

The monster single handedly put an end to all of the wars with countless victims millions possibly even billions might have even been trillions so it became impossible to stop it with force or with numbers they could not kill it so they had to resort to the only option left imprisonment. However a rogue attacked the Monster they had a skill that allowed them to manifest their own power into weapons or armour which was great because they were able to use that to hold back the Monster solo. They made energy bows and arrows, energy spears and energy blades they kept on the attack but unfortunately they could not overwhelm the monster and ended up dead. The Monster kept on killing but now used weapons manifested through its own energy which was virtually limitless energy and instant recovery. Demons tried to take control of the Monster through seduction temptation and mind control as well as illusions but they met the same fate as everyone else did death at the Monster's hands. However one day they managed to imprison the monster. They used the Monster's pride as bait the trophies that the Monster had collected was the bait and it worked the trap worked and they managed to imprison the Monster they had used talismans and powerful ritual magic sacrificed a million virgin women a million others and countless seals and banishments they removed the trophies from the Monster and turned them into its cage for all of eternity. The talisman was the sacrifice and the blood from all of the Monster's victims their souls and all of the survivors.