
Chapter 10: The Monster I Wish I Could Trust


I wake up with a gasp, feeling like I’m drowning. I start flailing around, accidentally hitting Ronan in the face. He grabs my hands and pins me down to the wet floor.

“Arabella, calm down.” His voice is firm, but gentle, and his piercing eyes bore into mine as he holds me there. The only source of light is a phone lying next to me.

It takes me a few seconds to come back to my senses.

There’s a strange, metallic yet sweet taste in my mouth. I’m covered in what looks like Ronan’s jacket, and the intolerable pain and cold from before has been somehow dampened.

It’s still there, like a headache that threatens to come back in full force when I move. But everything seems…muted. My head is also fuzzy, in a warm and dreamy way.

Memories of where we are and what happened to me flood my mind.

“The guys. They… Are they gone?”

“I took care of them,” Ronan says. “What did they want?”