
Chapter 28 Everything Is Not Fine


It’s late in the evening when we arrive in London, and the ten-hour flight was made infinitely better because Jay and his master happened to be there.

Ronan’s friend holed himself up in one of the bedrooms at the back of the plane, and Jay and I were able to talk freely. His relationship with Gabriel, however, only makes me sad.

They get along so well that it’s hard to picture them as a master-attendant relationship. It’s not that I can presume to want something similar with Ronan, but at the same time, it gives me…nostalgia? Even though that’s not possible, given that I never met Ronan before he picked me, I feel this yearning that I can’t quite explain.

A limo is already waiting for us outside the airport after we get off the plane, and Alexandros seems even less pleased when Ronan tells him that he invited Gabriel to stay over at his manor. Everything seems like an affront to the plans he has made for Ronan’s bachelor party.