hero again!"

Bakugou knew it. He should have noticed earlier. Deku was suffering. Bakugou gulped. "Do you think your mom would enjoy seeing you like this? Would she want to see what her son has become? Your mom lived because she was a hero! How can you not get that?!" Deku spaced out as a tear rolled down his face.

Deku pictured his mom covered in blood. "Izuku, why did you turn into this monster. It's your fault I'm dead. You disgust me. Get out of my sight. Why couldn't you have died instead of me. You are not my son." Deku stumbled backward. He fell onto the ground. "No, that's not true. Mom... don't. It's not what it looks like. Please don't. I don't wanna die."

Bakugou looked at Deku. Deku was traumatized. What was he thinking? What was going on in his mind that made things even more painful?

Deku screamed in agony. He rolled around on the ground, screaming for help. He clutched his head and covered his ears, trying to block out his mom's voice. Darkness engulfed Deku. The darkness spiraled and wrapped around his body. Black shadows. The black climbed up past his neck and onto his face where it connected to his eye, causing it to go black. Deku swayed side to side as he stood up. He smiled yet cried.

"He manifested his own quirk? That should be impossible at his age." All Might looked at Midoriya. He had an even more insane smile. He was surprised that he didn't turn to villainy long before his mother's death. A black sword of shadows appeared in front of Deku. Deku grabbed the sword and flew into the sky. He lifted his sword and when he cut his sword down a wall of shadow sliced down at Bakugou. The whole building sliced in half.

Deku teleported in front of him and lifted his sword to Bakugou's chest. His body froze, His arms got heavy and his arms began to shake. He couldn't move. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Deku was slowly approaching Bakugou. He used his right hand to try and hold back his other. Deku looked down, blood running down his hands. He looked up and saw his sword in Bakugou's stomach. Bakugou limply rose his fist and punched Deku in the face weakly and then coughed up blood. Deku smiled all the while his tears were still flowing.

"Stupid nerd."

Deku let go of the sword as it disappeared.


He put his bloody hands onto his face, trying to stop the tears.

Deku's heart stung. He could hear his heart thumping. The pain surged through his whole body. He grabbed his chest and screamed. He heard his own voice, but in a more sinister tone. "I've already reclaimed what's mine. I'm already in control, I just need you to comply. It's time for you to let go. It'll be so much easier. Numb yourself. Leave it up to me. After all, we are the same. I'm the true you. You aren't being fair."

Deku coughed up blood. "No, not you, it's not your turn." Let's see about that.

Deku screamed in pain. His screaming soon turned into a maniacal laugh. "I told you it's my turn, Deku!" He continued to laugh as shadow flames enveloped him, like a tornado. "Thank you, Bakugou."

Bakugou, not Kacchan.

"You're not Deku. Who are you? " Bakugou muttered.

"Of course I'm not Deku. I'm Midoriya I-zu-ku."

"You son of a bitch. What are you talking about?" Izuku kept laughing psychopathically.

His sword formed once again and he threatened to slice. He laughed and said, "You'll all be dead soon anyway! After I kill you I'll cleanse this world of the diseases we call quirks. Then I'll finally be in control. No one can stop me. I will show this world true pain!"

A little 10-year-old girl with green hair growing below her waste ran out from parts of the destroyed building. Izuku kept his gaze toward the students."Dispel!" She yelled, making a hand signal. The black flames completely disappeared and Izuku looked at the girl with his eyes open.

She ran up to Izuku and wrapped her arms around him. "Izuku! Brother snap out of it!"

"Kira, what are you doing here? Go back home this instant!"

"I won't leave you!" "I bestow upon you a seal of darkness. The gift from the gods. Lay in peace. Seal!"

The darkness enveloping half of Deku faded away into the sky and disappeared along with his sword. Deku's eyes went back to green and his teeth dulled. Deku fell to his knees. "Kira, you idiot. Thank you." He hugged her back and placed his hand on her head, almost as though he was petting her.

"Can we go home now?" Kira said.

"We can go home now. Grab on to me." Kira grabbed Deku's hand. She hid behind him, peering from his side, and looked at Bakugou, Todoroki, and Endeavor.

"Brother, did you do this?" Deku was silent. "Don't you know what this does to you? If you keep doing this then you will eventually lose to him!" Deku looked at Kira without moving his head. He stared back at All might and his classmates with a straight face. Without saying a word, with a snap of a finger, Deku and Kira disappeared.

They were all frozen in place. What happened to Deku? "Get Young Bakugou and Young Todoroki to recovery girl quickly!" All Might spoke up. He called an ambulance for Endeavor to be taken to the hospital, which slowly but surely, he will wake up but without a quirk. He would no longer be able to be the number one hero. Uraraka made Todoroki and Bakugou as light as air and Ilda carried them back to UA.

Bakugou woke up on the hospital bed at UA. His eyesight was still blurry but the stab wound had healed. He remembered the look on Deku's face when he mentioned his mom. He was screaming as if just thinking about his mom was torture. He had been suffering. What he said about his mom only made it worse. It was his fault he lost control. He'd never seen a quirk so hard to control. A quirk that steals quirks? He even stole Endeavors quirk.

"You're awake."

He looked to the side and Todoroki was in the bed next to him. He had broken his ribs from being smashed against the wall. He was sitting up against the back of the bed. "Do you think we'll ever get him back?"

"He's still in there. He is still sane. Fucking liar. Maybe if I hadn't done those things back then..."

"Midoriya did mention that. What did you do?"


"You just said you did something."

"I said I did nothing!" Todoroki came out of his bed and grabbed Bakugou by his shirt.

"Don't lie to me!"

"I told him he could never be a hero! I thought he was just a quirk less hero fanboy! I bullied him and told him to kill himself and pray that he got a quirk in his next life!"

"You Idiot! Why did you do that?!"

"I don't know! I know this is my fault! I still thought we were friends though." Todoroki let go of Bakugou and sat back in his bed.

"Do you know who that girl was?"

"I've never seen her before, but she looks exactly like Deku. I'm pretty sure she's his sister but I've never seen or heard about Deku having any siblings."

"Come to think of it I think I did hear her call him brother. They seemed pretty close."

"What was up with her quirk. Is it the same type of quirk as Aizawa sensei's? Maybe All Might would know."

The nurse walked into the room. "You guys will be free to go by tomorrow so make sure you heal all the way by then."

"Nurse." Todoroki stood up. "Is my father okay?" The nurse hesitated. "He's alive at least, but..."


"We haven't found a trace of his Quirk. That man... Deku was it? He is most likely the cause of it."

"Midoriya. Why did you need to? You would even hurt your friends to get what you want?" "Miss, we need to be released now."

"I'm sorry I can't do that. I can not disobey All Might's and Eraser Head's orders. I'm sorry, you're going to have to wait until tomorrow. As I said before, you can leave first thing in the morning. Now you're going to have to get back into bed." Todoroki got back in bed and him and Bakugou sat in silence, waiting to be released.

The UA staff sat at the table. All Might was silent and he had a stern, serious look on his face. How could he have let an innocent boy, let alone Young Midoriya, fall to the dark side? If only he could have done more damage to One For All, Inko would still be alive. And now not only has he put the other students at risk, but Endeavor as well.

"Regarding our student Midoriya Izuku, we have lost another precious student at UA. Now the aspiring hero is now a rank S villain." The principal saw the look on All Might's face. "Although unfortunate, we still have a strong sense that we will in fact get Midoriya back. We were not the cause of this sudden change. The person who is at fault is All For One. Not you All Might. There is no reason for you to be so down on yourself. We will get the boy back and things will be back to normal. Although the trust in our heroes will be extremely low with yet another kidnapping and with the fall of Endeavor. On that note, We will have to find a new hero to fill the spot. We have not had communications recently with the number two hero so they will not be taking the position. Although it is very uncalled for, I believe that Katsuki Bakugou would be the best choice. Not only does he have the ability and the potential, apparently him and Midoriya are childhood friends. He was able to calm him and survived their clash, something that even Endeavor could not do. With Bakugou we will have an advantage over Midoriya."

"But sir! He's just a kid! He's not even a pro hero! There are so many pro heroes that spent years doing hero work to get to the top, and now we're putting an inexperienced third year who hasn't even graduated yet to the front lines? How do you think the public will respond to that?! They will think were purposely sending out kids to their death! Do you know how much our reputation will plummet?!"

"Of course I know that. But we have no choice. Our reputation doesn't even a hold a candle to our situation. We must stop the kid before he is unattainable. To even think that our student was able to defeat our top hero is unbelievable. Although it was done with the power of All For One, if we get that power back on our side, we could be unstoppable."

All Might put his hands on the desk and stood up. "Sir, the way you are saying this leads me to believe you are looking at the boy as a weapon, not as a student. Although I do agree that the situation is dire and Young Bakugou would be the best choice. If anyone can bring Young Midoriya back it would have to be him."

"I see him as a living person. And as a person he can do us wonders."

"What you two are saying does make sense but what about Endeavor's son, Shoto Todoroki. I believe he has more ability than Bakugou. He is smart, capable, and is also said to have a strong connection with Midoriya. Plus, what if Bakugou's and Midoriya's relationship gets in the was of attaining Midoriya. And if I remember correctly, Bakugou had to be restrained at the sports festival a couple years ago. He only won because Todoroki did not go his full strength, he didn't even use his left side. Yes, Bakugou shows more development but as it stands Todoroki is stronger."

"Yes, that may be true. But the fact that he is Endeavor's son could be his downfall. As we all saw at the ceremony, when Endeavor was in danger, Todoroki recklessly attacked Deku. That overall lead to Midoriya getting angry. Because he made Midoriya angry, he took Endeavor's quirk. Also, he had put himself in danger by engaging in battle, something you are not allowed to do unless a pro-hero says otherwise. Which is a strict violation of the rules."

"Then it is certain now, Katsuki Bakugou, a third year at UA, will be assigned the number one hero slot with the job to take back Midoriya Izuku. Now we just have to see what he wants to do. All we can do is hope he says yes."

Bakugou and Todoroki were released from the hospital and they had returned to classes as usual as if nothing happened. The class went by with Eraser Head snug in his caterpillar sleeping bag. "Oh yeah, and Bakugou the principal wishes to speak to you. It's important you get there quick. Bakugou walked down the hall and in with the principal, where All Might and the other teachers were waiting. "What's going on here?"

"Young Bakugou. We know it's a bit sudden, but what we are about to ask will influence your life drastically."

"Just get to the point already."

All might look at the other teachers.

"We want you to take the number one hero spot in place of Endeavor." Bakugou stood frozen in place.

"Why me? I'm only a third year. What about the number two hero or someone... "

"We have all agreed you are the best choice for the job. We will give you the ability to engage in battle. Especially for fighting Midoriya. Your talent, smarts, and connection with Midoriya will give us an advantage for attaining Midoriya."

"I don't like being offered the position only to get the stupid nerd. But if it helps I'll accept."

Bakugou signed the contract and walked out of the room where Todoroki had been waiting. "What did they talk about. Did you get in trouble or something?"

"I signed the contract."

"What contract?"

"They said I was the best fit for it. Even if it was all for getting back the stupid nerd back. It doesn't make sense. I'm not even a pro-hero yet."

"Get to the point."

"I took the spot for the number one hero."

"Is that so?"

"What's with that tone? Do you not believe me?"

"Well, you're not necessarily the trustworthy type. It just doesn't add up. Why would they chose you of all people?"

Bakugou scowled at his remark.

"Well, I can't wait to see how well you do in that position, Bakugou." Todoroki turned and walked down the hall until turning the corner. "What's his deal."

Deku looked at Kira. She was staring at Deku intensely. "Izuku, you did that to them didn't you? I saw on the news. I know you're a class S villain! If you're going somewhere you need to tell me! I need to be there if you..." Deku was tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again. It was not her decision on what he did. Deku grabbed her slim and frail neck and lifted her off off the ground.

"I don't need your help!" Kira lifted her arms to try to pull his hands off of her neck. "I will do things my own way. The world will tremble at my hand and even you won't stop me! If your gonna get in my way then either get out or I'll kill you myself! You got that?!"

"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about! If you keep thinking that you won't be sane anymore! I don't want that! Because if you do lose your sanity you won't look at me the same way. Your sense of love will fade away. You won't love me anymore. You're the only one... You're the only one I have left, Izuku!" Kira's eyes watered and she made a sad puppy dog face.

Deku's eyes widened. He dropped her onto the ground. Kira sobbed, her tears flowing down onto the floor. Deku saw himself in Kira. He saw the harsh pain in her tears. He saw the sadness of losing the only loved one you have. He saw himself after his mother died. He wouldn't want Kira to feel the same pain he once felt. She was the reason he was still sane. He didn't know what he'd have done if he lost her as well.

He embraced Kira and comforted her. As if he was saying that he was there for her, and he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon. Because he knows... He knows that when they say that things will be alright, you can tell in their voice that it's not. All he had to do was hug her. No words were needed, no apologies. All he had to do was wrap his arms around her, something no one did for him.

Deku heard someone knock at the door. A man opened the door. His suit was messy as if put on in a rush. His hair was neatly combed and he had a blank expression on his face. Deku looked up at the man and smiled. Deku looked back down at Kira. "Kira." Kira looked back at Deku with her bloodshot eyes. "Kira, it's time for bed. Get some rest. Don't worry, I won't go anywhere while your asleep. Kay?" Kira nodded in agreement. Deku dragged his hand over her eyes and Kira's body went limp. Her gradual breathing calmed Deku. He carried her to the bed and covered her with blankets. He smiled at how innocent she looked. He ran his fingers through her hair and pressed his lips against her forehead. "I'm sorry Kira. I can't keep my promise." He whispered.

"It's not nice to lie to your sister like that, Midoriya."

"It's for the best. If she knows I'm going somewhere she'd try to stop me. We wouldn't want that now, would we? We wouldn't want her to see this either." Deku pulled the man towards him. Their lips connected and Deku bit the man's lower lip. He reached for the buttons on the man's suit. "You shouldn't have rushed to get dressed. You knew your efforts would be in vain." He slid each button out of their slits and undid his tie. "You shouldn't try so hard, it turns me on." Deku kissed him once again and then let him go.

"Our plan succeeded quite well I would believe. Your name is cleared with that stunt with Endeavor. Speaking of Endeavor. Who is taking his spot? Any news on what's happening at UA?"

"Bakugou will be taking the place of Endeavor as the number one hero with one job. To bring you back to UA."

"Really? Am I necessary to them now? This is going to be fun."

"They say it is mostly because of your connection. But I'd say that "connection" will be Bakugou's demise."

"Well, aren't you smart? Whatever would I do without you, Todoroki-Kun." This time Todoroki pushed forward and pressed his lips against Deku's and then released him from his grasp.

"Now we have some business to take care of. Shall we?"