
My vampire lover stuck in time(volume 2)

"y/n princess will you wait for me."

Destiny_Jamison · Celebrities
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9 Chs


Chan(pov) /1980/

*as i woke up from the bed I looked over at jimin.he was twiching and saying a girls name.it was y/n. He said he wants y/n back.and he doesnt  want to lose her.*

*now i know my mission is to get him back to her no matter the sacrifices.he is in love with her deeply.and seeing him suffer like this kills me*

Chan:hey bro wake up its just a dream

Jimin:uh uh no no y/n no baby dont go.please im begging you.im sorry for suffering you.I LOVE YOU

*while twisting*

Chan:hey man wake up

*while shaking him*

*he then arose*


*while screeming and panting*


*being more quiter*

Chan:man we will get you back to her


*while crying into my chest*

Chan:its going to be ok.

Han:hey whats going on

*while yawning*

Chan:he just had a bad dream about y/n

Han:aww man its ok.you will be back to her

*jimin then looks at han*

Jimin:y-yea I will get back to her


Jimin:i just want her in my arms right here right now.my  body becomes weak without her.her passionate spirit....without her my life is torn in pieces

*about to cry again*

Han:hey bro its ok.we know how much you love her.we will get her back to you

Seungmin:aish oh what happend

Jimin:hah I was just crying like an baby about my love

Sengmin:oh I cry like that to sometimes.i ask myself why am i so handsome.i then say hm I don't know

*i then see a smile on jimins face*

Jimin:yahhh hahah thanks for making me smile

Sengmin:your welcome

Chan:oh where's that man who helped us

Jimin:he is actually my father

Me,han,sengmin:wait what

Jimin:ill tell yall later.but I don't know



*i then see my father coming through the door*

My dad:hahah this is it.this is big.this is giant news.and jimin your going to want to hear this

Jimin:huh wait what is it.tell me-

(Oh yea jimin dad is named chris)

Chris:hold on hold on son

*while chuckling*

Han:well tell us

Chris:haah since this is the 80s it has more new tech equals

Chan,han,Sengmin,me:equals whatttt

Chris:equals we can time travel faster.and it will skip you the present.just like that

*my eyes then lit up in joy*

Jimin:does that meannn!

Chris:yea son this machine takes you back to the present

Han:oh wow thats great

Sengmin:yea it is but what about us.does that mean we have to go back in our time period

Chan:umm i don't know. jimins dad could we go with jimin and you

Chris:I won't mind but what if yall 3 age

Han:i always knew this came in handy

*while he pulls put a potion*

Han:this will keep us the same.and wont let us age in present.so we are good

Jimin:well where is it.where is the machine lets go lets go

Chris:ok ok but first lets eat

*i smile and went out with the boys*



*i then wake up from a giant hand on my chest.and a giant foot on my stomach*

*i then look and its hoseok*


Hoseok:yahh aishh oh my sorry y/n


*joon then yawn and walkes to us on the couch*

Joon:goodmoring y/n

*while kissing my cheecks*


Joon:Moring hobi I mean hoseok

Hoseok:morning bro

*while giving him a hug*

*me and hosoek kept our luagthers in because joon hair looked like a birds nest*


*he then shuts his mouth*

*i then start weezing jumping luaghing*

Joon:yahhh whats so funny

Hoseok:your y-your hair it looks like a-a

Y/n:like a b-birds n-nest hahahahahhayayayaay

Joon:oh what

*as he ran then he got triped

By suga foot on the floor.he got up and then looked in the mirror*


Suga:what the joon dude your hair-

Joon:aishhhh ill fix it later ok you guys go wake up the other we need to go to the 80s or its to late


*i then went over to rose and kookie*

*i then bent down by kookie softly snoring*

Y/n:aww his cute nostrils

*as i gently poked his nose*

*he then held my hand*

Y/n:yahh you scared me

Kookie:morning y/n

*as he sits up then he rubs his nose on mine*

Y/n:haha well someone is in a good mood

Kookie:yea i didn't see rose and justey talking yesterday

*as he smiled*

Y/n:ok now wake up rose

*he then nods*

*i actually was in a good mood because In my gutt jimin and me whould be together again*

*i smiled again and I went over to suga and tc*

*suga was already awake.but he then went back to sleep*

Y/n:yahh no wake up.i want to see jimin

Suga:aishh no let me sleep

*in a baby voice*

Y/n:no get up now

Suga:ahh no.tc tell her i dont want to be bothered

*while he snuggled into tc*

Tc:no shes right.suga no snuggle get up.she wants to see her love now lets go

Suga:awwww no dont leave me

*while dragging tc back down to him*

Tc:nope sorry suga lets go come on.in the present you can sleep all you want

Suga:pls bebe

*in a cute voice trying to get tc back to sleep with him*

Tc:nope not going to work

*as she dragged him up*

Tc:i got it girl go wake the others

Y/n:hehe ok.yall are a nice couple

Suga:yea i know

*we all luagh*

*i then head to justey and tae*

*i smiled bigger.i loved my family and friends*

Y/n:yah tae get up we have to go

Tae:nooo I didn't finish my precious dream

Y/n: oh what was it about

Tae:it was about  me and you.

Y/n:oh well i don't wanna no

Tae:its not love or anything.it was about you beating me in a game.

Y/n:i been did that Suckaa

*as i laughed*

*he then throwed a pillow at me*

*jin then walks up to us*

*tae accidently hits the pillow at sleepy jins face*

Tae:heh oopsie

Jin:y/n get ready to go.and tae  lets not throw pillows at people at THIS TIME IN THE MORNING

*that made everyone wake up*

Y/n:thx jin everyone awake

Tae:heh ill try not to throw pillows

Jin:good alright everyone up so when do we leave

Joon:um since my silly girl can't wait to see her jimin mochi.we will leave now and eat in the 80s


Hoseok:sounds good to me

*we sll step in and we ended up falling on our bottoms again*



Joon:cant there be another safer way

Rose:I dont think so


Tc:aish my ears

Kookie:this girl will make a earthquake start

Suga:this girl obsessed with that man

Joon: i know right


*as i screemed*

Joon:ok ok we understand


Suga:we was just joking

*hoseok then puts his hand around my shoulder*

Hoseok:y/n we know how much you love him.now are we going to obsess about him.or go find him before it's to late

*as he smiled*

Y/n:haha lets go

Joon:wow the 80s is cool.ooo lets go to this caffae right quick

Tc:yeaa pls y/nn

Y/n:ok lets go.only 3 min and we are leaving

Suga:fine fine

*we then walk in*



*we all went to a caffae *

*we were sitting down to order*

*i then went to use the bathroom*

Jimin:ill be back

Chris:ok son



*we then sat at the table across from some other people.*

*but one guy looked fimialiar*


Y/n:excuse me

*as i walked up to them*

Chan:hm oh my your that girl from the 70s

Y/n:and your bathroom boy right

*he then nods*

Chan:how are you here-

*the lady then comes with the food*

Joon:hey sis come and eat

Y/n:ok.sorry I have to go bye

Chan:bye now

Sengmin:she's nice


Chan:yea i smelt she a vampire

Han:me to


Chan:well lets dig in


*i then had to go ise the restroom*

Y/n:ill be back hosoek

Hoseok:ok take your time

*i then stood up and went to the restroom*

*after i used it.i started talking to myself in the mirrior*

Y/n:OH my y/n your loolimg beautiful today.while thank you.hey y/n i have a husband named park jimin.why I didn't know that y/n.yea he is my love-

*i then stop my talkimg and looked at my ring again*

*i then sigh*



*as i got out the bathroom I herd a familiar voice in the girls bathroom*

*i then went to the door*

*it was a girls voice.*

Jimin:that sounds just like

y/n.i mean she whouldnt be here right.i mean there's no way it's her.

*i then back away and head at the table*

*but when i looked my friends were gone.i then ran out the door*



*i then went out to the table*

*but I then saw a blonde hair dude running out*

Joon:ok we have to eat fast ok

*i then nods*

Y/n:what his problem

Joon:i don't know

*we all ate*



*i then see them by the sidewalk*

Jimin:yahh why you guys  leave me

Han:sorry man hahah

Chris:its kind of funny son

Jimin:its not

Chan:but yea han that girl she was so sweet and nice.i forgot to get her name

Jimin:what girl.what did she look like

Chan:oh she had dark-ish  hair.um her voice was sweet.her eyes were round and big-


Han:yahhhh my ears yes yes im so happy

Chan:well go get her.then we can all go back to the present

Chris:go get her son

*i then ran into the caffe but they were already gone*

*i then run out*

Jimin:meet me here at 5.no one follows me


Seungmin:got it

*i then ran faster and faster trying to find her scent*

*y/n where are you*



Y/n:and thanks for the little shopping spree.i needed that.

Tc:oh your welcome

Joon:ok lets go find him


*when we were walking at the side walk.i felt eyes on me*

Joonie:am i the only one who feels eyes on them right now

Hosoek:yea me to.ok y/n move slowly ok.dont run.i mean we all should not run

Tc:suga.im scared

Suga:there's nothing to be scared about ill protect you

Y/n:o-ok hosoek

*i then see men with black mask walking towards us*

Y/n:hobi i mean hosoek what do we do

Hosoek:eveyone stay calm

Joon:ahhh ahhhh what are we going to do

*while speed walkig back and forth*

Jin:if you dont stop boy

*jin then scolds joon with his shoe*

Joon:yahh ok im calm

Rose:oh please yall are acting like babies

Justey:wow your more like the baby rose

*in a cold tone*

Rose:yahhh well uhh nm

Kookie:yall 2 calm down

Rose:kookie baby tell them we aren't going to die from those men.they probably want my autograph

Kookie:but your not famous rosie

Rose:I will be

Kookie:okie rosie

Rose:dont call me that-

Y/n:you two pls stop bickering

Kookie:she started it

Joon:we have worser problems then that


*the men then walks closer to us*

*but they had a time piece or a clock in their hands*

Joon:oh no this is bad

Y/n:what what is it

Joon:those 2 men are time collectors.they will take us back to our own time period.we are in the wrong era.we need to find jimin fast i mean fast.


(Narrative pov)

*not like normal time colletors.these 2 were ignorant and selfish.and has not feelings what so ever*


*jimin was still running looking for her*

Jimin:i will not stop running until i find you.i will not give up.you are here.and i can't lose you now.



*the two men were now infront of us*

*hoseok then puts me behind him*

Hoseok:get lose you two

Time man 1:hahah um. How about no

Time man 2: you vampires have  to go back

Joon:no we can't not right now

Tae:cant you give us time

Time man 1:haha we gave you alot of time im the 60s and 70s.we secretly wacthed you all.and now its time for you to go

*whils grabbing joons arms*

Y/n:yahh let him go

*i then tried to  get joon from the time man.but the other man grabbed me*

Time man 1:how dare you

Y/n:let me go, hosoek help

*hosok then grips his hands.his eyes then turn black.*

*what the*


*in the most coldest voice ever*

*they then letted go*

Kookie:yahh y/n are you ok

Rose:hey why don't you do that to me kookie when im hurt

Kookie:because you never got hurt when we are togther


*kookie rolls his eyes and checks on me if I got scratchs*

Kookie:dont pay no attention to her.she just jealous

Y/n:ya think

Hosoek:you ok y/n and joon

*we both nod*

*we then got up.*

Time man 2:we will come back

*luaghing evilly*

*we rolled our eyes and started looking for jimin*

*it was almost 5*

*the members all walked ahead of me.*

Y/n:im tying my shoes you guys go ahead

Kookie:your sure its getting dark

Y/n:im sure

Kookie:ok dokie y/n

Rose:justey how about you call me a cute name

Justey:ask your bf lozer.


Kookie:rose what have been going on with you lately

*they argued but they walked more.equals I cant hear what there saying*

*i then focus on tying my shoes*



*where are you y/n i told the boys I whould come back at 5*

*i smelt your scent but it weaknes and it gets stronger.i try to follow it.but it keeps getting lost*

*i then keep running looking for her*

*i then start to get worried thoughts*

*what if she in trouble.wht if she is a situation.what if she is crying*

*i then run faster and faster*



*as i was tieing my shoes I heard a crunch*

Y/n:hello whose there

*it was a dark so all I could see was my hands and my white shoes*

*i then felt a hand on ny shoulder*

Time man 2:hahah so we meet

Y/n:please i cant see.don't hurt me

Time man 2:since they wont come ill make you go

*while luaghing*

*he then grabs my jaw and pulls me up*

Y/n:i ow pls dont hurt me

Time man 2:I won't

*as he touches  my cheeck*

*i then start to cry*

*jimin I wish you were here*

*i hated the dark.and I dont want to go with this man to the present.i need to find you*

*the man then grabs me tighter and then he shakes me*

Time man 2:your really skinny for a vampire.now lets go

*while chuckling.as a ball of light came*

Y/n:let go of me now

*as i tried to get away from him*

*he was to strong for me*

Time man 2:oh well your fiesty aren't you

*i then try to pull away*

*i did got out of his grip a little*

*i was now on the ground*

*i then try to crawl away from him*

Time man 2:oh im not letting you go.you have to go back in your own time period

*speaking coldly*

*he then grabs my shirt*

*his hand was about to go up but-*



*as i yelled out crying*

*he he he is here.i he found me.i dont know how my emotions.i love him.he is here.i need to be in his arms.i I*

The man 2:oh no she is going with me in time


*i then look in jimin eyes.my eyes were crying*

Jimin:y/n close your eyes. its  hard for me seeing you like this princess

*i then closed my eyes*

*all i heard were fighting noises*


*i then opened my eyes*

Y/n:is it really you-

*he suddenly kissed me*

Jimin:i missed you for so long.how did you know i was here

Y/n:i I time machine and your mother.i love you and I missed you and I suffer-

Jimin:baby i know I know im here im here now

*he gently pulled  me in his chest*

*i then felt his warm fuzzy chest*

*i then cry*

Jimin:let it all out.im here now I won't ever leave you like that ever again. princess i promise.those 3 days of ny life were the worst I missed you so much

Y/n:i-i m-missed you to.you don't know how lucky I  have y-you.and I just i just missed you.i love you so much.and-

*jimin then puts his thumb and take the tears of my cheeck*

*he then squishs my face*

*while he was suishying my face he then pulled me close to him.he kissed me again*

*he then takes a breath*

Jimin:princess- baby- you dont have to confess I already know how much you love me.i told you i whould always find a way to you.

Y/n:i  missed you mochi

*i then hug him tightly*

Jimin:i love you

*he then kisses my forhead*

Jimin:i missed your sweet scent.and your sweet voice.i missed everything about you.i missed your cute luagh.i missed your angry short self.i missed your smile.i missed your blushing face.i missed your beautiful eyes.i missed your long dark hair that could follow the wind.i missed you.i missed you so much y/n.

*he then tears up.i then rubs his head for comfort*

Y/n:i will stay by your side forever.even if we ever stumble.i will pick you back up.and we will get through this togther.i will always love you park jimin

*he then looks up at me*

Jimin:baby thats the most beautifulest words I have ever heard.and I will be with you when you stumble to.i will always be.

*he then smiles*

Jimin:we better get going

Y/n:oh yes the others

Jimin:the others

Y/n:your brother,um kookie,rose,namjoon,tc,suga,

tae,jin,and hoseok

Jimin:who now

*as he tickles me*


*while luaghing*

Jimin:oh okie so hobi is hosoek right

*i the nod*

Y/n:just being with you makes me get butterflies.just being by you makes me feel protected.

*i then covered my mouth*

*ahh did i say that out loud*

Jimin:awww my wife mrs.park is blushing again.ohh yea mrs.strawberry.

*as he smiles and tickles me again*

Y/n:i missed your cute smile and giggle

Jimin:i missed your laughter

Jimin:also baby lets go


*he then helps me up*

Jimin:baby did he hurt you anywhere


*to make sure jimin then looks at my wrist and my arms*

Jimin:ok princess

*we then start to walk*

*it was getting really chilly*

*I then try to put my hands in my pocket but I notice I had not pockets*

*jimin then looks at me*

*he then takes my hand and interlocks its with his*

Jimin:princess if you were cold you could of just told me.i will always provide for you because i love you and your my beautiful wife

*as he smiles*

*my hands then felt warm from his hand.his hand was really warm*

Y/n:aww thank you so much baby

Jimin: your welcome mrs.park

Y/n:i see you love calling me that

Jimin:of course now other men know not to keep looking at you.and they now know that you are mine and not theirs.so of course baby I love calling you that.

Jimin:you know what i want the world to know

*jimin then stops us from walking*

*he glares at me then he lets go from my hand*

*he then pull his two hand up to his mouth*


*while screeming on the top of his lungs.making everyone looking at him*

Jimin:there now they know not to look at you

*as he pecked my lips*

*he then puts his hand around me and we continued to walk*

*he notice i started shivering*

*he then pulls his body  close to mine .he then takes his jacket and puts it around me*

Jimin:there now you should be warm

Y/n:yes very thank you

Jimin:no problem princess

Chan:hey oh my jimin you found her .hello again y/n

Y/n:ayoo haha

*jimin then smiles*

Jimin:han,sengmin, this is my wife y/n

*i then shake there hands*

Y/n:hello nice to meet you

Han:its a pleasure

Sengmin:yea he told us all about you love

Jimin:yahhhhh why are you calling her love for

Seungmin:haha it was a joke.now thats how you can tell he is in love with you

*as he playfully nuged my shoulder*

*i then chuckled and luaghed*

Jimin:oh father


*i then look up to the man*

*oh my he looked just like jimin but older*

Jimin:princess this is my farther. And farther this is my girl

Chris:well nice-

*i then ran up to him and gave him a big hug*

Chris:to meet you.oh my is she ok

Jimin:i-i dont know.hey baby are you ok.you just ran and gave him a hug

Y/n:thank you thank you.so much for your son.your son is so intelligent.and kind and gentle and wont hurt a fly.

*as i hugged him tighly*

Chris: oh my jimin where did you find this loving woman.i already like her.i definitely approve of this

*as he smiles*

*i them bow*

Y/n:haha sorry for hugging you so tight

Chris:its ok y/n im so glad you 2 found eacth other

Kookie:y/n hey I found her you guys and jimin-

Jimin:ayee jungkook I missed you bro

*they then hug eacth other*


*while hugging him*

*and the rest of the guys and girls hug him*

Justey:hey bro

*jimin then walks up to justey*

*justey then puts his hand up to shake his hand.but jimin grabs his hand and pulls into a hug*

Jimin:bro I missed you

Justey:it was my fualt I should of delt with the boss.

Jimin:oh no its ok


*i then smile*



*while hugging him*

Jin:this is nice

Chan:ello im chan

Tc:hiii im tc

Chan:thats a nice name

Suga: and my name is suga and she is mine

*in a playful voice*

Chan:haha I was just introducing my self

*he then gives tc a wink*

Suga: im more attractive then him tc right

Tc:of course you are.a silly boy won't make me fall in love with him.i only love you


*for the first time yall.suga pecked her cheeck*

Tc:i I


Han:hey im han nice to meet you guys

Tae:nice to meet you.hey by any chance do you play-

Han:vidoe games.oh yea bro I  love vidoe games.you play pac man

*we all look at him weird*

Han:ok I have been in the 60s and thats the newest game out

Tae:oh no bro when you get in the present.your mind will be blown of the games out.and how realistic it is

Han:awwe sickkk

*they both hugh five eacth other*

Sengmin:heyy my name is Sengmin

Kookie:i think we all whould be great friends

Jimin:also there werewolves


Han:hehe suprisee

Y/n:eh its no biggie now lets go through the time machine and get out of here.


Hosoek:oh im sorey I was late oh hey jimin how are you man

*jmin eyes them widened*

Jimin:baby what else did I miss other then hobi looks totally different.

Hoseok:its hosoek now haha

Jimin:well geese man.ok well hoseok we are about to go to the present

Hoseok:yess i miss my teddy bear.i forgot to bring him.-

*eveyone them looks at him shock*

Hoseok:yahh stop staring at me.just because i looked more tougher doesnt mean my personality changed.my teddy bear is so cute tho

Jin:yea i know it was like yesterday when I bought that

Y/n:heh ok lets good


*we then go to the time machine by the lightpole*

Jimin:baby im holding onto you this time.im not letting go

*i then nod*

*we all jump in*

*making us all fall of the sand at the island*


*i then counted everyone*

*yay everyone made it*

Tae:oh my im home im  homme

*while running in the house going to his game.while pulling han*

Han:i didn't even get a look at this place

Tae:no lookie more gaming bro

Joon:yes y/n y/n i just discovered time travel.yayy im goimg to go write it in my book

*he then hugs me*


*i then wacth namjoon skips to his lab.while the sand keeps getting in his flipflops*

Y/n:i love that boy

Kookie:yess home sweet home.and rose we need to talk

Rose:um no hey justey wanna walk

Justey:sorry got better things to do.you have a bf.why do you always nag me and not him

*while walkimg in the house*

Kookie:rose tell me the truth.you have feelings for him don't you.and not me

Rose:im so sorry kookie I didn't mean to make you sad.but yes I really do.im very sorry

*she kisses his cheeck and ran off*

Kookie:love is so hard

Y/n:hey are you ok

Kookie:just got dumped

Y/n:aww no im sorry

Kookie:yea its ok y/n

Y/n:well at least your loved by us

Kookie:yea your right.im glad I have you as a bsf.and evryone else

*he then smiles*

Hoseok:y/n im so glad we are back home

Y/n:me to.where is jimin

Suga:oh y/n he said to meet him out back

Y/n:oh ok

*i then go in the back of the house*


*i then looked around*

*my eyes were now covered*

Y/n:jimin is that you

*i then hear his giggles*

*he then open his hands*

*i then see a blanket with food*

Y/n:awwwww jimin how did you do this.we just got back

Jimin:i don't know how my

y/n.i guess its my heart that always beats so fast when im near you

*i then feel his heart*

*it really fast*


*we then gaze in eacth others eyes.we then talked and luaghed*

Y/n:hehe I got the last starwberry

Jimin:no no baby give it to me now

*while I put it near my mouth


*he then jumps on top of me*

Jimin:no mine

*jimin then take the strawberry from my hand and puts it in his mouth*

*i then smile and gazes in his eyes*

Jimin:why are you so beautiful

Y/n:i don't know haha

Jimin:im a lucky man

*in his husky voice*

Y/n:i know you are

*while gigling*

Jimin:come here you

*he then ticlkes me more*

*he then stops and looks into my eyes again*


Narrative (pov)

*sparkles started showing up between these two*

*it was like it wasn't a tomorrow*

*y/n then smiles at jimin*

*jimin then went closer to


*he then whisperd in her ear and said*

Jimin:you are the only one for me

*this made y/n blush very red.her palm got really sweaty.and her heart were beating 80 per sec*

*jimin then lifts up y/n chin*

Jimin:y/n isnt your heart racing from my precious line i told you


Jimin:i knew it

*jimin then sits up.so as y/n*

*jimin then moves his thimb on y/n cheeck*

Jimin:you are so cute


*jimin then pulls her head closer to his*

*y/n felt jimin breath on hers*

Y/n:i just want to say without you.my life whouldnt be that happy

Jimin:mines to

*jimin then smiles*

Y/n:wanna race

Jimin:oh sure for old time sakes

*I'll let her win this time.as jimin Thought*

Y/n:ok 123 go

*y/n was winning*

*more sparkles pop up between those two.just there smiling faces.their are  bright of joy  when there togther as they run*

(This in slow motion)

Y/n:i won

Jimin:aw man well I better try to run better then

*as he rubs y/n hair*

Y/n:yea you know what they say.im always fast

Jimin:noone says that my love

Y/n:haha eveyone says that

Jimin:okie princess

*jimin then tickles y/n again.making them fall to the ground again*

*while y/n was luaghing he gently moved her hair from her mouth.*

*he gazed at her eyes once more and kissed her*



*he then kisses me*

Y/n:jimin i love you

Jimin:i love you to y/n and I will always

Y/n:we better go inside to the others

*while standing up*

Jimin:or we could just stay out here

*as he pulled me back down*

*being with my love makes me feel happy*

*i wonder what's the other adventures we will have together*


Author:now this was a good episode

(To be continued)

(More is coming guys)

*have a great day army.💜💜*